How Many Calories Does Sex Burn, And Tips To Burn More?
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🔑 Key Points 🔑
- 🔥 Sex burns calories (but it's not quite as much as you think!).
- 💪 Intensity matters: the more energetic the action, the more calories you’ll burn.
- ⏰ Duration also plays a role. Keep going for that extra calorie burn!
- 🌈 Sex can be an enjoyable way to sneak in a bit of exercise.
🧠 Key Advice & Tips From Our Experts 🧠
- 💡 Keep things spicy – variety is the spice of life, both in and out of the bedroom!
- 🛋️ Don’t forget to set the mood – candles and soft music can help you relax and burn more energy.
- 💧 Stay hydrated – you'll need that energy to keep things sizzling!
- ⏳ Take your time – it’s not just about calories, it’s about enjoying every second of it!
Calories are the energy units in the body, and sex, like any other energy-consuming activity, burns calories for those involved. Calories are the amount of energy released when the body breaks down food. When you consume a lot of it, it is stored in your body as fat. This fat is what people work towards reducing to stay healthy because too much of it is associated with numerous health conditions. Most people strive to cut down body fat via exercise, but sex is also a handy way to achieve that goal. Below is an outline of how many calories the body can burn during sex, as well as handy tips to burn more.
Research indicates that sex burns 3.6 calories per minute, corresponding to 101 calories from men and 69 from women. This proves that sex is also a form of exercise that cuts down body weight. The different forms of activities done during sexual intercourse can burn down calories. However, that depends on the amount of energy used. And while sex is not considered a key contributor to burning calories, there are improvisations to help you burn more, including;
Running involves moving faster than the normal walking speed. And it is considered one of the most effective ways a person can burn up to 17 calories per minute. Research suggests that running in the cold is more effective because the body burns extra calories to keep you warm by compensating for the energy. This means that the number of calories you burn will be determined by your running duration, distance, weather condition, and body weight.
Setting a running schedule comes in handy when it comes to discipline and keeping a record of your calorie-burning progress. Running is applied in many exercising and sports activities they include; football, rugby, basketball, hockey, handball, and many more.
Rope Skipping
Rope skipping refers to jumping a rope by repeatedly passing underneath your feet and over your head. This exercise can burn between 10 to 25 calories per minute and depends on how many times you skip, the frequency, and the speed. Some people find rope skipping an easier exercise than running. Apart from burning calories, you might want to add rope skipping to your daily routine because of the extra benefits. Skipping rope helps the heart and lungs breathe, pump and circulation blood, and strengthen the bones.
Swimming is a form of exercise where one pushes themselves in water using their hands and legs. This exercise can burn up to 413 calories while swimming at a moderate pace and 715 at a much faster pace. While swimming, one tends to use a lot of energy depending on their speed. And the higher the speed, the more calories you burn. Swimming is a good way to burn calories because it is considered a recreational activity you enjoy yourself while working out.
Cycling is riding a bicycle as a form of exercise. Research indicates that one can burn up to 298 calories in 30 minutes while cycling at an average speed of 12 to 13 miles per hour. With this form of exercise, one uses energy, and the amount of energy used depends on the cycling speed. The higher your cycling speed, the more calories you burn. Not to worry if you do not know how to cycle because there are stationary bikes in the gym and they work the same as the normal bicycles. You can also consider cycling home after work. Cycling is also done for recreational or stress-relieving purposes.
Taking A Stroll During Your Free Time
Going for a walk during your free time helps burn calories because walking is also considered a form of exercise. You can take your pet with you for company and morale. When going to short distant places, one can opt to walk instead of taking a taxi or other means of transport like driving because walking is a healthy way of burning down calories. Avoid sitting for long hours as it makes the body build up calories. One can prevent this by walking around the office or home instead of taking the bus, train, or taxi. Taking the staircase instead of a lift is also effective.
Eating Healthy
Eating healthy involves having a well-planned diet. This includes consuming foods that are low in fat and those that increase the level of calories in the body. Eating a lot of vegetables for someone burning calories is important. Adopting healthy eating habits is important in calorie reduction. Research also shows that consuming caffeine helps burn calories. Avoid consuming a lot of junk and fatty foods.
Drinking water also contributes to burning calories. Water is completely calorie-free, making it an important ingredient of healthy living. Experts say drinking ten glasses of water a day for one week, you can burn 490 calories. Coldwater is recommended.
Have A Workout Timetable
Having a workout timetable means planning on the times you will be working out and the types of exercise you will be doing. Someone with a tight schedule needs to have a planned workout routine. This is where a personal workout assistant comes in handy. A personal trainer will always remind you to work out, and this makes you disciplined helps a lot in burning calories and living a healthy life.
Checking or monitoring your weight is important as it helps you know whether you are on the right track with the number of calories in your body or not. This includes using a weighing scale or using apps that help you maintain your calory loss track.
The Bottom Line
There are many ways to burn down calories, and if one way does not work out, you can always try out something new. Sex has been known to burn calories. However, other alternative means such as running, cycling, taking a walk, and doing physical exercise in the gym can help you burn more calories. Living a healthy life depends on the decisions you make in your lifestyle, considering our points.