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Sex can have diverse impacts on an individual's sex life and the world. Though people mostly have sexual encounters for fun or procreation, the results of the act can widely affect the world's view and opinion on matters related or not related to sex. This blog features several incidents of sexual encounters that left an immense impact on world history and the current population, including; the Mitochondrial Eve, JFK and Marilyn Monroe, Adam and Eve, Eulenburg, and Moltke and Lewinski & Clinton.

Sex and power have been inseparable since the beginning of time. Those wondering how sexual encounters between lovers can change the universe should know that most affairs occur between high-profile individuals and others related to religion. Read on to discover how these sexual relationships changed the universe;

Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve were the first people to exist on earth and created by God. Adam and Eve left a permanent mark on the world. In the biblical theory or sense, the sexual awareness in Adam and Eve led to man's fall, which came after they broke the forbidden fruit rule of not eating the fruit in the middle of the garden. Many scholars believe that the 'forbidden fruit' was not a true apple as most people think. This is supported by the idea that the story of Adam and Eve found in the Old Testament is geographically based in the current Middle East. The term fruit or apple refers to a pun, a Latin name for evil or apple. More evidence from the Sumerians, now Iraq, thought to have played a major role in influencing the writing of the Old Testament, states that the first man was sexually seduced by the first woman after creation, leading to their fallout from paradise.

According to ancient mythology, the sexual theme between Adam and Eve led to the rising of many sexual practices after the fall of man from paradise.

How It Impacted the World

The story of Adam and Eve changed society even today. This historical event prompted the kick out of the man from God's favor after their disobedience. It triggered the idea of free will as people were able to determine between right and evil. It also led to the disconnection of man from nature, people to till the bland for survival, childbirth pain in women, and shame in sexuality.

Mitochondrial Eve

Another different Eve, aside from the biblical or mythical eve, the Mitochondrial Eve is a fascinating woman believed to have existed in the world approximately 200 00 years ago. Though you might not have heard about the Mitochondrial woman, it's believed that all humans are somehow connected to her.

With anecdotal and archeological evidence stating that the Mitochondrial Eve was real, based on DNA strains that track back to East Africa. Statistically, eve's DNA is said to have been inherited from one generation to another through the maternal side, implying that all humans are related or connected on their maternal side. Known as the recognized female ancestor, though not the only woman during her lifetime, the mitochondrial woman connects us to all events today.

How It Impacted the World

All people trace their family lines to the Mitochondrial Eve. Hence they share diverse genetic mutations. Eve was not superhuman or special, but it had to be her that connected us all in one way or another. People draw their behaviors, immune mechanism, and other things they haven't discovered through her genetic information, prompting the nickname, mother of all human beings.

Clinton and Lewinski

The sexual encounter between former American President Bill Clinton and Lewisinki, a 22 years intern at the White House at that time, will go down as one of the most popular sexual affairs in politics. Bill Clinton, known for his charming and attractive reputation, created a huge famous sex affair that tainted his name badly. Lewinski hid from public appearance many years after the incident; she only entered the public view in Vanity Fair. The scandal reversed Clinton's image and reputation worldwide.

How It Impacted the World

Bill Clinton still ranks as one of the widely known US presidents and has faced a backlash in his political career. Although they never had another sexual affair since the scandal, they had a hard time, majorly due to the events that followed. Clinton was impeached due to the allegation of restarting a war pioneered 10 years earlier. However, some political analysts indirectly link the takeover of the President's role by the Republican Party to this sexual encounter.

Eulenburg and Moltke

Prince Philip, an Earl of the Sandals from Eulenburg, had a surprising sexual scandal with Kuno Von Moltke, the Berlin military commander at that time. Fitzpatrick (2022) noted that Prince Philip Eulenburg was a respected figure with a close relationship with Wilhelm II, a pacifist with a beautiful wife and a family comprising 8 kids. With his huge association with Germany's Inner Leadership Group, Eulenburg had a huge political influence through his gay relationship drew him back. In 1907, Maximilian Harden, a popular journalist, who was against the Kaiser's rule as he believed he was not the right leader for Germany, published the affairs.

How It Impacted the World

After the expose, many speculations arose questioning the sexuality of the Kaiser, who had a pacifist background. The newspaper portrayed members of the Inner Circle and other influential pacifists as homosexuals. The reputation of the Kaiser was damaged, forcing him to turn into military action. According to Fritz (2018), the indirect results of this sex scandal influenced World War I, as Germany was destroyed and opened leadership to Hitler, who projected World War II.

JFK and Marilyn Monroe

JFK's presidency was full of sexual controversies during his reign in the Oval Office. Roland (2022) discovered that One of the most surprising affairs was between JFK and Marilyn Monroe, who had a sexual encounter with Robert, a blood brother of JFK.

How It Impacted the World

According to Bazhkova (2022), the sexual liaison prompted the death of Monroe, who was murdered on claims that she was leaking important details from JFK to the Mom. The messages played a role in JFK's assassination and influenced the long American wars in Vietnam and Cambodia.


Bozhkova, Y. (2022). Between Worlds: Mina Loy's Aesthetic Itineraries. Liverpool University Press.

Fitzpatrick, M. P. (2022). The Kaiser And The Colonies: Monarchy In The Age Of Empire. Oxford University Press.

Fritz, S. (2018). The First Soldier: Hitler As Military Leader. Yale University Press.

Roland, P. (2022). Hauntings: Unexpected True Tales Of The Paranormal. Arcturus Publishing.