The Ultimate How to Wear Pantyhose and Stockings Guide
Guide To Women's Sexy Pantyhose
By Elena Ognivtseva
Hosiery has been around for years and has always been a great accessory for women. The stockings always have a great effect on the legs, making them look longer and sexier. When it comes to choosing hosiery, there are so many options that it feels a little overwhelming. There are so many different options and they all have unique effects and choosing the best one all depends on your preferences and how you plan to wear it.
Thigh Highs
As the name suggests, thigh high hosiery reaches up to the thighs, leaving the upper thighs exposed. These stockings are meant for those who do not like the full cover stockings or who may be planning on wearing lingerie that cannot be covered up by the stocking. The thigh highs are sexy and great but they tend to roll down as you walk. For this reason, they are paired with garter belts that have adjustable straps to hold the stockings in place. The garter belt and thigh high stockings combination makes for a great sexy look that is visually appealing and electrifyingly sexy.
Hold Up Stockings
As sexy as thigh high stockings are, they are incredibly inconvenient for those who would prefer not wearing a garter belt. The hold up stockings are a great substitute for thigh highs. The thing bands of the hold up stockings are designed to stay in place, preventing the stockings from rolling down the thighs. This ensures that the stockings remain looking sexy all day long and no movement will budge them until you actually decide to take them off.
Fishnet Stockings
Fishnet stockings are among the most popular stockings. They differ in terms of hole sizes with the tiniest holes being the ones acceptable in the corporate scene. If you are looking for fishnet stockings for your official outfit, the fishnet stockings with the smallest holes would be the safest bet. Fishnets with larger holes are generally associated with strippers and hookers and for good reason. The larger holes expose the skin and the stocking becomes an accessory that directs the attention to the legs and thighs. However, the large sized holes are now a fashion statement and are worn with distressed denim jeans and skirts and are also worn with shorts. The look ranges from sexy chic to trashy depending on the execution.
Stockings come in a variety of colors ranging from black to striped stockings. When it comes to choosing the appropriate pair, the consideration should be based on the color of clothes in your closet. If your work suits require stockings, black, grey and brown are usually the dominating colors as they are toned down and can be worn with a wide array of colors. For casual functions, costume parties and festivals, the bright colored stockings are more appropriate. However, you always have to check your outfit to confirm your final look. You may be going for a sexy look and end up looking comical because you matched up the wrong items. Take your time when choosing stocking color to ensure that the final look is nothing short of what you are aiming for.
Sexy Pantyhose Material
Choosing the right stocking material ensures that you have the best time wearing the stockings. The cheap stockings tend to run every so often rendering the stockings unwearable after a couple of times. The lighter materials are great for the warm days as they keep your legs from the direct sunlight while also ensuring that you look sleek and sexy at the same time. For the cold winter days, the heavier materials make for a great choice. They tend to keep you warm and therefore you never have to settle for the ugly pant suits that you keep in your closet for the bad weather days.
Sexy Pantyhose Size
Stockings come in various sizes, especially the full cover ones. This is because of the hip and waist measurements especially if the material is not very stretchy. While purchasing stockings, it is imperative that you choose the size that will fit without making you feel uncomfortable as the fabric digs into your skin. If you are not sure about the size, always ask to avoid getting something you may never wear.