Things NOT To Do After A Hookup
Things NOT To Do After A Hookup
When it comes to one night stands I’m an open minded girl. I think the pros definitely outweigh the cons and let’s face it, sometime’s one’s libido just won’t shut up. That being said, one night stands aren’t always fantastic, in fact they can be pretty awful. It’s always the aftermath isn’t it? The lay itself might have been fantastic, but when you wake up with leaves down your panties and realize that your romp somehow found its way outdoors, you’re not looking to spend the next few hours cuddling and getting to know each other better. You want a way out. So here’s a few things you should definitely not be doing after a one night stand.
Breakfast. Breakfast is definitely a no go if you’re still feeling a bit bashful about your girl gone wild performance the night before. Sure, his bringing you pancakes in bed might be terribly thoughtful, but if all you were after was some frisky fun then choking down syrup and awkwardness can be a bad time indeed.
Facebook. This one is pretty self-explanatory. You had a great time, you don’t regret a thing, but you don’t particularly want suggestive posts on your wall, putting the spotlight on your little misadventure.
Keeping their things around. If you’re going to kiss them goodbye then take a nice, long shower to compose yourself, the last thing you need is a knock on the door half an hour later because they forgot their wallet or worse, their underwear.
Cuddling. This is a maybe. Cuddling is definitely not obligatory after a one night stand. You may have been wildly intimate the night before but that doesn’t presuppose spooning. If however, it feels right and happens organically, go for it. It can be a lovely way to round off the tryst.
Calling them the next day. It’s usually a good idea to give a day or two of radio silence after a night of unsolicited passion. If your casual date-turned-tryst is followed up a barrage of missed calls the one doing the dialling is going to come across as a bit desperate.
Hook ups can be a great way to cut loose, boost the ego and above all, have a fun, frisky time. But the potential for awkwardness is pretty enormous and sometimes all you want is to kiss them goodbye and minimize any further cringe-worthy moments.