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Penis Pumps Guide by Sex Expert Tatyana Dyachenko

Penis Pumps Guide by Sex Expert Tatyana Dyachenko

Are you suffering from erectile dysfunction or haven't been able to perform in bed sufficiently? Perhaps your guy stood but didn't last long enough. When such situations occur frequently, be sure you and your partner can become disappointed someday. It can trigger a permanent discontentment feeling that could cause depression. This struggle may only require a simple tool, the penis pump. It can sort out your problem and bring back the glory of your bedroom. This article gives more details about its work and a general guide to its use. Let's continue reading to understand better.

Penis Pumps Guide by Sex Expert Tatyana Dyachenko

Defining A Penis Pump

Matsumura et al. (2019) stated that a penis pump pumps penises and consists of a tube to fit your cock, a hand or battery-powered vacuum for air removal, and a ring at the penis base. The ring surrounds your penis base as you pump out the air to develop a vacuum. As a result, the penis engorges, increasing the enlargement sensitivity.

 Medicines (2018) explained that the penis pumps were earlier created mainly to sort erectile dysfunction rather than Viagra. Any gender or sexual orientation can use this pump, as long as you have a cock. Mostly, pumps are used during solo or masturbation plays. There’s even more fun when used by a couple with one dominating and the other playing as the submissive in BDSM.

Reasons For Using Penis Pumps

De Bruyn et al. (2018) say people use penis pumps for various reasons. For instance, thickening an erection maintained by the pumping action and cock ring holds blood hostage. Pumping is a quick method to boost your confidence and performance in the bedroom. Since it's effective, most individuals would use penis pumps after surgeries, such as for prostate or radiation therapy. Some men can acquire naturally occurring erections after using a penis pump.

Common Features of Penis Pumps

Have Accommodating Size

Spitz (2018) explained that most penis pumps have sizes ranging between 5 and 10 inches long and up to 4 inches wide. These sizes can accommodate any penis size, giving room for cock’s length and girth to increase. Anyone with a small or big dick can enjoy using penis pumps and reach their desired sizes. Also, penis pumps have pleasurable functionalities that allow users to experience heightened sensations as they watch their cocks grow.

Have Clear Cylinders with Calibrated Sides

Rodriguez et al. (2017) explained that penis pumps' clear cylinders allow users to see what happens inside. The cylinders have measurements on the sides that indicate every inch the penis grows. A man should insert his penis inside the cylinder, seal the opening, start pumping, and watch as the cock grows to fill the vacuum created, and the pumping can take up to 20 minutes.

Pumping Technologies

Penis pumps have various pumping mechanisms, including air, electric, and hydro pumps. Air pumps are the most common since they are cheap and require less effort. They are categorized into handball and trigger pumps. Electric pumps are hands-free and have ON and OFF buttons that control their functionalities. These automated pumps are designed to stop once the desired pressure gauge is achieved. Lastly, hydro pumps use water to enhance blood flow to the penis, increase lubrication, and soften penis tissues during stretching.

Power Source

Like any other sex toy, penis pumps have different power sources, including manual, battery, and electric. Manually powered penis pumps are easy to use and best for beginners. Battery-powered pumps offer intense pumping sensations, though their batteries drain faster and require frequent replacement, while electric pumps are recommended by pumping experts since they offer intense sensations.

Body-Safe Materials

Most materials used in making penis pumps include silicone, thermoplastic elastomer (TPE), and rubber. These materials are medically tested, making them safe for your skin. The materials are also waterproof, making them easy to clean once you ejaculate. Not forgetting, most penis pumps are made of super-elastic materials that can stretch to accommodate different penis sizes.

Different Brands of Penis Pumps

Men who want to fix their erectile issues without pills can use penis pumps since they enhance penis power while offering sexual pleasure simultaneously. However, with the increased number of companies claiming to offer the best penis pumps on the market, choosing the best device that meets their needs can be challenging. Sex toys experts suggest individuals buy pumps from well-known sex companies making penis pumps.

How Couples Can Use Penis Pumps

Penis size matters a lot during sexual intercourse. Ussher et al. (2017) explained that, although some women claim intense pleasure when their clitorises are stimulated, others value internal stimulation, which is only achievable when a man has a big cock. Therefore, although penis pumps are mostly designed to help men achieve their desired penis sizes, couples can also use them during sexual intercourse to heighten pleasure. For instance, a man can pump his cock some minutes before penetrative sex to increase the penis length and girth. Moreover, couples can use penis pumps during bondage games, where a lady controls the pumping to put her man into a state of forced orgasm.

Sex Lubricants to Use

Penis pumps are made from various materials compatible with different sex lubricants. Barsky (2018) stated that silicone pumps are compatible with water or natural-based sex lubricants, while rubber and TPE pumps are compatible with all sex lubricants. Users are also advised to apply a thin layer of lubricant over the penis and pump opening to enhance smooth penis insertion.

How To Choose A Penis Pump

The market contains numerous penis pumps, but not all are as safe and effective as may be marketed. It's best to consult your doctor before purchasing penis pumps. Professionals may recommend a suitable pump and give a prescription on the use. Doing this makes sure your erections are cared for by a great manufacturer.

If you never allow anyone around your penis, why would you do that to an unfit sex toy for pumping? When shopping, you should ensure all its parts are present and in the best condition, ready for assembling and use. There should be a vacuum limiter to prevent injuries caused due to increased or excess pressure. For battery-powered pumps, verify the batteries used or if they can be switched on and off.

How to use a penis pump

Penis Pumps Guide by Sex Expert Tatyana Dyachenko

After surety that your pump can work and all other preparations are on point, it's high time you learn how to use it. Below is a comprehensive reading of the instructions for use. Remember, the whole process needs patience from both partners. At first, it may look odd, but with time and practice, everything sits in place. Look at the following step-by-step guide.

  • Let the plastic tube rest on your cock. The best type is a transparent one for clear visibility. Seeing the difference before pumping and after through the tube is more satisfying.
  • Either switch on or pump manually to remove air to create a vacuum. Doing this helps change air pressure resulting in blood vessels engorgement, thus an erection.
  • After achieving this process, you should maintain the erection; if not, everything done would be a waste. Get off your manhood from the pump and retain the ring to keep your erection. You'll also be happy about the outcome, apart from seeing it grow.

Penis pump types

Penis pumps are divided into three categories as follows:


It was the first to be on the market and the most popular. It has an air-proof cylindrical pipe connected to one end with a rubber tubing. There's a pump connected to the valve, which develops a vacuum. Unlike before, air-based pressure pumps contain more features, including a transparent tube, handball squeezer, and a pressure scale. Its main setback is the ease of causing allergic reactions to individuals with sensitive skin because of the rubber lining.


Users and manufacturers agree that water-based pumps are a true replacement for air-based ones. It has a safety valve and gaiter. Start by filling it with water before placing your penis and squeezing it into your pubic bone. The gaiter helps to form a seal and pump. It compresses when pushing the tube as if masturbating to push some water through the valve and remove air. Displacing this water creates a vacuum, leading to engorgement, hence an erection. This pump also features a handball squeezer, just like an air-based pump.

Electric pump

It's the most modern and almost the same as an air-based pump. The good news is that your effort isn't required in pumping, for it's done on your behalf. You only switch it on to suck out all the air and create a vacuum for an erection to occur. Electric pumps are simple to operate and achieve the effect faster than the rest.

What’s The Longest You Can Use A Penis Pump?

This question goes hand in hand with how frequently one should use the pump. The frequency and duration of use are individual decisions as nobody will limit you or give restrictions on when to use it. Individuals should listen to their bodies and not force anything. The general guidelines advise that you use it a few times a week until you get satisfied; just avoid overdoing it. Notably, excessive pumping can easily cause injuries and discomfort.

Pumping duration depends on the pump in use. For example, electric pumps may take shorter times than air-based. But the best is to avoid taking more than 15 minutes pumping. Longer sessions don't suggest more effective since you may get damage instead. With time, pumping may improve your desire, and you might no longer need it as you can now begin getting natural erections.

Safety Considerations When Using Penis Pumps

Considering the following safety precautions can make your experience safer and enhance pumping for better results:

  • Shave all the pubic hair around the penis to prevent hairs from getting trapped in the sleeve ring. Shaving also cleans the area and maximizes the surface area for pumping action.
  • Read the instructions on the user manual or the pump to prevent overpumping and other related risks.
  • According to Press et al. (2018), apply enough lube on the penis shaft to reduce friction when sliding the tension ring to the base. Lubrication also makes masturbation pleasurable, especially if you intend to get handy before pumping.
  • Do not overuse the pump. Pumping should only take 30 minutes, after which you should remove the pump and tension to allow blood circulation. Over-constricting your penis can lead to tissue damage.

Frequently Asked Questions About Penis Pumps

Are Penis Pumps Safe?

Mortensen et al. (2021) stated that penis pumps, or vacuum erection tools, are medically tested to be safe for most men who want to enhance their penis performance. However, these devices are not recommended for men with certain medical conditions, including blood disorders, a history of blood clots, and those taking blood thinners.

Do Penis Pumps Work?

Penis pumps effectively increase penis length and girth and improve bedroom performance. However, the effects are temporary and only aim at enhancing sexual performance.

Can One Have Sex When Using Penis Pumps? 

Penis pumps are only used some minutes before penetrative sex to give a stronger and longer erection. Pumping can take about 30 minutes before sexual intercourse, but a man can also use the device for a few minutes to enjoy longer couple play.

Are There Risks Associated with Penis Pumps?

Penis pumps, being friendly devices with effective results, do not mean they are 100% safe. Excess pumping can cause serious issues, including tissue damage, mild bleeding, and bruising on the skin (commonly known as petechiae). You may also notice the hardness of your erection is not as natural as it should be.

Can Penis Pumps Extend My Penis?

Penis pumps only extend penises temporarily by enhancing blood flow to the penis, making it swell. Contrary, using them often can damage elastic tissues in the penis, causing weak erections.

Are the Results Instant?

How long the results take to appear depends on one's arousal level and other external factors such as the device chosen. Approximately one can take between 5 and 15 minutes to see results.

Are the Results Permanent?

Penis pumps give temporary results that last for about 30 minutes. However, continuous and regulated pumping can result in a slight increase in penis size caused by the multiplication of cells that strive to fill the vacuum created during pumping.

Can One Use Lube with My Penis Pump?

You can apply a thin layer of sex lubricant on the penis shaft before inserting it into the penis pump. Lubrication also makes sliding the constriction ring along the shaft easy and pleasurable.

How Do One Clean My Penis Pump?

Use warm soapy water to soak your penis pump and clean it with the recommended toy cleaner. However, ensure you use mild soap, especially if you have sensitive skin.


Penis pumps are gaining popularity in the modern age as most men are trying to extend their penises using this pump. The pumps have been proven effective, and it is accommodating to a larger number. There are different types of penis pumps, and individuals choose one they need. An individual can use them with lubricants to make the experience better.


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