People have been trying to improve their sexual performance from time immemorial. If there is ever any rumor that a food or drug is an aphrodisiac, people must try using it. Herein are the most powerful aphrodisiacs, including maca, wine, chocolate, and alcohol.
Singh, R. et l. (2013) states that aphrodisiacs are named after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexual, love, and beauty. Aphrodisiacs are agents found in foods or drugs that increase sexual urges hence improving sexual performance. Some aphrodisiacs are more powerful than others. However, they all react differently, so it is very important to seek professional advice before embarking on a sexual journey with an aphrodisiac. The following are examples of aphrodisiacs;
Besides being a sexy food, the way it melts in our mouth, and the slippery texture, chocolate has a chemical known as phenyl ethylamine (PEA). This stimulant exists naturally in the brain and helps in arousing emotions. The human brain absorbs very little PEA from chocolate. When we eat chocolate, we add more PEA into the human brain.
In 2009, an Italian study was published to show that drinking red wine increases the sexual appetite of women. Red wine drinkers showed signs of an increase in libido. The alcohol takers showed less increased libido compared to red wine takers. Women who did not take red wine or alcohol showed no increased libido.
When taken moderately, alcohol will increase your libido because it contains ethanol. Ethanol stimulates the part of the brain that controls basic human activities, such as, temperature regulation, hunger, parental attachment, and sex drive. This brain part is known as the hypothalamus. Alcohol has been shown to arouse women more than men. While alcohol can increase sexual desires, too much consumption impedes sexual urges.
Yohimbe is a popular herbal African aphrodisiac found on the bark of a tree in Central and Western Africa. Yohimbe can be used for erectile dysfunction and can be purchased in the United States as a prescription drug. Users of Yohimbe should be cautious because it can cause hallucinations, agitations, rashes, anxiety, kidney failure, seizures, and nausea.
Maca has been described as the Viagra of superfoods. It grows in Peru and resembles turnips. It is available in various colors, such as red, white, and even black. Maca increases libido and has a positive effect on sexual dysfunction. A 2002 research found out that men who took some Maca experienced increased sexual desire. In 2009 a case study on 50 men with mild erectile dysfunction saw a significant increase in sexual urges after 12 weeks. Maca also improves mood because it contains flavonoids, which are stress removers. They are anti-inflammatories, and they protect the cells from damage. Moreover, they improve blood flow and prevent blood clots.
Tribulus is a Mediterranean plant whose fruit is covered with spines. Studies have shown that it improves libido in men and women. It is considered an estrogen modulator and is therefore used to restore libido and reduce stress.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo biloba is a tree grown in China and is generally a memory booster. It has been reputed as one of the world's best aphrodisiacs. In the year 2019, a study was carried out to determine the effect of ginkgo Biloba on mice. The conclusion was that Gingko Biloba possesses some components, such as flavonoids and terpenes, which improve blood circulation and increase sexual urges.
Red Ginseng
Red ginseng is a root herb found in Asia and Native America. It is the king of herbs and has been widely used as a traditional medicine in maintaining an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. Moreover, red ginseng has been used to cure mild erectile dysfunction and can also boost libido and sex drive.
Salmon is a fish that has a reputation of boosting orgasms by increasing dopamine levels. Dopamine is a component essential released during orgasms after a stimulating sexual desire. Salman improves mood, and consumers usually want to have sex more often.
Pistachio Nuts
Researchers found that patients can use pistachio nuts to promote sexual vitality. Pistachio nuts have amino acids which enhance blood flow and relax blood vessels. Pistachio nuts can also improve erectile functions.
Fenugreek is a very popular spice in curry dishes and can be included in daily meals. In 2011, a study found out that fenugreek positively affects the sexual drive in men with libido issues. It has been used as traditional Indian medicine to improve sexual functions. Fenugreek reacts in the body like estrogen and therefore increases the sex urges in women.
Saffron is a spice that is very popular but expensive that goes back to the days of Cleopatra. We can use it to spice our sex life. Studies have shown that saffron positively affects erectile dysfunction in men. Tests on mice have proven that saffron improves sperm levels and increases testosterone and estrogen levels. Therefore saffron can help sustain sexual vitality. It has also been proven to increase vaginal lubrication.
Nutmeg is referred to as the Viagra of women. It reacts like serotonin which is a chemical in the body that affects your mood and behavior. When the serotonin levels are right, you feel good. Just like serotonin, the taste of nutmeg can cause increased sexual desire and eventually gives out a sense of relaxation.
Oysters have been considered traditional aphrodisiacs. A story is told of how Casanova, an Italian author who was known for seducing women and having many lovers, would take several plates of oysters every day because of their stimulating effects. Oysters have zinc which is important for testosterone production. They also contain serotonin, responsible for relaxation.
Chili Peppers
Chili peppers are just as hot as their effect on our bodies. The hotness in the chili is caused by a chemical known as capsaicin which boosts testosterone levels and increases libido.
Sex is an important activity. Sexually active people yearn to have good sex. The list of available aphrodisiacs is inexhaustible, and some are effective but not popular. You need not invest in expensive conventional aphrodisiacs. Some traditional aphrodisiacs are available in the grocery shop near you. Sometimes it is entirely a trial and error process until you find the aphrodisiac that works for you. Still, if you have any underlying issues, it is best to consult medical practitioners to get the best advice.
Singh, R., Ali, A., Gupta, G., Semwal, A., & Jeyabalan, G. (2013). Some medicinal plants with aphrodisiac potential: A current status. Journal of Acute Disease, 2(3), 179-188.