Your Guide to Using Anal Vibrators
Your Guide to Using Anal Vibrators
You don’t have to feel different, because you love anal sex because it is not just fun, it is also pleasurable. If you have not tried before, then it is something that is worth giving a try. If you fancy anal play or you are about giving it a try for the first time, then you need to exercise a lot of care so as not to have anal vibrators stuck inside your anal passage.
To enjoy anal play or sex, you are advised to only make use of toys that are designed specifically for it. One of the many toys that you can use is anal vibrator. Anal vibrators are different from regular vibrators that are used for the vagina. The regular vibrators used for the vagina are straight and narrow meaning they can get stuck in your anus if care is not taken.
Anal vibrators always come in a flare base to make it easy for you to stuck it in and pull it out when you want to. If you have gotten your anal vibrators and you are ready to start making use of it, this guide will come in handy for you.
Make Use of Lube
To ensure smooth and pleasurable passage into your anus, it is best that you make use of lube. Lubes coming in different forms and can be used for different purposes. Make sure to go for a lube that is specifically designed for the anal vibrator you are making use of. With the right lube, you will not only find anal play fun, you can also prevent the vibrator from getting damage.
Lubes for anal vibrators are always designed with cooling and numbing effects to reduce the pain you are likely to experience. No doubt, unlike vaginal sex, anal sex or play can be very painful and that’s why you need to be prepared for it before you engage in it. If you are looking for a lube that will do the trick effectively, then you should go for water-based lubes and make sure to use plenty of it.
Carry Out Research about Anal Vibrators before Making Use of It
Making use of anal vibrators are not as common as making use of vaginal vibrators neither are they as safe. If you want to make use of vibrators for anal play, then you need to carry out a lot of research about. Your research should cover the different types of anal vibrators that are in the market and their features. You will also need to read about different brands to determine which brand offers the best product for you.
If you have friends or you belong to communities that allow for open and safe discussions, then it is great for you to have this conversation with them. This will make you select a good anal vibrator and make you more informed about it. If you are buying an anal vibrator online, make sure to read the reviews and ratings of customers to find out what they are saying about the product and the brand.
Also, if you want to make use of anal vibrator while having sex with your partner, then you should have the discussion before then. Anal play or anal sex isn’t something that should be a surprise to your partner. Two of you will need to agree on the rules like taking things slow and knowing when to stop.
Start Slowly and Build Up Gradually
If you are making use of an anal vibrator for the first time, then you will need to start slowly to avoid being hurt. The anus is very sensitive and anal play can be very hurtful if it is not done slowly. The hurt that results from this can lead to more devastating health condition that you will not like. This is why many brands that offer anal vibrators make them available I different sizes.
As a beginner, it is best for you to start with a small anal vibrator. After while using that size of vibrator, you will start getting comfortable with it. When that happens, you can then change to another size and build up slowly. If you continue this way, you will discover that in no time you can take the size of your man’s penis without having to feel pain.
Every professional at anal play or sex today started from somewhere and they grew through sizes to get to where they are now. You can jump this process and start with a big anal vibrator as it can hurt you so badly and damage your anus.
Take Breaks to Relax
Do you want to enjoy making use of anal vibrators? Then you don’t have to go on a marathon sprint at once. You need to make sure that you are in a state of mind that aligns with what you are doing as that is the only way you can find it a fun and pleasurable play. To keep your mind and body in check, you will need to take calculated breaks.
You need to pause, relax, and reflect on the impact of the vibrator on your butts. Are you getting the desired results from the anal vibrator or not? Is it hurting you more than it pleasures you? Is there something about the product that doesn’t sit well with your butt or skin type? Taking breaks to reflect on some of these things will make it more fun and pleasurable for you.
It is not enough for you to get the best anal vibrator from a reputable brand alone, you also have to know how to using it. A good anal vibrator with the wrong knowledge of how to use it can have damaging effect of your butts. Remember to use plenty of lubes that suits the anal vibrator type you have purchased. Also, you don’t have to go all out for the largest size at once else you will get hurt. Go for a small size anal vibrator and grow through the sizes as you get comfortable with them.