Penis Sleeve Guide by Sex Expert Barbara Santini
Do you want to blow her mind so she remains screaming in ecstasy? Numerous men out there are looking for ways to achieve their manhood size fantasies to deliver the next level of stimulation to their women. The only answer to this dream is getting the right penis sleeve that rightfully fills her up. This way, you'll convey more powerful orgasms than she has ever had. If you think it's impossible, then try the best sleeve type. This article discusses everything you should know about penis sleeves before shopping for yourself or as a gift.

Defining A Penis Sleeve
Escoffier (2017) explained that penis sleeves extend sex toys worn on the cock to increase its size. It's for individuals that fantasize over a thicker and longer penis. They're mostly designed from hard plastic or silicone. Getting the ideal fit gives penetrating ecstasy to your partner because it helps acquire a bigger cock. Additionally, the right one helps men last longer in bed. That's because you don't get a lot of physical sensation from it, thrusting her for more time than usual. Wear it and on penetrating your woman, pay keen attention to her face, and you'll know it all.
Factors To Consider When Buying A Sex Sleeve
An erect penis has an average size of 5.16 inches. A study sampled 15 521 men; their average size was 4.59 inches. Understanding the technique of getting the right measurement for perfect sizing is advisable. Your size value is relevant to picking the most appropriate sleeve hole. You'll be lucky to get many picks if your size is average.
Wood et al. (2017) explained that for sex toys, silicone is the best choice. That's due to its properties, including being pleasant to touch, non-porous, and body-safe. Other materials, such as TPE and jelly may be more appealing but porous. It means they accumulate bacteria and germs, which could cause infection contraction. If black spots start forming on your toy, it's best to cease use immediately due to possible mold growth that can cause diseases.
If you want more sensations from a sleeve, go for ones with vibrations. Other options may be sleeves with texture on the inside to heighten your experience during thrusting.
Penis sleeves are of different types. For example, some are designed to cover the entire manhood, whereas others only occupy the tip; otherwise, they are open-ended. This open-ended model suits those that want an increase in length and girth of the penis.
How Do You Use A Penis Sleeve?
Before using a penis sleeve, let's understand how to attach it to a cock. Penis sleeves are of different models. Some feature a vacuum compartment at the tip for suction when in use; others have a ball strap to fasten around the testicles for proper securing. You can also find sleeves with straps that go round the waist. Such sleeves can be used even when the penis is flaccid because fastening them is more sustainable. It can help most men who experience erectile dysfunction by age 40, about five percent, increasing to 15 % for men in their 70s.
Miranda et al. (2019) explained that to use a penis sleeve, it’s best to apply little lube to avoid slipping off during pounding. Therefore, get one or two lube drops on your fingertip and apply them to the internal hole. You can use more lube on the outside. A water-based lubricant serves best because it's paraben and glycerin-free. That means it's safe for use with all materials. Additionally, it's less likely to harm your partner's genitals or penis. The following points are well elaborated to help use sleeves with ease.
Lengthen your foreplay
Numerous women generally enjoy sex after longer foreplay sessions. The same applies to foreplay when about to get a sleeve to penetrate her. Don't be limited to the Sleeve; you can use other sex toys to get her wild as she waits for the huge penis.
Lube up
This sex toy mainly targets pleasuring the woman because, as earlier said, it doesn't offer physical fun to the wearer. Therefore, apply lube on both the inside and outside its surface. Let her take charge by guiding you on what she wants when that moment comes. Avoid getting jealous of the toy. Take it as a modification that will elevate your sex life for the better.
What’s good and fun in using a penis sleeve?
- A penis sleeve helps explore various sex styles that may be hard with the natural size.
- You can blend this magic toy into a clit stimulator for more pleasure.
- Use a blindfold on her and act like another man. Or perhaps act like a porn star and give her what she deserves.
- Many reports show that women enjoy controlling the cock's depth in them. In that case, use the girl in the top position and watch her play the prowess in the game.
- Try out the amazing and blessed sex toy in the shower or bathtub. It may be challenging but be sure to get the wettest sexual encounter of your life, especially when you have a beast.
- Having the correct equipment helps get your woman orgasm with squirting. Certainly, it'll be a one-in-a-million treat if it's her first time. Therefore, don't be afraid to pump.
Common Features of penis Sleeves
Wassersug & Wibowo (2017) explained that these are sex toys worn over the penis; they vary in length and size. Generally, there are two types of the Sleeve: worn over to completely cover the penis while others cover the head of the penis, open-ended. Either way, they serve the same function to offer pleasure through vibrations. Penis sleeves are often made from silicone or rubber. Some are ring-like, while others are rod-like and can be worn during sex.
Why Should I Use a penis Sleeve?
There are many benefits linked to wearing penis sleeves, but generally, they are used to increase penis size and girth apart from giving sexual pleasure. Will (2019) explained that penis sleeves might come in handy for people with erectile dysfunction to help them achieve and maintain an erection. A penis sleeve is also beneficial for people who experience premature ejaculation as it reduces the sensations during intercourse to increase the time one takes to ejaculate. Penis sleeves can be used for masturbation or during intercourse, depending on the type.
The Best Lube To Use with a penis Sleeve.
The type of lube is important when it comes to sex toys generally. Silicone-based lube lasts long as they are not easily washable and hardly causes a reaction. Silicone-based lube should not be used with silicone toys as it degrades them, and that's the last thing you want. The suitable lube for silicone toys is water-based as it is easy to clean off. It is also a disadvantage as it doesn't last long. However, it is quite common and is not expensive as silicone-based lube. Water-based lube is also suitable for use with condoms and is gentle on the skin.
How to Use a penis Sleeve
The thing about penis sleeves is that they should be comfortable for the person wearing them, so size is an important factor when purchasing; it shouldn't be too big or too small. When wearing, ensure that the Sleeve fits snugly when the penis is erect. You can go the extra mile of measuring the size of the penis and then comparing the dimensions with that of the penis sleeve when purchasing. You should put on the Sleeve when the penis is half erect so that it achieves full erection while in the Sleeve. It should not be too tight or too loose.
Frequently Asked Questions about penis Sleeves
Are penis Sleeves Safe?
Penis sleeves may sometimes be cumbersome or inconvenient, but there are no health risks or complications tied to using penis sleeves. However, they might bring about risks such as pain and soreness, but this is in the case where they are used incorrectly, or the Sleeve is too tight or small. So, safety is guaranteed with correct use and the right side of the penis sleeve. Chen et al. (2019) explained that penis sleeves are temporary alternatives for surgery to deal with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
Can a penis Sleeve Increase my penis size?
Several penis support sleeves offer penis enlargement after evident after long-term use. These models increase the length and girth of the penis. These models come in different shapes and designs that emulate the penis, with some having an extra part for clitoral stimulation. When using a penis sleeve for enlargement, a notable change in the penis length and girth will start showing after about 2-3 months of consistent use, and a greater change will show after 4-6 months.
What Are the Risks of Using a penis Sleeve?
Fahmy (2020) explained that a penis sleeve might restrict the penis or cause friction, bringing about pain and soreness if incorrectly used. It may also be due to the penis sleeve being too tight or too small. In acute cases, using the penis sleeve violently may bring about the fracturing of the penis.
Do penis Sleeves prevent pregnancy?
Pregnancy is caused when semen comes into contact with the vagina, and the sperms swim towards the ova. Remember that a penis sleeve is not a condom, which means it will not protect you against any sexually transmitted infection or act as a contraceptive to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Some sleeves are ring-like, only covering a small shaft area and exposing the other parts. Some only cover the shaft and leave the head exposed. The bottom line is if you ejaculate in the vagina, you put your partner at the risk of unwanted pregnancy.
Can A Penis Sleeve Help With Erectile Dysfunction?
Penis sleeves may come in handy to men who deal with maintaining an erection or the inability to get a full erection. It is a barrier to pleasurable sex between the penis owner and his partner. With the Sleeve, you can still penetrate your partner, whether fully erect or less hard. In this case, consider penis sleeves with straps to loop behind the testicles or around the waist to keep the Sleeve in place and prevent it from slipping off during intercourse. The cock rings constrict blood which in turn makes your erection last longer.
How Long Should I Wear a penis Sleeve?
Jeong et al. (2018) explained that several people might consider the penis sleeve for issues to deal with erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and penis enlargement. Consider wearing the Sleeve for a limited amount of time, especially as a beginner. You might consider wearing the penis sleeve for less than 5 hours a day as a start, then work your way up later if need be but don't exceed 8 hours. Otherwise, wearing a penis sleeve for long hours will not guarantee enlargement and might otherwise lead to soreness.
Cleaning and Maintenance of a penis Sleeve
Cleaning your penis sleeve will involve water, liquid hand washes, and, if necessary, some little amount of alcohol. If you have a complex penis sleeve, you might consider separating the parts before cleaning. Dampen a piece of cloth, then use hand wash to clean each part of the whole Sleeve, then use the damp cloth but only with water to clean up the Sleeve. You can then air dry or use paper towels.
Safety Measure When Using a penis Sleeve
With a penis sleeve, you need to ensure that first, it fits right, not too tight nor too loose; wearing a penis sleeve should be comfortable. It will reduce the risk of pain and soreness and potential penis fracture. You should also avoid wearing the penis sleeve for long hours, especially the cock rings, which restrict blood flow.
The bottom line
Watching porn films can corrupt your mind to fall into the trap regarding unrealistic cocks. You can have average manhood and still please your woman using simple ways, such as extension with a penis sleeve. Doing this will help you have a satisfying sex life with wonderful orgasms, even if you suffer erectile dysfunction. Strap it on and get on the go for fun.
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Escoffier, J. (2017). Sex in the seventies: Gay porn cinema as an archive for the history of American sexuality. Journal of the History of Sexuality, 26(1), 88-113.
Fahmy, M. A. B. (2020). The normal and abnormal prepuce. Springer.
Jeong, H. G., Ahn, S. T., Kim, J. W., Seo, K. K., Lee, D. S., Uh, H. S., ... & Moon, D. G. (2018). Practice patterns among Korean urologists for glans penis augmentation using hyaluronic acid filler to manage premature ejaculation. Sexual medicine, 6(4), 297-301.
Miranda, E. P., Taniguchi, H., Cao, D. L., Hald, G. M., Jannini, E. A., & Mulhall, J. P. (2019). Application of sex aids in men with sexual dysfunction: a review. The journal of sexual medicine, 16(6), 767-780.
Wassersug, R., & Wibowo, E. (2017). Non-pharmacological and non-surgical strategies to promote sexual recovery for men with erectile dysfunction. Translational Andrology and Urology, 6(Suppl 5), S776.
Will, I. (2019). Sexual Function for Men After SCI for Healthcare Providers.
Wood, J., Crann, S., Cunningham, S., Money, D., & O'Doherty, K. (2017). A cross-sectional survey of sex toy use, characteristics of sex toy use, hygiene behaviors, and vulvovaginal health outcomes in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 26(3), 196-204.