Naturism - Is It For Me?
Naturism - Is It For Me?
There are many preconceptions which form in our heads when the word ‘naturist’ is mentioned in casual conversations. Many people mistakenly assume that those who choose to take off their clothes at social occasions are doing so for sexual and voyeuristic reasons. The British Naturism society describe naturism simply as ‘the practice of going without clothes’, and make a point of stating that there is nothing shameful or embarrassing about choosing to take your clothes off. Drilling down to the core a bit you will find that naturism is described more specifically as a life style choice which sees people of all ages, shapes, sizes and ethnicities going without clothes during social occasions.
These days there are many beaches, hotels, venues and even entire resorts which cater to naturists. The buzz turn ‘nude recreation’ can be found on many naturist websites and explains the act of meeting up with like-minded people, taking your clothes off and just doing the same things as you would if you were clothed or wearing swimwear; backpacking, swimming, partying and going on cruises are some popular options. It is important to note here that naturism and swinging are poles apart. Swingers meet up, take their clothes off and engage in sexual activities with each other, however there is no sexual element at naturist meeting…or at least there shouldn’t be. Naturists are not against sex, far from it, but they do not wish for that kind of activity to take place within their community.
So why do people become naturists? For the most part being nude is about liberation and confidence. Being free to take off your clothes and to feel confident prancing around in your birthday suit is the core of what naturism is all about. In the most part naturists are friendly, welcoming and non-judgemental. Many naturists say that being nude is extremely relaxing and stress-busting as you feel more at one with your surroundings. Plus allowing your skin to breathe without being wrapped in clothing all the time will do wonders for your general health!
If you think that you would like to give naturism a go then introduce yourself slowly to it. Take a look at the British Naturism website for an events calendar and more information on holidays and groups. Remember to go at your own pace; visit a naturist site and get used to the atmosphere. Once you feel comfortable you can begin to undress. If you do not feel that it is for you then that’s ok too. No one should ever feel forced into naturism as this goes against the basic values of liberation and freedom.