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Strange Sexual Phobias

Strange Sexual Phobias

Strange Sexual Phobias

By Ekaterina Mironova

Most girls baulk at the mention of anal, and the movie Teeth quite possibly put a generation of men off sex for life, but when it comes to strange sexual phobias, the list doesn't end with vagina dentata!

For instance, it's readily accepted that a man's sense of self-worth resides in his penis, so medomalacuphobia or in layman's terms, the fear of erectile dysfunction, shouldn't raise any eyebrows, but what of medorthophobia? Unfortunate sufferers of the latter have a crippling fear of erect penises, even their own! Would a man or a woman suffering from this phobia have it worse? I couldn't rightly say!

Another noteworthy fear is gymnophobia. Most of us have felt a touch embarrassed at being seen in the nude, but a full on gymnophobe simply wouldn't be able to handle it. Sufferers of this phobia often go to extremes in padded clothing to conceal their skin and even the shape of their body. What's more, they're afraid of seeing other people naked too! Talk about a syndrome to cripple your sex life.

Keeping in theme, eurotophobia or fear of female genitalia would be the bane of any man's sex life. I have to say that this one is at least somewhat understandable, considering the fact that as a woman even I think the vagina is rather weird. That being said, c'mon, it won't bite. This isn't Teeth.

This one might change the way you think about sex! Malaxophobia is the fear of foreplay or more accurately, the fear of intimacy in intercourse. You might think that your man wants to skip past the kisses and caresses just so he can get to the good stuff, but he may in fact be a malaxophobe! If that didn't sound quite paranoiac enough for you, consider the philemaphobia sufferer. This poor soul has a debilitating fear of kissing and in severe cases, hugging too!

Rounding things off with two particularly outlandish sexual phobias, a few unfortunates suffer from sexual claustrophobia. Yes you read correctly, these people simply can't bring themselves to have sex indoors. If al fresco lovemaking sounds good to you, then this won't be a problem, but late night, beneath-the-sheets cuddling may be a little difficult.

Lastly, parthenophobes have what may be the strangest sexual fear I have ever encountered, namely the fear of virgins and young girls. Why anyone should find a nun or innocent schoolgirl to be a terrifying prospect, I do not know.