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Zombieing in the Modern Dating World: When Ghosts Come Back to Life

Zombieing in the Modern Dating World: When Ghosts Come Back to Life

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern dating, new terms and trends emerge as technology reshapes the way we connect and disconnect. One such trend that has captured the attention of singles and relationship enthusiasts alike is "zombieing." A blend of the digital age and the supernatural, zombieing refers to the unexpected return of someone who had previously ghosted you in the world of dating. This curious phenomenon brings forth a complex mix of emotions, challenges, and questions about the nature of human connections in the 21st century.

Understanding Zombieing

“Ghosting, for those not familiar with the term, involves abruptly cutting off all communication with someone you were romantically involved with, leaving the other person in a state of confusion, frustration, and hurt. Zombieing takes this a step further. It occurs when the person who once ghosted you suddenly reappears in your life, typically through a text message or a social media interaction,” says Barbara Santini, a Psychologist and relationship adviser at Peaches and Screams.

Imagine this scenario: You've been chatting with someone for a while, perhaps even gone on a few dates, and suddenly, they vanish without a trace. You're left bewildered, wondering what went wrong and why they decided to disappear. Months later, just when you've moved on and are starting to heal, a text notification pops up on your phone, and it's from the very person who vanished – the ghost has come back to life.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Zombieing

Experiencing zombieing can be emotionally overwhelming. The person who ghosted you might offer excuses, apologies, or sometimes, they act as if nothing ever happened. It's like they've returned from the dead, and you're left grappling with a whirlwind of emotions.


“When a zombie resurfaces, your initial reaction is often confusion. You might ask yourself why they decided to reach out now, what their intentions are, and if you should respond at all,” says Santini. The sudden reappearance can throw you off balance.

Anger and Resentment

It's not uncommon to feel anger and resentment towards the person who ghosted you and then resurrected in your life. You might question their motives and whether they genuinely care about your feelings or are just seeking convenience.


Zombieing can trigger nostalgia for the past, especially if you had strong feelings for the person before they disappeared. You might find yourself reminiscing about the good times you shared, which can make it even more challenging to navigate the situation.


Receiving a message from a zombie can make you feel vulnerable. It's a reminder of the emotional toll their disappearance took on you, and you might wonder if you're setting yourself up for more heartache by engaging with them again.

Closure or Confusion

Some people reach out to zombies hoping to find closure, while others simply want to understand why they ghosted in the first place. However, engaging with a zombie doesn't always lead to satisfying answers, and it can leave you even more confused.

The Digital Age of Zombieing

The digital age has undoubtedly played a significant role in the rise of zombieing. “With the prevalence of dating apps and social media platforms, it's easier than ever for people to reconnect with those from their past. The temptation to send a casual message or a quick emoji can be too tempting for some, leading to unexpected revivals of ghosted relationships,” remarked sexual and relationship therapist Tatyana Dyachenko.

“Moreover, the anonymity and distance provided by digital communication can make it easier for people to reach out to someone they ghosted without facing the immediate consequences they might in a face-to-face encounter,” she says. This digital barrier can create a sense of detachment, further complicating the emotions involved in zombieing.

Navigating Zombieing

So, what should you do if you find yourself in the perplexing situation of zombieing? Here are some tips to help you navigate this unexpected twist in your dating life:

Assess Your Feelings

Take time to assess your emotions and determine how you truly feel about the person who ghosted you. Are you open to reconnecting, or do you feel that it's best to move forward without them?

Set Boundaries

If you choose to engage with the zombie, establish clear boundaries. Communicate your expectations and what you're comfortable with to avoid getting hurt again.

Seek Closure Within

Remember that closure often comes from within. You don't necessarily need the zombie to provide it. Focus on your own healing and growth, regardless of the outcome of your interaction.

Consider Your Priorities

Reflect on your dating goals and priorities. Is this person aligned with what you're looking for in a relationship, or is their reappearance a distraction from your true desires?

Learn from the Experience

Every dating experience, including zombieing, can offer valuable lessons. Use this as an opportunity to better understand your own needs, boundaries, and expectations in relationships.

Trust Your Intuition

Listen to your gut feelings. If something doesn't feel right or if the zombieing situation is causing you undue stress, it's perfectly acceptable to disengage and prioritize your well-being.

The Broader Implications of Zombieing

Beyond its immediate emotional impact, zombieing raises intriguing questions about the nature of modern relationships. Are we becoming more disposable in the digital age, where people can easily return to our lives after disappearing without consequence? Is there a growing lack of accountability in dating, leading to a culture of casual connections and disconnections?

Zombieing also highlights the importance of communication and empathy in dating. Honest conversations about intentions, feelings, and boundaries can help prevent ghosting and zombieing, fostering healthier and more respectful connections.


Zombieing is a perplexing and emotionally charged phenomenon in the modern dating world. The unexpected return of someone who once ghosted you can trigger a range of complex emotions and challenges. It's a reminder of the evolving landscape of dating in the digital age, where connections are often made and broken through screens.

If you find yourself in the midst of a zombieing situation, remember that you have the power to choose how to respond. Trust your instincts, prioritize your well-being, and use the experience as an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. In the end, whether you decide to engage with the zombie or let them fade back into the digital abyss, your emotional health and happiness should always be your top priority in the complex world of modern dating.

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