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The Truth about Penis Enlargement

The Truth about Penis Enlargement

By Ekaterina Mironova

The worst words that you can say to a  man is “are you in”. For many men, penis size is a touchy subject. Generally speaking, there are thousands of men out there who wish their penises were a few more inches longer. While some have genuinely small penises, for others, it is more a psychological battle than physical. The worst thing is that feeling that your penis is not good enough can dent your self-confidence and love life forever.

Hence, many men have resulted in different types of penis enlargement procedures including pills, injections, jelping, traction devices and even surgery to attain their desired manhood. But the main question is does it work and what are the underlying risks of some of these procedures?

Why do men Seek Penis Enlargement? 

The Truth about Penis Enlargement 

For a man, the penis is their main explicit sexual organ. As a result, its size has come to stamp their manhood and eventually popularity with the ladies. A lad with a small penis is not only regarded to be bad in bed but also might be viewed as a weak man. That said, there are several reasons why a man could seek penile augmentation.

Physical Reasons

Some men genuinely have smaller penises, which are less than three inches long when erect (micropenis), a condition that is caused by genetic or hormonal disorder. Having a micropenis affects the man’s ability to urinate properly, have a full erection or even conceive. As a result, it dents a man’s self-esteem as well as the confidence to stay in a relationship.

Peyronie’s diseases, a condition that leads to abnormal bending and narrowing of the penis can also cause men to seek clinical penile enlargement. This condition may also cause pain during erection or erectile dysfunction. It develops later in life as you age and is quite common among older lads. 

Some men also suffer from “buried penis” which is common in overweight and obese men. The penis becomes buried under excessive abdominal fats making it appear shorter even if it is averagely normal-sized. Buried penis is simply cured by losing excessive weight

Psychological Reasons

For some men, they feel they have a “smaller" penis even when they are normal. This means that such men measure around 5 to 7 inches in length and 4 to 5 inches in diameter but feel that it is still not big to their preference. Penile issues can be observed even in men who have above average penis sizes. When this feeling interferes with their self-confidence and quality of life, it is categorized as a penile dysmorphic disorder.  It is treatable through counseling.

But whether your problem is physical or psychological, we fully understand the desire for every man to have a penis that gets the ladies talking. So we highlight the available penile enlargement options that you can employ to improve the size of your penis. 

Penis Enlargement Solutions for Men

The Vacuum Pump

The Truth about Penis Enlargement

This is a great solution for men looking to have bigger penises with more stamina during sex. vacuum pumps usually entail a cylindrical device that you wear on your penis when it is flaccid and suction the air out. The air vacuuming draws extra blood to the shaft making it erect and fuller. Once you have a full erection, you then clamp the penile base with a cock ring to hold the extra blood in the shaft. The results are a fuller erection that is longer lasting, improving not only your size but also stamina. This method is perfect for men seeking fuller erections or those with erectile dysfunction. The downside is that you should only wear the ring for a maximum of 30 minutes to avoid tissue damage due to limited blood flow.   

 Penile Traction Devices (Stretching Exercises)

The Truth about Penis Enlargement

While this might be quite a slow process, but hanging heavy rings and weights on your flaccid penis provides a stretching effect that makes it appear longer. It is the same trick used for balls stretching only this time you do it on the shaft instead of the balls. The exercise included wearing weights on your penis for several hours every day for a period of six to one year, depending on your preference and tolerance. While the first few days might be uncomfortable, you will realize the exercises become more pleasant with time. Even after you have attained your desired length, you will love wearing penile weights for fun or play with your partner.

Penile Extenders/Sleeves

The Truth about Penis Enlargement

This is a great way to improve your firmness and length of your penis. Penile sleeves are devices that are worn over the shaft to make the penis longer and bigger in diameter. Some may have extra features such as vibrations or ribs thus giving you stamina and your partner an extra experience in penetration. While they don’t have any particular effect on your actual penis size, penile sleeves are great temporary solutions to achieve a longer and bigger penis for your partner’s needs.


The Truth about Penis Enlargement

This includes a penile massage on the flaccid penis through repeated pulling. The aim is to increase the capacity of the penis to accommodate more blood during election thus, increased girth and length of the penis. This method is perfect for men seeking enlargements for psychological issues. Watching your penis gradually erect allows you to appreciate its size making it easier to be comfortable with your body. It is also a great way of self-pleasure that will improve your bedroom confidence with a partner.

Pills, Supplements, Creams, and Ointments

While they are largely and openly advertised, we do not like recommending them due to the underlying health factors associated with these options. If you feel that you should take pills, we advise that you consult a doctor to get an authentic prescription rather than buying over the counter.    

Penis Enlargement Surgery

There usually two types of surgeries that can be conducted to enlarge your penis

Penis Girth enlargement: this is done to increase the width of your penis for a fuller circumference. It is usually done through fat implants, tissue grafts or silicone insertions.

Penis Lengthening: this is done to improve the length of the penis. While there are some people who do tissue grafts for it to become longer, the most common procedure includes cutting the penile ligament that connects to the pelvic bone. This reveals a penis which is a few centimeters longer than before. However, you will have to wear penis weights or other stretching devices daily to prevent the ligament from reattaching, which can be painful.

Risks of Surgical Penile Enlargement

It is important to note that unlike other non-surgical methods, penile surgeries have many and sometimes threatening side effects including; infections, reduced sensitivity, nerve damage, and difficulty erections. In some cases, scarring can cause skin overlaps leaving you with a shorter penis than you had before. Moreover, widening if done wrong can leave you with a bumpy, uneven penis that scares the girls rather than get them knocking. So if you must do surgery, make sure it is done by an experienced urologist, under proper medical observations.

Now you know the truth about penis enlargement and the options out there to fulfill your desired sizes. For all non-surgical solutions, Peaches and Screams is here for your delights with vacuum pumps, cock rings, penis extenders, stretchers, weights and more. May you achieve your sexiest size!

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