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How to Use an Ejaculating Dildo

How to Use an Ejaculating Dildo

How to Use an Ejaculating Dildo

Are you curious about using an ejaculating dildo and want to know the basics? Whether you're a first-time user or want to learn more, this beginner's guide is here to help. It breaks down all the important information you need before using an ejaculating dildo.

An ejaculating dildo is a specially designed sex toy that resembles a real penis with its lifelike shape, texture and feel. It has two chambers filled with liquid – one for water-based lubricant and one for sexual fluid, to simulate 'ejaculation' when squeezed. The dildos can be used solo or during penetration with a partner, giving incredible sensations and added stimulation during playtime.

What Are Ejaculating Dildos?

Ejaculating dildos are a type of sex toy designed to simulate the feeling of ejaculation during sexual activity. They feature a hollow tube filled with liquid; when squeezed, it can squirt out like an actual male orgasm. These toys are made from silicone or rubber and come in different shapes, sizes, colours and textures.

Ejaculating dildos provide users with a realistic experience that can add variety to their sexual exploration. They offer intense pleasure as they replicate the sensations of penetration. They allow users to explore different kinds of ejaculations through various settings such as speed control or even remote-controlled ones for more adventurous playtime. Some models have dual-action capabilities that allow them to shoot jets of fluid at two separate locations simultaneously.

These unique sex toys are becoming increasingly popular among men and women because they provide an incredibly real sensation without lubrication or stimulating gels. Additionally, some models come equipped with suction cups on either end so that users can stick them onto any surface for hands-free playtime. Regardless of your level of sexual experience, you're sure to find something special about using an ejaculating dildo, making it worth exploring if you're looking for something new and exciting.

How to Use Ejaculating Dildos

Once you have chosen your perfect companion, a few steps need to be followedto get started with using your new toy:

  • Fill up both chambers of the dildo with lube and sexual fluids of your choice - either by syringe or directly from their bottles into each chamber. Ensure not to overfill them in order not to cause leakage while playing later on.
  • Start slowly by introducing the tip of the ejecting portion into yourself or your partner bit by bit until desired depth has been reached; proceed onto thrusting gently at different speeds according to preference and experiment until satisfied - don't forget communication always helps too!
  • When ready, press firmly against the sides of the ejector where liquid resides - jellylike material inside should move forward, thus simulating 'ejaculation'. This can repeat multiple times depending on how much liquid is filled beforehand. Take a break every now and let the sensation settle before continuing if needed!
  • Cleanse thoroughly with warm soapy water and rinse off any residue left over from lubrication/sexual fluids; dry surface

Pros And Cons of Ejaculating Dildos

One of the main benefits of using an ejaculating dildo is that it adds realism to solo or partner play. This type of dildo simulates ejaculation by releasing a liquid from its tip when squeezed as part of sexual stimulation, like real male anatomy. This helps deepen arousal and increases pleasure during intimate moments. Additionally, users can easily customize the types of liquids used in their toys. Water-based lubricants work best for those who want to avoid mess, while oil-based lubes enhance sensation.

Despite having many benefits, there are some drawbacks associated with using this type of sex toy as well. It may be more expensive than traditional dildos due to their intricate design and functionality. Furthermore, they require regular maintenance, such as cleaning after each use,to keep them working properly. Otherwise, bacteria or mould may form inside,leading to infection if not addressed promptly. Frequent usage might cause wear on the internal parts over time, resulting in decreased performance or malfunctioning.

Ways of Using Ejaculating Dildos

Below are the popular ways to use an ejaculating dildo.

One way to enjoy an ejaculating dildo is in solo play. When using a regular dildo during self-pleasure, many people are limited in experiencing different sensations from thrusting alone. Ejaculating dildos offer more stimulation than traditional models due to their unique features.They can squirt out lube or fluids for added sensation and realism as you thrust away.Add your favourite vibrator or bullet vibe alongside your ejaculating dildo for extra stimulating fun.

Use them with your partner. these toys provide enhanced pleasure by simulating natural sexual activities such as cumming inside someone else's body (and vice versa). This can help add excitement and intensity during partnered play sessions. Additionally, if one person has difficulty reaching orgasm through traditional intercourse alone, having more stimulation from the ejaculator can also help them reach climax faster.Depending on which model/brand you choose, some versions let you select what kind of liquid gets expelled upon insertion/thrusting, giving users even more control over their experience.

Don't forget that just like any other sex toy - experimenting with different positions while using an ejaculator will increase your comfort level and enjoyment! Whether it's doggie style or missionary position, there's no wrong way to explore all the amazing possibilities that come with these types of toys. Go ahead and have fun trying out new things until you find exactly what works best for you (or better yet - discover something completely new!).

Factors To Consider When Choosing An Ejaculating Dildo

When selecting an ejaculating dildo, there are a few factors that you should take into consideration before making your purchase. Here are some of the key things to consider when choosing an ejaculating dildo:


 The size of your dildo will largely depend on personal preference and comfort level. Ejaculating dildos come in all shapes and sizes.Check the dimensions before purchasing one, as they vary greatly from model to model. You want a size that won't cause discomfort during use.


Another important factor is the material used for your dildo. Most ejaculating models are made of silicone or thermoplastic rubber (TPR), both of which offer lots of flexibility and durability.  Check care instructions carefully if opting for TPR due to its porous nature – regular cleaning is essential with this material.

Ejaculation Mechanism

A crucial part when choosing an ejaculating dildo is understanding how its expulsion system works. Some have built-in pumps, while others require manual pumping by hand.Some also include special lube reservoirs that need refilling after each use to maintain optimal performance levels over time. These details should all be considered carefully before making a final decision!


Consider price when selecting your new sex toy. While more expensive models may have additional features such as wireless remote control capabilities and adjustable speed settings, cheaper versions can provide plenty of pleasure. Consider what fits best within your budget range. Consider any accessories like lubricants and sleeves, which might increase overall costs.


An ejaculating dildo can be a great way to add a new level of pleasure and excitement to your sex life while not compromising safety. It's also great for those who want to experience more realistic sensations during masturbation or couples play. Many models come with adjustable settings to control how much liquid is released when in use. Ensure that your model is made from body-safe materials and properly maintained after each session. With these tips in mind, we hope this guide has helped you learn everything there is to know about using an ejaculating dildo!

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