Sex With Co-Workers: A Good Idea?
Okay, let's just get it out there: we've all wanted to do it. There's always that one guy in the office who catches your eye and makes you a little hot and flustered. He's charming, well-dressed and funny. The office loves him. And, is it just you, or does he make an extra effort to walk past your desk when you're hard at work?
For your sake, I hope it's not just you. That's because there's nothing quite as thrilling as an illicit erotic encounter in the work place. Steamy office romances are the thing of movies and fiction (for example, who could forget Bridget Jones's Diary, What Women Want, and even Superman!), but that doesn't mean that it doesn't happen in real life. Around 35% of all couples met their significant other in the workplace. That only leaves 65% for the bars, singles groups, activity centres, online dating and friends-of-friends statistics.
So, what's the good, the bad, and the best?
Let's start with the good: you spend half of waking hours at work. That's around 40 hours a week of building fantasies about Mr Right who happens to sit opposite you. You notice every move, every turn, every shirt " and you dress to impress too. You feel better about yourself as you preen and prepare your appearance every day, and when you accidentally push against each other as you pass in the hallway" well, there's not a bit of bad news in the world that can take away that feeling.
The bad: going to work can be agony, and you can really get distracted. Your sex drive goes into overload, and if Murphy's Law hits you with its rhythm stick, something's going to happen that you end up misinterpreting or overreacting. Think: he doesn't say goodbye at the end of a work day. He has the last coffee from the vending machine. He doesn't remember your birthday. If you take it personally, it's going to hit hard if you have to face him every day.
The best: If you actually do hit it off, imagine what fun you can have in the copier room or at the office Christmas party. Imagine what it's going to be like to tip-toe around colleagues for a surreptitious love affair with steamier-than-steam sex and shared glances. This is the best kind of affair, and who knows, it could lead to some seriously sexy places.
So what's the verdict? Go for it! There are plenty more office fish in the proverbial sea so if this doesn't work out, you'll have a little heartache and you'll get over it. But if it does work out: you'll have incredible sex, you'll love going to work, and he may just be the one who turns your knees to jelly for years to come.