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Does Penis Size REALLY Matter?

Does Penis Size REALLY Matter?

Does Penis Size REALLY Matter?

By Tatyana Dyachenko

Penis size; it is something which men have obsessed about since the dawn of time. I’ve always struggled with this topic as I’ve been lucky enough in my life to never have had a single complaint about my partners’ bits and bobs. As far as I’m concerned there’s more to great sex than penis size. In fact in my experience a man with a large penis is often far more lazy. It’s as if they don’t feel they need to work on their performance as their huge member will do all the work for them….well, they couldn’t be more wrong!

A professor of psychology at Ulster University has conducted a study into the penis size of men from all around the world. The study covered 113 nationalities with African men coming out on top with the biggest penis size at an average of 6.3 inches. The biggest penises of the entire study belonging to men from the Africa’s Republic of Congo who measured an eye-watering 7.1 inches on average! The study has also revealed that British men aren’t doing too badly at all coming in at an average of 5.5 inches and taking the 78th spot. That might not sound all that impressive until you find out that Brits beat the French, Americans and Australians! According to the study South East Asian men have the smallest penises measuring an average of 4.2 inches.

According to Professor Richard Lynn this study confirms that there are differences in penis size which can be directly attributed to race, however his findings have come under scrutiny by other academics who say that his conclusions are highly flawed.

Whether you choose to believe Professor Lynn’s results or not it is clear that penis size is something which men can become obsessed with…but is there any need? Having a large penis is all well and good, but unless you know how to use it it’s about as much use as a chocolate kettle. I have girlfriends who have spent hours discussing the relative merits of a man with a large penis, and time and time again we have come to the conclusion that size really isn’t everything, and we just can’t understand why men are so obsessed with it!

I guess it’s the same with how women see men as obsessed with breast size. We think that men want huge fake football sized boobs; however most of my male friends have expressed the opinion that breast size really isn’t that vital. It’s more to do with shape and how a woman acts when she is naked. Confidence in bed is far sexier than big boobs!

So guys - stop obsessing over the size of your member. Instead just concentrate on improving your performance between the sheets. Your other half is bound to be singing your praises no matter what!