Beginner’s guide to orgasm denial
Generally, an orgasm is mostly preceded by great sex. However, lacking the orgasm sometimes can make it even better than imagined. Some people prefer orgasm denial. Others have the ultimate goal of intentionally abstaining from an orgasm.
Many would ask, why put in a lot of effort to reach the climax, and while at its brink, you deliberately deny yourself such enjoyment? This idea may sound contradictory to some individuals, but extremely pleasurable for sex and masturbation for many. Perhaps the word denial makes you imagine a lack of excitement after intense and engaging stimulation. That's not it, please keep reading this discussion to understand better exactly what is orgasm denial and how to practice it.
Defining orgasm denial
We can describe orgasm denial as allowing yourself or your partner to undergo steamed arousal and fun for a long without allowing getting to the climax. This denial can be essential in strengthening a relationship and enhancing a partner’s erotic sensation without an orgasm. Dominating and not letting your partner achieve orgasm for some time can possibly provide a toe-curling release after getting them to the edge. The same trick can also be used in solo plays. Intentionally denying yourself the chance to reach the crescendo can bridge erotic pleasure, making you anticipate the long-awaited moment. The erotic orgasm control duration can last any duration as per your structured sexual rulebook. It could be seconds, minutes, days, weeks, or months. Notably, anybody can undergo this sexual drama, regardless of their sexual orientation, be it a lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, or straight.
Orgasm denial; working mechanism
If you think orgasm denial is simply a pleasure-related technique, you’re at large. It involves chemicals reaction and physical responses. For instance, everybody experiences a sexual response cycle with four stages: Desire- libido, arousal- excitement, orgasm, and resolution. You may undergo nipple erection, blood circulation to the genitals, vaginal pre-cum and lubrication, and muscle tension during the desired stage. Orgasm denial can come during the arousal phase, although some may begin experiencing it in the first phase. When aroused, there's a huge information exchange between the brain and nerves. More signs, such as increased heart rate, breathing, the clit increases in sensitivity, blood pressure shoots, and muscle spasms may occur to the face, hands, or feet, and the testicles begin retracting.
Through denial tips and teasing, you can keep your partner at their arousal peak for more time without letting them get to the orgasm stage. Doing this can possibly be pleasurable for both of you. Next is moving into the third phase, orgasm. It’s the shortest and composes of ejaculation and muscle contractions. After the release, the body slowly goes back to its former state in the resolution phase. It’s accompanied by fatigue, satisfaction, and intimacy. So, when are the chemicals released?
The brain triggers chemical production when we lust or feel attracted to someone. As a result, the body produces estrogen and testosterone hormones, and in turn, erotic behaviour and feelings arise. When attracted to someone else, our dopamine levels heighten as if being sexually stimulated. To summarize orgasm denial in simple terms, it happens because of a heated and huge chemicals combination in the body. In the physical, eventually coming to orgasm after longer denial can get you in the mood even more than before.
Orgasm denial manifests in various ways. They include;
- Chastity play- Have you tried introducing orgasm denial in your BDSM through chastity play? The dominant denies the submissive a chance to cum until they allow it. You can make it more enjoyable by using restrains, including a chastity cage.
- Edging- Here, you get yourself or your partner to the orgasm brink and slow down or stop completely when about to reach the crescendo. It can be during intercourse, blowjob, or prostate massage through genital or clitoral arousal.
- Orgasm challenge- This is mostly done by partners loving a random, but erotic orgasm denial. Words such as ‘wait’ and ‘come’ can be used. For instance, during a sex moment, the dominant partner teases the submissive but says ‘wait’ to deny orgasm. Orgasm is only allowed when the controller says ‘come’. You can also include coin tossing to determine your partner’s fate, especially when you’re in control.
What’s the benefit of orgasm denial?
In females, orgasm denial allows time for individuals having vulvas to attain climax. It’s due to the lower chances for ladies to climax at the same instance as gents. As the stimulation increases, denial swells up the clit, thus high sensitivity to sexual fun. When the man cultivates orgasm and enhances arousal, it can increase a woman's sexual desire, hence easy orgasm reach. A technique like edging can climax her through your teasing and anticipation building, which might give sexual frustration that may let her ask for more. You can enhance the feeling for more pleasure by combining edging with foot foreplay or sensual touch massage. Be sure to see her experience goosebumps like never before.
Obviously, the main orgasm denial appeal for men is that the refractory time implies only a single orgasm happens in sex. Once it comes, getting another may take some time. Therefore, orgasm denial increases the chance to enjoy the pre-orgasmic plateau pleasure. It also helps overcome premature ejaculation by helping a man to control his cum. It also raises testosterone levels and arousal, leading to a harder and more erect penis. Consequently, the man’s sex libido surges due to high testosterone, hence more intense orgasms. this is how orgasm denial can increase pleasure during sex.
The bottom line
Everything sexual is more enjoyable when we communicate. Suppose you want to play chastity with your partner or practice edging and orgasm control. It's best to inform them. Find out what can be meaningful to them and you. It's not just about the talk, for example, you might need feedback from them when edging because you can fail to predict when exactly they're about to climax correctly unlike in solo plays where edging doesn't need feed because you're in control of your emotions. We hope through this article you've gotten something about orgasm denial. If it's a new tactic in your relationship, explore it and have fun.