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Cheating Boyfriend? How To Tell

Cheating Boyfriend? How To Tell

Cheating Boyfriend? How To Tell

By Ekaterina Mironova

In today’s hectic career-driven society, it’s really hard to tell if your boyfriend is being completely faithful – especially if you suspect that he’s more interested in the secretary than in the spreadsheets. If you suspect that something’s up but you’re not sure if your concern is justified, here are a few things to keep a look out for.

He recently password-protected his mobile phone

Are alarm bells ringing because your man has recently password-protected his phone? It might be that there’s a genuine reason behind his need for increased security such as work-related information stored in the emails on his phone, or other sensitive data, but if that’s the case, he won’t have any issues giving you his password when you want to look something up on the internet or send a message from his mobile because yours isn’t charged.

His work hours have gone mad

Are you worried that the odd hours he’s working are more aligned with dinner dates than deadlines? If he’s a banker during financial year-end, you’ve got nothing to worry about. If he works at a pizza restaurant and he’s called in for an emergency meeting at 4am, it’s time to start investigating. Call him on his work phone to offer words of encouragement during a particularly late night shift, or pop in to his office with cake and coffee to offer support. If he’s there, you’ll find him working hard at his desk and there’s no harm done. If he’s not, it’s time to start asking questions.

He accuses you of cheating

Guilty people are the most paranoid people. If he starts accusing you of cheating on him and you’re not, you need to first evaluate his evidence and see if your actions or behaviour is making him uncomfortable. If it’s justified, you might need to change the way you do certain things to help boost his confidence and assure him that you meant no ill. If it’s not justified and there’s simply no logic behind his willy-nilly accusations, it might be that he’s been straying from the herd and has been grazing in greener pastures. Keep a close eye on warning symptoms to see if there’s any truth behind your suspicions.