The question has been there for ages, and no scholar has been able to come up with its answer. Why do men have nipples? The ancient men even looked at themselves down the shower and wondered why they have nipples.
Many people wonder why men have nipples assuming they are not useful. They don't breastfeed babies as women do. Come to think of it, why are men allowed to show off their nipples even in public but women can’t? It shows male nipples are not only useless but are thought to be benign compared to women's nipples.
Why Do Males Evolve With Nipples?
How Men’s Nipples Develop
A baby develops some specific biological feature in the mother’s womb immediately after conception, including the embryo nipples. Biologically the structure of the breast, including the nipples, begins to develop between the 4th and 6th week after conception. This happens before the genes that show the gender begin to form at week 7. Therefore, it’s good to note that the nipples exist before the baby develops its male or female traits.
After birth, the nipples appear the same, and one can’t tell the gender of the baby without looking at its sexual structure. The nipples remain the same until puberty. During this period, nipples begin to enlarge for both boys and girls. However, it grows more with the enlargement of the ducts inside to reshape the breast for girls. For males, their ducts shrink, and the nipples become uniform. Therefore, you will notice that most women tend to have different nipple shapes since they develop differently.
Are Men’s Nipples Useful?
Just like women's nipples, men's nipples are also useful. Though the importance may differ, men can also produce milk. Assuming we want them to provide milk, some circumstances can force men to do that. Men with hormonal imbalances can produce milk without any problem and breastfeed under certain circumstances. Though how this happens is still on some biological research. Those recovering from malnourishment or extreme lactation can also lactate. It is assumed that men's nipples produce the same milk that lactating mothers produce.
Aside from this rare function, male nipples are there for pleasure during sexual activities. Any man can support the fact that their nipples are among the main erogenous zones of their body. Men love their nipples being teased, and like women, they can also wear nipple clamps to provide extreme pleasure.
Give Your Man A Nipple-Job
Just like women, it’s also fantastic that men experience a nipple orgasm. Let him sleep on his back or on the couch. Cover the pigmented part of the nipple with your mouth or fingers until it becomes hard, then gently stimulate each nipple by rubbing or by a slight pinch. The harder the nipples, the more sensitive they become to any stimulation. Make him experience more pleasure by stimulating both his nipples simultaneously, then pull and suck them until he surrenders himself. Don't stop until he climaxes.
Can Men Lactate?
Men have the same breast tissues as women. Regardless of how little they are, they can also produce discharge for a few reasons, like galactorrhea. They have the same nipple structures as women, milk-producing tissues, and lactiferous ducts. This condition is caused by pituitary gland disorders and medication side effects.
Men Can Develop Breasts.
Some conditions can lead to men's breast enlarging, due to excess fat, excess tissue, or both. Breasts tissue is always firm and squishy, while breast fat is flabby. Since nipples are affected by gynecomastia, they can also become sensitive, tender, and mostly enlarged. Meanwhile, the excess tissue might result from hormonal imbalance, anabolic steroids, and pituitary tumors.
Can Men Get Breast Cancer?
This is very rare, but they indeed can. According to several research, 0.5% to 1% of those diagnosed with breast cancer are men, while the other percentage are women. However, men with breast cancer are less likely to notice until it reaches the last stage. Guys should be keen on any changes in their breast-like nipple discharge or a lump in their breast tissue. If they notice any change, it's advisable to see a doctor for safety.
A Bonus Of The Male Nipples
Nipple play is becoming the in-thing. Male nipples have countless nerve endings that make them extremely sensitive to sexual stimulation. Therefore, male nipple play is a good way to turn on your man. They have similar nerves, tissues, and glands as what women's nipples have. The glands in women lubricate the boobs and make them softer for breastfeeding. For men, the glands increase the sensitivity of the nipples during sex.
Difference Between Male And Female Nipples
Nipples start to develop in the womb with no change until puberty. After puberty, the difference is the breast size, but breast tissue remains the same for both. There is only a little difference since girls’ and boys’ nipples remain very sensitive even after puberty.
Nipples are useful structures in men's bodies. They are there to increase sexual stimulation for men. Like any other erogenous zone, the nipples have hundreds of highly sensitive nerves to touch. This remains to be its main purpose.