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Fitness Goals: 5 Challenging Sex Positions That Really Work It

Fitness Goals: 5 Challenging Sex Positions That Really Work It

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Katie Lasson
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Sex and Relationship Adviser
Veronika Matutyte
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Barbara Santini
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Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor

Key Points in a Nutshell 💡

  • 💪 Fitness doesn’t have to be boring—mix it up with exciting new challenges!
  • 🧘‍♂️ These positions will keep your heart racing (in more ways than one!).
  • 🔥 A little spice in your fitness routine goes a long way for both body and mind.

Ready to kick things up a notch? Let’s go!

Key Advice & Tips from Our Experts 🌟

  • 🎯 Push your limits with these fun, functional moves. It’s all about mixing fitness with fun.
  • 🌸 Don't forget to stretch first—nothing ruins the vibe like a pulled muscle!
  • 🕺 Consistency is key. Keep at it, and you'll soon be dancing your way to success.

Get ready to work it!

Switching up things in the bedroom adds flavor to your sexcapades. If your routine has less physically-demanding sex positions, you can switch to those that put your strength and flexibility to the test.

Sex is an exercise on its own. Getting sweaty after giving or receiving deep and sensual strokes makes the sex session fun and exciting. However, it depends on the sex positions you use. Some sex positions are easy, while some are challenging, requiring physical strength and flexibility to get things done. Although these sex positions are strenuous, they do not guarantee burning calories. Sometimes, these are the best sex positions to bring you closer to your partner.

Importance Of Strenuous Sex Positions

Burns Calories

Challenging sex positions are ideal for people trying to lose weight. With little workouts and the right diet, these sex positions can help you achieve your fitness goals. Statistically, assuming tough sex positions burns more than 20 calories, which is great for one on a weight loss program.

Improves Your Sex Life

Experimenting with challenging sex positions is a great way of adding flavor to your sexual life. However, if one or both of you are lazy or have medical issues, these sex positions may not be a great choice. Less strenuous sex positions are great, but thinking to put your strength to the test can work magic on your sex life.

Strengthens The Relationship

Trying something out of your normal sexual routine requires trust. If both of you are up to the idea of challenging sex positions, it means you have trust in each other, strengthening the relationship.  

5 Challenging Sex Positions That Put Your Strength To The Test

This is what your sex-position bucket list should look like;

Power Stance

The Power stance is a strenuous sex position that tests the strength of the receiving and penetrating partner. To assume this powerful and intimate position, the man or the partner wearing the strap-on dildo should stand with their back straight. Then, the receiving partner can climb on top of the standing partner, wrapping their legs around the penetrating partner's hips or bottom.

The top partner also wraps their arms around the penetrating partner's shoulders for more support. Once on top, the penetrating partner directs their penis or strap-on dildo to the vagina of the top partner. Since the thrusting partner does not use hands in these positions, their stability depends on body strength. The receiving partner can lean their shoulders against the wall and use their hips and abs to create the sex rhythm.

A Leg Up On The Competition

A leg up on the competition is an intimate sex position that depends on your flexibility. It involves the penetrating and the receiving partner standing facing each other with their legs shoulder-width apart. Then the receiving partner sets one foot on the bed, and the penetrating partner bends, bringing their elbow under the receiving partner's bent knee. Once in this position, the receiving partner wraps their arms around the penetrating partner's arms to enhance support. After wrapping their arms around the arms of the thrusting partner, the receiving partner leans backward, allowing the thrusting partner to straighten their stance before stroking in and out with a gentle pulse. You can take things to another level by having the receiving partner stand and set their leg on the shoulder of the receiving partner. To get the best in this position, start your thrusting slow as you work your way up

Standing To Deliver

Standing to Deliver is a variation on the standing sex position that keeps the receiving and the penetrating partner on their toes. First, the receiving partner should stand, widening their stance. Then, the penetrating partner stands behind the receiving partner to penetrate them. 

Standing to deliver allows the penetrating and both partners to control the intensity of the play. Moreover, it allows shallow penetration, reducing overstimulation and making the penetrating partner last longer. Since both partners' hands will be free, it can be easy to explore other pleasure zones, including the clitoris and nipples.

Behind Every Great Man

This is a strenuous position that allows you to experiment with pegging. Behind Every Great Man only targets your hamstrings, glutes, hip flexor, and abs, unlike other pegging exercises. In this position, the receiving and penetrating partner should stand facing one direction. Then, the penetrating partner should wrap one leg around the receiving partner. Once in this position, insert the strap dildo into the receiving partner's craving anus and start thrusting into them. The receiving partner can be passive or introduce movements that spice pegging. This position requires plenty of lube to reduce friction and increase pleasure. The giver should also be careful when thrusting to avoid instances of anal injuries.

The Atlas Stone

This is one of the toughest sex positions, requiring more strength and trust from both partners. To start, the receiving partner should squat. Then, the penetrating partner picks them up with both hands and holds them where the penis or strap-on dildo aligns with the vagina. The penetrating partner then slightly bends to support the receiving partner with their thighs. They can hold the receiving partner against the wall or counter when thrusting into them for maximum support. The comfort of the receiving partner depends on the penetrating partner's body strength. Although the Atlas Stone is super strenuous, giving it a shot can add spark to your sex life. Do not be afraid to take breaks if you are tired.

The Bottom Line

Are you looking for new sex positions that will help burn calories and give you intense pleasure? If the answer is yes, the above five positions can be the right pick. Trying these sex positions can positively affect your sex life and relationship.

Previous article The Scorpion Sex Position: How to Elevate Your Sex Life with Creative Sex Positions