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How To Use A Realistic Dildo

How To Use A Realistic Dildo

How To Use A Realistic Dildo

Are you new to sex toys and looking for a realistic dildo that will satisfy you? This beginner's guide will walk you through everything from choosing the right size and shape to understanding which materials are body-safe.

Partners use realistic dildos for different purposes. The dildos resemble real human penis. They have veins and a shaft stimulating the vaginal walls or anus during play. Realistic dildos provide a real feeling since an individual thinks they are having sex with a man. Use the dildos with a partner for more sensational feelings. They come in different shapes and sizes. They have softer material than other sex toys to feel like a penis. Use the guide below to learn more about realistic dildos.

What Are Realistic Dildos?

Realistic dildos are sex toys designed to look and feel like the real thing. They usually feature a realistic head, veiny shafts, and skin-like material that mimics the feeling of penetrative intercourse with a partner. These sex toys are popular among those who enjoy solo or partnered play because they offer an incredibly lifelike experience.

The most common type of realistic dildo is made of silicone which gives it a soft yet firm texture that feels natural against the body. This makes them highly pleasurable to use as they mould to your body's curves while still providing enough resistance for an enjoyable sensation during penetration. Realistic dildos come in different sizes, shapes, and colours, so you can find one that fits your needs perfectly. Some even come with features such as suction cups for hands-free fun.

Moreover, some realistic dildos vibrate for added stimulation and pleasure during use - these are known as vibrating realistic dildos. Some may also have built-in heating elements to provide warmer temperatures. They are perfect if you want something extra stimulating during your solo sessions or intimate encounters with your significant other.

Whether you're looking for something simple or more advanced, there's sure to be a perfect realistic dildo out there just for you.

How to Use Realistic Dildos

Using a realistic dildo can be exciting and pleasurable, but it is important to know how to use them correctly before you begin. With the right technique and proper care, everyone can enjoy the many benefits of using a realistic dildo. Below are some tips on correctly using your new realistic dildo for maximum pleasure.

Start Slow

When beginning with any sex toy, it is best to start slowly. Get comfortable with the feel of the dildo in your hands and take time to explore its shape, size, texture and all other features that make it unique. Take your time inserting it into yourself or your partner so you can adjust and prepare for more intense stimulation should you choose later on.


Apply a water-based lubricant beforehand if needed, as silicone lube may damage this type of material over time due to their similar chemical makeup. Lubes are best for stimulating the walls of the vagina. They also make the session more fun. This will help reduce friction while providing greater pleasure when thrusting or moving around with the toy inside you or them.


 Realistic Dildos come in different sizes, shapes textures making each one unique from another –.experiment by inserting at various angles/positions to find ones that work best for individual arousal points inside yourself/partner's body. However,  if using solo, try single-hand control techniques (ease-in and squeeze-out), twisting motions along sides etc.; if partnered up, playtime gets interesting via alternating strokes between partners during penetration(s).

Safety First

Always remember safety first when playing with sex toys, including selecting appropriate materials such as silicone (nonporous & hypoallergenic). Cover toys after every session. Clean thoroughly non-scented condom products with anti-bacterial soap before reusing. Store away safely afterwards so they don't become dirty or damaged through contact and other items in the environment.

Take these tips into consideration while enjoying your experience with a new realistic dildo,and get creative in finding what pleases you most. Listen to your body throughout the process--the key is having fun responsibly.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Realistic Dildos

When choosing the right realistic dildo for you, a few factors must be considered before making your purchase. Before buying any sex toy, it is important to understand your needs and preferences and what type of dildo best suits them. Here are some things to consider when searching for the perfect realistic dildo:


 Realistic dildos come in various sizes with different widths and lengths, so make sure you take accurate measurements of yourself or your partner before deciding which size will work best. Most lifelike vibrators range from 4 to 10 inches long with an average circumference of around five and a half inches (14 cm). However, if you're looking for something larger than this, opt for a non-realistic-shaped toy.


 The material used in making realistic toys is usually rubber, silicone or jelly. However, other materials like glass or metal can also be found at speciality shops. Rubber has more flexibility, while silicone offers firmer shape retention. Both provide excellent stimulation when used correctly! Jelly feels softer but less durable over time, so keep this in mind when picking out your perfect realistic dildo.

Texture and Shape

 The texture and shape of your realistic sex toy matter. Some may have ridges for extra stimulation, while others may feature veins along their length.These add interesting visual elements as well as provide additional pleasure during use.Curved designs make penetration easier if desired, whereas straight designs allow better control over how deep one goes inside their body/partner's body, depending on preference level.

By taking into account these three factors—size, material, texture & shape—when shopping around for realistic dildos,you'll find one that perfectly fits your needs - ensuring ultimate satisfaction every time!


Choosing the right realistic dildo for yourself need not be a daunting task. By considering your personal preferences and needs, browsing the range of available shapes and sizes, understanding what material is best for you, and considering any safety concerns, you can easily find a realistic dildo that will bring pleasure to your life. With many options out there these days - from dual-ended vibrating dildos to strap-ons - there's something for everyone! Whether it's solo play or with a partner who also wants to enjoy this experience, choosing the toy that makes you feel good is all that matters.

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