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All relationships have some hints of jealousy. Although it can be unhealthy, jealousy can sometimes bring back the spark in your marriage or relationship. Learn how to make your guy jealous and make him want only you by being busy, looking sexy, and having other friends.

Jealousy in relationships is normal. However, there is a difference between jealousy and possessiveness. Jealousy is milder and more temporary than possessiveness and has to be aroused once in a while to evoke it. When jealousy is awakened, it brings some excitement to a relationship, which is important because it encourages spontaneity during intimacy. Lack of jealousy usually results in boredom and nonchalance. Once in a while, you need to make a guy afraid of losing you.

How To Evoke Jealousy

Be Busy

The ideal romantic situation is when a man falls head over heels with the woman who gave him attention. However, relationships where the man is too comfortable and never jealous of his girl, are usually boring. The easiest way to keep him ever jealous is to keep yourself busy with your job or hobby. Give him some attention but do not prioritize him. Even though you are head over heels in love with him, do not give up your tasks for him. If he needs to see you, act busy. If you eventually get to spend time together, he will realize that you have to keep some tasks aside for him. Never let him find you idling. Moreover, give him excuses about how you cannot talk over the phone or chat for long because there is something you need to focus on.

Have Friends

Your circle of friends should be active. When you are with him and a friend calls, do not ignore it. Pick it up and talk for as long as your friends want to. Have frequent sleepovers with your friends and go out for picnics and hikes. When your friend is in distress, find them some help immediately, even if it means leaving a date. Show him that friendships are important to you. Do not cut out your friends for him. Instead, add more friends. Sometimes, let him see himself as the odd one when you turn up with your friends. When he calls you and asks you if you are free, tell him you would have loved to, but you are hanging out with a friend. 

Look Sexy

Take care of yourself and look attractive. You need to boost your sex appeal and let no one spot you having a bad hair day outside. It would help if you looked even more beautiful than when he first met you. Also, give sexy hints to other men and make sexual jokes with them even in his presence. It may seem disrespectful, but you should show him that your sexiness is not about him only. Wear clothes that accentuate your curves and show some cleavage. He ought to get uncomfortable about the looks you get from other men. Be confident while at it. Nothing makes a man more jealous than a woman who is confident about her sexiness. Moreover, wear nice perfume and invest in make-up. Women who have a man tend to go easy on their dressing style, be the opposite. 

Do Not Show Him That You are Afraid Of Losing Him

Make it seem like you do not care whether he stays in your life or leaves. When he threatens to leave, do not try to stop him. It is risky because you do not want to lose him, but it is worth the risk if you want to make him jealous. Moreover, do not cry over losing him. Just act numb as if you do not have any feelings. It would be best if you did what you wanted, no matter what he thinks. When you break up, do not go after him. Delete his number so that you will not be the one to contact him first if he wants to get back together. He should know that you do not care whether the relationship works or not. In that way, he ends up being the jealous one trying his best to make the relationship work. Do not stop him when he wants to quit.


Your guy should not always know your whereabouts. Let him wonder about your whereabouts. Your phone should be off. Do not pick up his calls or respond to his texts if it's on. Do that even when you are on good terms. He needs to worry about where you are. He will probably think you are cheating on him, which is also fine. When he finally finds you, you will probably be somewhere with your friends, and that's when you will tell him you did not see your phone ring because you were having fun with friends but do not apologize.


Love and relationships are ideally not supposed to be games where people test each other, but for people seeking romance, there must be some hints of jealousy for excitement to exist in that union. It is folly to be too casual about how you relate to each other. No one wants to be in an insecure relationship, but sometimes insecure relationships are the most exciting because the partners try to give their best. It will be boring if the partner is too comfortable in that relationship. Sometimes making your partner jealous is all you need to bring some spark into your relationship.