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Lube is something that should always be used when practicing different sexual activities. Some of the information you need to have about lube include; the different types of lube and how to use and choose lube.

Whenever you are having sex, it is always advisable to use lube on you and your partner. According to Wilson et al. (2017), lubricants are used during procreative intercourse to moderate the amount of wetness in the genitals. The best thing about lube is that it will help you reduce the friction that would have been present when you didn't use it. You should always use a lubricant for any sexual activity to be enjoyable between you and your partner or even solo. Before choosing and deciding on the type of lube you want to use, you should first check where you will use it and if there are risks of reacting to you. Some of the information you should have on lube include;

Types of Lube

There are three types of lube. They include;

Water-Based Lube

The name explains it all. They are made with water. They are so slippery and thin, making them easy to wipe out when you are done having some fun with yourself or your partner. The fact that they are so thin makes it so easy for them to dry off before you are done making out or masturbating. Masturbation is the deliberate self-stimulation for sexual pleasure. According to Leonard (2010), masturbation is harmless and convenient for everybody. You will need to apply some more lube to enjoy yourself, which in some cases people do not like. However, they are the best because they do not react to the skin. According to Crosby et al. (2004), water-based lubes are the best for condoms.

However, you should know that some water-based lubes have glycerin that may react with the pH of your vagina leading to an overgrowth of yeast. If you are prone to having yeast infections, you should avoid the water-based lube that has glycerin. However, if you have used the water-based lube and it has worked for you, you should take full advantage of it and be using it on yourself or with your partner. 

Some water-based lubricants have flavors or perfumes that do not do any justice to you and make the whole experience unpleasable. These types of lube may cause some irritations to the vagina.

Silicone-Based Lube

They are much thicker than the water-based lube. They are great for women who have extreme vaginal dryness and have difficulty with penetration. The good thing about this type of lube is that it does not dry quickly like water-based lube. This is the best type of lube to use when having anal sex because the anus does not have any natural lubrication, and the fact that it will take a lot of time to dry out. They also do not cause damage to the condoms, no matter the material. However, ensure not to use the silicone-based lubricant on the silicone toys. They will damage the toys. You should opt for the other lubricants when using silicone toys in sexual activities. It takes a lot of time to wash it off after you are done with the sexual activities because of its thick and sticky nature. However, it serves the purpose it is supposed to do.

Oil-Based Lube 

One of the let-downs of using this type of lube is that it breaks down condoms and degrades them, especially latex condoms. If you use latex condoms as birth control or to prevent sexually transmitted infections, you should opt for the water-based or the silicone-based lube. You do not want to be surprised when you miss your periods and have nine months to cry about the fact that you got pregnant yet you used a condom. Also, remember that you already have the preventive measure, do not put yourself in a position to cure the infections you could have avoided. However, some oil-based lube can cause your skin to have a reaction or irritation. Do not force it if you feel uncomfortable when using the oil based on the skin. Choose the one that will be friendly to your skin. The best thing about the oil-based lube is that it can also be used as a massaging oil, and it is long-lasting. However, when using them, be careful because they may stain the clothes or the sheets. 

Choosing and Using a Lubricant

People have different preferences and needs. The same goes when you choosing a lube that you want. If you know that you have sensitive skin, you should try and test the lubricants and find out which one works great for you. To be safe, you can try and test it out on your skin, like the wrist and see if you react on it instead of testing them on the erogenous zones and then harm becomes too much. 

When you feel that you have the one that works best for you, go ahead and use it on your erogenous zones. However, you should know that just because it was not sensitive on your wrist does not mean it won’t be sensitive on the erogenous zones. They are the most sensitive areas meaning that they may react to them. 

It would help if you also experimented on the amounts you will need to apply any time it dries off or is about to do. This will help you know if you have enough of it or if you will need to stock some up and increase the amount of it all. Doing this will make it easy for the whole activity to be comfortable.


For sex to be amazing, you need to apply the rule of nothing is better than the wetter part. The great thing is that if you are one of those who have vaginal dryness, the lube will come in handy for you as it will give you the wet lubrication that you need. However, it should not be associated with vaginal dryness as it serves other purposes. Talk about reducing friction and having amazing and fun sex all around. Explore the different types of lube and get to choose the one that you feel works best for you. They will guarantee you amazing sex that you never thought existed.           


Crosby, R. A., Graham, C. A., Yarber, W. L., & Sanders, S. A. (2004). If The Condom Fits, Wear It: A Qualitative Study Of Young African-American Men. Sexually Transmitted Infections, 80(4), 306-309.

Leonard, A. (2010). An Investigation Of Masturbation And Coping Style. In 38th

Annual Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference

Wilson, S. L., Adam, J. K., & Krishna, S. B. N. (2017). Effects of vaginal lubricants on in-vitro progressive spermatozoa motility. African Journal of Reproductive Health21(3), 96-101.