Can I Cure Premature Ejaculation At Home?
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📝 Quick Recap 📝
- ✅ Premature ejaculation can be managed with simple lifestyle changes.
- ✅ Communication with your partner plays a crucial role. 💬
- ✅ Relaxation techniques can help reduce stress and improve control. 🧘
- ✅ Try using desensitising products for better results. 💡
- ✅ Consult a professional if issues persist. 🩺
💡 Key Advice & Tips from Our Experts 💡
- 🔑 Maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly for overall wellness.
- 🔑 Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking as they can exacerbate the issue.
- 🔑 Regular communication with your partner is key to intimacy. 💬
- 🔑 Don't be afraid to try new things, like different positions or timed techniques! 🕒
There is nothing more embarrassing and painful than premature ejaculation. This alone can cost a man his confidence and make him lose his self-worth. The problem for most men is how to cure this at home because coming out may be an issue. However, all is not lost since there are ways to cure this defect while at home.
Some sexual concerns are embarrassing, and many will not come out that easy, especially for men. One example is premature ejaculation which occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than his partner wants. It does not happen that frequently and thus doesn't call for concern. However, you can be diagnosed with premature ejaculation if you orgasm within a minute of penetration or sexual stimulation. You can also be diagnosed with premature ejaculation if you cannot delay ejaculations during sex. Biological and psychological factors have a role to play in premature ejaculation. Men have to understand that this condition is common and treatable, even though it is frustrating and can bring about anxiety. However, there are home remedies that can help cure premature ejaculation.
Change of Diet
Besides just eating healthy, consider incorporating foods rich in zinc and magnesium. These may help increase the time it takes you to climax. These foods include soybeans, peas, garlic, kidney seeds, chickpeas, dark chocolate, yogurt, spinach, almonds, oysters, and pumpkin seeds. If you aren't a vegetarian, consider beef and lamb.
Stop-Start Technique
Also known as orgasm control or edging is a common technique known to deal with premature ejaculation, as Ventus et al. (2020) explained. The trick in this technique is to stop the sexual activity the moment you feel like ejaculating, then take a deep breath before you can slowly resume. Repeat this process as much as possible to train your body to delay ejaculation. You can control your ejaculation with more practice, thus curing premature ejaculation.
Pause-Squeeze Technique
Jannini & Lenzi (2007) described the pause-squeeze technique as a method that involves squeezing the end of your penis the moment you feel like ejaculating. You can squeeze it or have your partner squeeze for several seconds until you no longer feel like ejaculating. It would be best if you did this yourself instead of having to communicate with your partner mid-way since you will be the one to tell the correct timing. To cure premature ejaculations, repeat this process as much as possible to train your body to delay ejaculations.
Pelvic Floor Exercises
The stronger the pelvic floor muscles, the longer it takes you to climax. According to Joshi, Veettil, & Deshpande (2020), pelvic floor exercises such as yoga can help deal with premature ejaculation. To do pelvic floor exercises:
- Find the correct muscles by stopping mid-stream while taking a pee or tightening the muscles that prevent you from releasing gas.
- Assume a lay-down position. Contract your pelvic muscles for about 3 seconds, relax for the same period, and repeat this consecutively up to 10 times at least thrice a day.
- Steadily increase the number of seconds you do these activities as you strengthen your muscles. You can also incorporate new positions like standing, sitting down, and walking.
- When breathing and concentrating on your pelvic muscles only, avoid tightening your abs, thighs, or buttocks.
Since the first ejaculation is always easy to achieve than the second one, you can consider masturbating an hour or two before any sexual activity. Doing this will help delay ejaculation during sex. Masturbation is the deliberate self-stimulation for sexual pleasure. According to Leonard (2010), masturbation is harmless and convenient for everybody. The sexual release when masturbating will reduce your need to climax quickly. This will not cure premature ejaculation but instead will help with delayed ejaculation before the sexual activity.
Refrain From Intercourse for Some Time
Refraining from sex may sound illogical since the aim here is to counter premature ejaculation for better intercourse. However, concentrating on other forms of sexual activity that do not involve penetration may help take the pressure off your sexual encounters. Keep in mind that penetration isn't the only way to achieve sexual satisfaction. Consider activities such as erotic massages, kissing, use of sex toys, and foreplay. As a man, you won't feel distressed or frustrated and will still give your partner pleasure and sexual satisfaction.
Use of Anesthetic Creams
Many men can use topical creams and sprays that contain anesthetics for temporary use. These topical anesthetic-based creams and sprays can be gotten over the counter. They numb the penis, thus delaying its sensations and increasing the time needed to reach climax. These creams need to be applied 20-30 minutes before the sexual activity and then wash it off the penis 5-10 minutes before sex. Using a condom is added advantage to enhance the effectiveness. Also, wearing condoms without these creams will reduce the sensations on the penis and thus delay ejaculations.
Using Supplements
You are aware that zinc helps build immunity and helps in cell growth. However, it also helps in testosterone production and boosts your libido and energy levels. Scientists linked zinc deficiency in men to sexual dysfunction. A few milligrams of zinc supplements a day is enough to maintain a longer ejaculation period. However, too much of something is dangerous, and the same applies to these zinc supplements. They may cause nausea, vomiting, kidney and stomach damage, and diarrhea in excess quantities. Magnesium supplements also have the same effect on ejaculation. This mineral is important for healthy sperm production. Also, low magnesium levels contribute to premature ejaculations, which might increase certain muscle contractions common in orgasm.
Curing premature ejaculation is not a walk in the park, and it will take some time. There are numerous ways to cure premature ejaculation, even at home. There are natural ways to fix premature ejaculation as there are artificial. The choice is all yours since they both work. However, if it persists, make a step to see the doctor, no matter how embarrassing you might think it is. Keep in mind that there can be an underlying condition causing premature ejaculation. It's your health on the line, which is your responsibility.
Joshi, A. M., Veettil, R. A., & Deshpande, S. (2020). Role of Yoga in the Management of Premature Ejaculation. The world journal of men's health, 38(4), 495.
Jannini, E. A., & Lenzi, A. (2007). Couple therapy for premature ejaculation. Male sexual dysfunction: pathophysiology and treatment. Informa, New York, 351-362.
Ventus, D., Gunst, A., Arver, S., Dhejne, C., Öberg, K. G., Zamore-Söderström, E., ... & Jern, P. (2020). Vibrator-Assisted start–stop exercises improve premature ejaculation symptoms: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of sexual behavior, 49(5), 1559-1573.
Leonard, A. (2010). An Investigation Of Masturbation And Coping Style. In 38th
Annual Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference.