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Which Is The Best Lube?

Which Is The Best Lube?

Which Is The Best Lube?

The use of lube is essential in any sexual play. Lubricants moisturize sex toys or a person’s erogenous zones for easier and smooth penetration or caressing. It prepares you for the actual penetration act. Though the vagina produces natural lubrication, it may never be enough for smooth penetration. Furthermore, some women experience vaginal dryness due to issues like age and health complications.

On the other hand, the anus does not self-lubricate and requires enough lubrication. Lube is ideal for anybody regardless of gender, stage of life, or age. According to research from Indiana University, about 70% of 2500 ladies surveyed say that lube increases pleasure and enjoyment during sex. Below is a discussion on lubes for sex that will help you identify the best one.

Types Of Lubes

Lube comes in different types: water, silicone, oil, and hybrid-based lubricants. The lube you choose should depend on the type of sex you intend to have, the sex toys you will use, and your body sensitivity. Here are some types of lubes you should consider buying.

Water-Based Lube

This lube is versatile. They can be used in any sexual activity, including using sex toys. They are safer lubes to use alongside latex and non-latex condoms. Water-based lube reduces the risk of breaking the condom while in use. This lube balances the vaginal pH as it reduces friction. Water-based lube does not stain the sheets, is easy to apply, and wash using water. However, it dries up easily and may need frequent reapplication.

Silicone-Based Lube

This is the perfect lube for sensitive skin. Most silicone-based lubes are hypoallergic, meaning users will not experience negative reactions after or when using them. This lube lasts long and can be used for anal sex. Silicone-based lubes are also ideal for use in the shower as they are not easily washed away compared to water-based lubes. They are also safe to use alongside condoms. However, silicone-based lubes are not compatible with silicone sex toys as it may cause degradation of the toy’s materials. Also, using silicone-based lubes increases the risk of bacterial infection. This is because there are abrasions in it that trap bacteria.

Oil-Based Lubes

This type of lube lasts longer; therefore, it does not need reapplication. Oil-based lubes can be used for sensual massage and anal sex. They are also ideal for shower play since they are thick. However, oil-based lube maximizes the chances of the condom being ripped or torn apart and higher infection risks. Moreover, it is tough to clean off.

Natural Lubes

The vagina and anus are highly absorbent zones. Therefore, you should consider the ingredients of the lube you use. Natural lubes are made from natural ingredients, making them safe for use, even for people with sensitive skin.

An example of natural lube is coconut oil. It is popular, although it has its drawbacks. It stains the sheets and increases the risk of condom breakage. This is because oil breaks latex efficiency. When picking a natural lube, ensure it is only for sexual purposes and nothing else.

Why Use Lubes?

Some post-menopausal ladies will experience discomfort and dryness of the vagina during sex due to reducing estrogen levels. Without estrogens, the inner tissues become thin, reducing blood flow, and are less flexible. The use of lubricant reduces any form of discomfort during sex, especially during dryness of the vagina.

Women who are breastfeeding, are on medications, or have survived breast cancer are likely to experience vaginal dryness. In such cases, the use of lubes is the best choice. However, this is not the only time lube is necessary. Some ladies produce large amounts of vaginal fluids, yet they still employ lubes to increase pleasure.

When engaging in anal sex, lube is compulsory for smooth, pain-free penetration. Also, include lubes when using sex toys.

The Bottom Line

There are various lubes for sex available in the market. The one you choose depends on your sexual play and body condition. Water-based lubes are considered to be the safest among other varieties. This is because it is useful for all sexual needs. For example, it can be used for penetrative sex, sex toy play, and masturbation.

People with sensitive skin should go for silicone-based lubes to increase sensations during sex. Whichever lube you decide to use, ensure that it is ideal for you, and if you experience any negative reaction, stop using the lube and find one that works for you.

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