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Human beings are among the organisms that are sexually active and are characterized by reproduction. There is so much that most people do not know about the sperm, including; the sperm can last for two days

Men and women have sex cells. The female sex cell is called the ovum or egg. The male sex cells are called sperms or the gamete. The male sex cell is stored in the two oval-shaped testicles. The sperm cells are numerous.

Sperm cells are produced when a man is stimulated or indulges in sexual activity. According to Bansal & Bilaspuri (2011), the sperms play an important role in human reproduction since it is the sperm from the man that needs to fertilize the egg from the woman, hence conception. This article outlines facts you probably didn’t know about sperm. 

Sperm Facts You Didn’t Know

Working Out Can Affect the Sperm Count

The sperm are numerous in number. However, most people do not know that working out can affect sperm count. Wogatzky et al. (2012) explained that men who work out more often exercise have a higher sperm count than those who don't participate in any. 73% of young men who work out had a sperm count increase. However, too much work out lessens the number of sperm. Therefore when you are working out to be physically fit and mentally balanced, you should know that it is also helping you on the reproductive part. Remember not to overdo i.

Men Need to Ejaculate Openly

You should allow yourself to ejaculate as often as possible to allow the production of healthy sperm. It is advisable to ejaculate at least 4 times a month. Infrequent ejaculation in a man can lower your sperm count. Similarly, too much ejaculation can lower the quantity of the sperm through the quality will remain the same. Therefore, keeping your body and your sperm count at bay by ejaculating than average is good. 

A Man’s Body Never Stops Producing Sperm 

The male body never stops producing sperm. Even an older man you see around, his body still produces sperm. The only thing that can change is the lowering of the sperm count. A man produces the sex cells throughout their life. The count might be low because of DNA and age. Some other factors that can make a man’s sperm count decrease include; being overweight, drinking alcohol, smoking tobacco, overheating the testicles, severe stress or depression, and using certain illicit drugs. According to Hammiche et al. (2012), the sperm count can be affected by a high body mass index. Similarly, if the man has had a previous infection, it can also lessen the number of sex cells he produces.

The Sperm Cell Can Stay For More Than 2 Days 

If there is a conducive environment in the woman's body, the sperm cell can stay for more than two days. The mucus in the cervix of the female body provides a good stay place where the sperm can hold on as it waits for fertilization. Therefore fertilization can take place as far as the male sex cells remain alive.

The Male's Sperm are Created Equally

All men have the same sex cells; they are made up of the X and Y chromosomes. Lately, there has been a high report on the girl infants being born more than the boy infants. Some people argue that it is because of the ratio of the male to female sex cells, which is not the matter. It happens because the female sperm cell is longer and heavier than the Y, thus making it slow and delayed as it swims. This means that all the men in the world have equal and same sperms; they have the X and Y chromosomes only.

It Takes Almost 75 Days for Sperm to be Formed 

This is equivalent to ten weeks for the formation of sperms before it is ejaculated. According to De Jonge & Barratt (Eds.). (2006), the sperm is produced in the testes; then moves to the epididymis to mature or complete the development. It is passed through the sperm duct to the seminal vessicle, where it mixes with the seminal fluid forming the semen. At this stage, the sperm cell is ready to be ejaculated. This entire process takes up to ten weeks.

Sperm and Semen Do Not Mean the Same Thing

Most people do not understand this. They assume semen and sperm can be used interchangeably. They are two different things; Semen is the organic fluid that carries a million sperms. The fluid makes the sperm cell motile and nourishes the male sex cells, while sperms are the male reproductive cells has the DNA and are the ones that fertilize the ovum.  

A Dead Sperm Cell Can Make Babies

It is known that the sperms are the male sex cells, and they mainly have the DNA used in the fertilization process. When the cell is trapped in the ovum, it can still make a baby. This is because the other half of the needed DNA is in the ovum, and all that is needed is in the DNA.

The Sperms Have Hats

The sperm has an oval-shaped structure known as acrosomes. The acrosome has strong chemicals released once the sperm is attached to the egg. The chemical melts the outer surface of the ovum, drilling and making the sperm penetrate the egg for fertilization.

Benefits of the Sperm

It Can Reduce Depression

Various institutions have carried out studies, and it was found that semen lowers the rate of depression.

Helps to Deal with Insomnia

The release of semen helps a man induce sleep, making them sleep better. Have you ever noticed how you sleep well after making love? When you play well between the sheets, you can get the undisturbed sleep you have been looking for.


The sperms are sex cells produced by men when stimulated or during sexual activities. There are several facts that people don’t know about sperms. The facts are described above. Go through them to have a better understanding of sperms.


Bansal, A. K., & Bilaspuri, G. S. (2011). Impacts of oxidative stress and antioxidants on semen functions. Veterinary medicine international2011.

De Jonge, C. J., & Barratt, C. (Eds.). (2006). The sperm cell: production, maturation, fertilization, regeneration. Cambridge University Press.

Hammiche, F., Laven, J. S., Twigt, J. M., Boellaard, W. P., Steegers, E. A., & Steegers-Theunissen, R. P. (2012). Body mass index and central adiposity are associated with sperm quality in men of subfertile couples. Human reproduction27(8), 2365-2372.Wogatzky, J., Wirleitner, B., Stecher, A., Vanderzwalmen, P., Neyer, A., Spitzer, D., ... & Zech, N. H. (2012). The combination matters-distinct impact of lifestyle factors on sperm quality: a study on semen analysis of 1683 patients according to MSOME criteria. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology10(1), 1-9.