How To Make Your Penis Bigger
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🎉 Article Highlights 🎉
Short and sweet, the key points are just for you! 📜
- 🔑 Point 1: Understanding the basics of penile growth methods.
- 🔑 Point 2: Natural exercises vs. professional enhancements - What works best?
- 🔑 Point 3: Boosting confidence through safe methods!
For more info, continue reading the full article!
💡 Key Advice from Our Experts 💡
Our experts have a few tricks up their sleeves to keep things *spicy* 🔥
- 👨⚕️ Tip 1: Keep it natural and start slow with exercises. No rush!
- 👨⚕️ Tip 2: Consistency is the key. Patience and persistence will bring results.
- 👨⚕️ Tip 3: Don’t forget, confidence comes from within, not just the outside!
For expert advice on enhancing your health and confidence, stay tuned! 💪
What are the benefits of having a big penis? Do women love big penis? How best can one acquire a big penis? What are some of the ways that an individual can use to enlarge their penis? This article explains some of the ways that a man can make their penis bigger.
Since time immemorial, men have always been mindful about their penis sizes, with a big number often wondering if their erection strength is adequate to make their partners happy. If you feel like your penis size is below average to affect your self-esteem, you could consider surgery, workouts, or sex toys like vacuum pumps to increase your penis size.
The erect penis has an average penis size of 5.5 inches. However, with the rise of popular culture and media porn, most men feel that their penis sizes are below average. This phenomenon has driven men to hospitals and sex toy shops to find a solution for their troubling thoughts. Regardless of your penis size, if you feel that you need to increase its size, below are some things you may do.
Increasing Your Penis Size
Carmine et al. (2021) explained many ways to increase your penis size, from stretching to injections. However, most of these methods are not medically approved and may result in a temporary penile increase. Before getting your penis size increased, it is important that you consult with a professional who will keep you abreast with the possible risks associated with the method you feel is best for you.
Several exercises are in the form of hand massages which target the tissues that run along the penis. Bishop (2022) explained that these exercises cause micro-tears on the tissue, which cause the skin of the penis to stretch, thus increasing its size. The stretching mechanism makes the penis appear engorged. One of the most popular exercise techniques is jelqing, which is hand over hand motions similar to masturbation. This exercise pushes blood from the base to the head of the penis, which gives it a longer appearance. Even though there is limited research on the effectiveness of jelqing, some sources claim that it is quite beneficial in tissue growth. Lee et al. (2017) explained that jelqing might cause neurological pain on the penis, which leads to pain and, in extreme cases, permanent penis malfunction.
Length Penis Surgery
The most common surgical method of increasing penile size is tampering with the suspensory ligament. Sam & LaGrange (2018) explained that this tissue connects the penis to the pubic bones and supports it when erect. Cutting the suspensory ligament will make the penis hang when it is in its flaccid state. Performing this surgery will make the penis appear longer by an inch, but in a real sense, the overall length will have remained the same. There are downsides to this method of penile size increase; the penis will be unable to support itself when erect. You may develop complications and permanent damage to the penis.
Girth Penis Surgery
The girth penis surgery involves a piece of fat being taken from a fleshier part of the body and then fed into the penis. When the surgery is a success, the injected fat will integrate with the tissue in the penis, thus increasing its girth. In worst-case scenarios, the fat can cause the penis to be curved, which makes it asymmetrical when erect. Other surgical options include using AlloDerm, a tissue harvested from cadavers and is mostly used in reconstructive surgeries. For penis surgery, AlloDerm is encased around the skin to increase its girth. AlloDerm was not formulated for penis enhancement; therefore, the possibility of skin necrosis and tissue death due to injury or trauma is rare.
Vacuum Pumps
Vacuum pumps are a popular method of treating erectile dysfunction issues; however, it is explained that they can increase penis size, albeit temporarily. Overusing penis pumps might damage the tissues on the penis, leading to softer erections. Mortensen et al. (2017) stated that men who use vacuum pumps thrice a week for approximately 20 minutes for 6 months experience an increase in their penis girth. When using a penis pump, the plastic tube-like part is meant to fit over the penis, which has a pump attached to it and a ring at its base that helps maintain the erection once your penis is erect. They essentially pump the penis, thus resulting in increased sensitivity and synthetic penis enlargement.
The stretching technique involves a stretcher, a penile traction device, or an extender device. These tools subject the penis to a gentle tension that stretches it, thus increasing its size. Strapping your penis with these stretching devices for several hours a day may increase the length of your penis. Even though there are downsides to using these devices, there are steps you can take to ensure that they do not harm you;
- Insert your penis into the device
- Secure the penis head.
- Fasten the tube around the shaft of the penis.
- To remove the penis, gently grip the end of the tube and gently pull it out.
- Allow the penis to remain stretched for up to 6 hours a day.
Injections are no different from cosmetic fillers that are injected into the face. According to Vandeputte (2018), for penile injections, the doctor may inject Restylane or Juvederm into the penis to increase its girth. The benefits of injections to the penis are enjoyed for 6 months before they are absorbed into the body. Even though there is insufficient evidence to put penile injections on a pedestal, most men run to this method because it offers immediate results. However, poorly administered injections can result in a lumpy penis. Therefore, before going for an injection, you should vet the doctor.
Medications offer temporary solutions for people who bear small penises. A good example is Viagra or Cialis, which help to provide firm erections by increasing the amount of blood that flows into the penis and restricting blood that flows out of it. Medications make erections stronger and last longer than the average time they should.
The Bottom Line
The journey to increase your penis size is a risky affair, especially if you do not have a go-ahead from a medical professional. Most of the methods said to increase penile size only offer temporary satisfaction. After a while, you are back up and running in hospital corridors and back street clinics, looking for over-the-counter pills. However, most doctors and urologists applaud the methods listed in the article above for people who want to work on their penis sizes. Even though they may all cause adverse side effects, you can avert them if you do all the above in moderation.
Bishop, K. (2022). It's Your Power Portal. Aeon Books.
Carmine, P., Mario, F., Antonio, G., Vincenzo, M., Elisa, G., Angelo, C., ... & Sara, I. (2021). Circumferential dissection of deep fascia as an ancillary technique in circumcision: is it possible to correct phimosis increasing penis size?. BMC urology, 21(1), 1-6.
Lee, J. K., Tan, R. B., & Chung, E. (2017). Erectile dysfunction treatment and traditional medicine—can East and west medicine coexist?. Translational andrology and urology, 6(1), 91.
Mortensen, J., Skov-Jeppesen, S. M., Ladegaard, P. B. J., & Lund, L. (2021). A randomized, single-blinded clinical trial evaluates the effect of extracorporeal shockwave treatment (ESWT) as an add-on therapy to vacuum erectile devices on Peyronie’s disease. Research and Reports in Urology, 13, 715.
Sam, P., & LaGrange, C. A. (2018). Anatomy, Abdomen and Pelvis, Penis.Vandeputte, J. (2018). Real-world experience with volume augmentation using cohesive polydensified matrix hyaluronic acid gel: a retrospective single-center analysis of 110 consecutive patients with medium-to-long-term follow-up. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, 11(12), 30.