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Have you experienced itching in your vagina before, especially after or during sex? Vaginal itching is mostly caused by no lubrication or dry skin during sex. Mostly, when the itch doesn't go away, it could be a sign of an allergic reaction, itching, or sexually transmitted illness. It could also be caused by irritating elements or menopause. Rare instances will have individuals developing the illness due to vulvar cancer or stress. It may not be something serious, but in cases where the itch persists, you need to see a gynecologist.   This article contains a discussion on sex and vaginal infections. Let's find out more.

What causes vaginal itching?

The vagina gets annoyance from exposure to chemicals. The irritants may bring an allergic reaction, creating an itchy rash on various body parts, including the vagina. Such chemical irritants are;

  • Creams
  • Soap
  • Ointment
  • Topical contraceptives
  • Detergents
  • Fabric softeners
  • Douches
  • Bubble baths
  • Scented toilet paper
  • Feminine sprays
  • Conditions like urine incontinence and diabetes

Yeast infection

Naturally, yeast is a fungus found in the vagina. It doesn't usually become an issue if its progress isn't looked at. It causes vaginal yeast infection, which, as reported by the Mayo Clinic, three out of four women suffer from it at one time in life.  What happens is when you intake antibiotics, such treatment can destroy the body's good bacteria in the curing process, yet you need them to keep your yeast in check. Suppose yeast overgrows in your vagina, it can result in discomfort, lumpy discharge, burning, or STIs are many, and a lot can be transmitted during itching.

Skin disease

The genital area is at risk when one suffers from skin disease, including psoriasis and eczema. Psoriasis accompanies itching, red patches, and scaly form on the joints and scalp. The vagina may also experience it during these symptoms' outbreak. There's a high chance of suffering eczema disease for people with asthma and allergies.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is commonly called, BV and is also a cause of itchiness in the vagina. It's caused by an imbalance between the vagina's bad and good bacteria. It's in rare incidences that you'll see the symptoms. However, when they occur, mostly it's itching and foul smell. The victim usually produces thin and white or dull grey discharge. Some people may release foamy discharge.


Women at menopause or who have reached the stage are most likely to suffer from vaginal itching. That's mainly because of muscle atrophy that results in little estrogen production in the body during this period. Vaginal atrophy causes mucosa thinning that causes excessive dryness. A dry vagina leads to irritation or itching if untreated.

Sexually transmitted illnesses

During unprotected sexual intercourse, many STIs can be transmitted, leading to itching. Such diseases include genital warts, chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and trichomoniasis. The symptoms may also be accompanied by pain during urination, green or yellow discharge, and abnormal growth.

Vulvar Cancer

Rarely, vaginal itching come with vulvar cancer. This cancer type occurs at the external female's genitalia area, the vulva. It composes the following parts: the clit, vagina, and its opening. The symptoms may not appear in most cases, but you'll experience abnormal bleeding, itching, and a painful vulva region when they do. The cancer type is treatable when diagnosed in its earliest stages. That's the reason it's essential to frequently go for a check-up by a gynecologist.


Emotional and physical stress may lead to vaginal itching, but rare. Usually, it happens when your immune system weakens, thus exposing you to the risk of numerous infections, which could cause itching.

When is the right time for seeking medical advice?

When the itching gets severe to the point of lacking proper sleep or tempers with your daily life, it's time to seek medical attention. People don't usually experience serious causes. Nevertheless, getting treated can reduce the pain and discomfort from vaginal itching. You can also inform your doctor when itching lasts for more than a week or has the following accompaniment.

  • Genital swelling and redness
  • Trouble urinating
  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse
  • Vulva blisters or ulcers
  • Tenderness or pain in the genitals


  • Vaginal yeast infection- Treated by using antifungal drugs that come in different forms, such as creams, pills, and ointments. You can get them over the counter, but ensure to speak with your doctor for surety of what to buy.
  • Bacterial Vaginosis- This is treated with antibiotics. You may be given oral pills or creams for inserting inside the pussy. Be keen to follow the instructions by your doctor after prescription.
  • Menopause requires tablets, vaginal ring insert, or cream, all filled with estrogen.
  • STIs- Here, you need antibiotics, antivirals, or antiparasitics.

Expectations during doctor’s appointment

Medical doctors often may start by wanting to understand your condition. For instance, they may ask about the symptoms you’re having, disease severity, and the long it has taken. Also, expect them to ask about your sexual activity and conduct a pelvic examination to find out more. In the pelvic examination, get ready for visual inspection of the vulva using a speculum for an internal vaginal view. It may also include inserting a gloved finger in the vagina and pressing the abdomen to check any abnormalities in the reproductive area. Your skin tissue may also be sampled from the vulva or discharge for analysis in the lab. Urine and blood tests should be expected too.

Home remedies for treatment

At home, you can avoid exposing your vagina to itchiness by applying proper hygiene and change in lifestyle habits.

The below are other basic steps to take for preventing irritation and itching.

  • Immediately changing into dry and clean clothes after exercising and swimming
  • Clean your genitals with warm water and a soft cleanser
  • Eat yogurt containing live cultures to prevent yeast illness
  • Use condoms during intercourse
  • Buy cotton underwear and ensure to change daily
  • Never forget to wipe from front to back after natural calls
  • You don’t have to use douches and vaginal sprays for sanitation
  • Avoid scented products, such as creams, soap, and bubble baths