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Foreplay Techniques – Five Tips To Improve Your Lovemaking

Foreplay Techniques – Five Tips To Improve Your Lovemaking

By Tatyana Dyachenko

If you already have a great sex life or if it’s lacking, these five simple tips will explode your lovemaking to the next level. Like I mention a lot already, different foreplay techniques are important to good lovemaking, so here are some more. I hope you enjoy…

1. Find Your Partner’s “fun” areas:

I call these “fun” areas because most people like these areas touch, but forget to engage these areas. Many of these areas are very obvious, like genitals, lips, breasts, and inner thighs, but there are other areas when stroked, kissed, or rubbed, can bring pleasure and intense the lovemaking.

Areas like the neck, ears, arm and hair are very sensitive that can be set the mood really well. The key is to engage these areas during foreplay. You may be surprised how much this will please your partner.

2. Set the Romantic Mood:

Most people believe that using music, candles, incense and rose petals are cliché to set the mood. But they couldn’t be further from the truth. Your partner will be trilled. They will cherish you for going through all the trouble to create a romantic gesture. They will LOVE it! This will really get those foreplay juices flowing. So, don’t forget this rewarding tip.

3. Provide Your Partner with a Sensual Massage:

Nothing will get your partner more relaxed than a nice sensual massage. You can make it sexy at the same time to really get them going. You can do it naked or build it up by undressing slowly as you lightly kiss and caress them. You can also slowly transition under the sheets and start massaging other areas (if you know what I mean). This is a great foreplay technique.

4. Give your Partner Oral Sex:

Believe it or not that oral sex can strengthen your relationship. It takes some trust to feel comfortable to have somebody down there. This technique will increase the orgasm.

5. Try New Things:

Lastly, you need to be creative. Creating different foreplay techniques is great and you can surprise your partner with them. Believe me; they will love you for it. Maybe try a new position or create a new game:. Creativity is your gold nugget.

So, there you go five tips to get your foreplay started up. Remember, to think up of more foreplay techniques to increase your lovemaking. You both will LOVE it!

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