17 Sexy Valentine's Day Ideas to Try With Your Partner
Valentine’s Day – Why It’s So Special and How to Spice Your Day Up
By Elena Ognivtseva
Happy Valentine’s Day? What does that phrase mean? Why is Valentine’s Day special and how can you spice up your love life at least once a year?
The History of Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day was originally known as Saint Valentine’s Day. It was named after a Christian martyr named Valentine, and was commemorated by Pope Gelasius I in the year 500 A.D. Ironically, there were many Christian martyrs named Valentine, including Valentine of Rome, Valentine of Terni and another Valentine. How surprising to know that the origins of Valentine’s Day are not romantic at all, but have to do with Christian martyrdom!
When did the romantic perspective start to influence this annual celebration? As late as the 1300s apparently, since that is when romantic legends started to become associated with Saint Valentine. Legend painted Priest Valentine as intent on disobeying Emperor Claudius II’s degree that young men should stay single. Why, this rebellious priest went so far as to marry young men and women in secret ceremonies. Another romantic Valentine legend is that Valentine wrote the first “Valentine’s Day” card the night before his execution to his nameless beloved.
As far back as the late 1700s, books and journals were publishing sentimental verses for young men to give to their ladies, assuming that many young men had no idea how to compose their own poetry. This led the mechanical age of Valentine’s Day, in which poetry, greeting cards and gifts were created, packaged, given and cherished.
As worldwide romance blossomed, eventually the Roman mythological God of desire, Cupid, was introduced as the perfect representation of Valentine’s Day. This child of Venus and Mars shot his bow to inspire romance and love among mortal singles.
Modern Day Romance of Valentine’s Day
Now enough of the origins, let’s get to the Modern day! It’s very clear that mankind needed a day of romance to escape the drudgery and stress of everyday life. It was a legend invented for the sake of chivalry, love and lust. Indeed, what feels better than someone giving you a Valentine’s Day gift? Whether it’s a card, a love letter or a kinky toy, everyone loves the butterflies in the stomach feeling that romantic affection brings!
What can you do to spice up your next Valentine’s Day celebration? You could go for cute and modest, and decorate your house with hearts, ribbons and bows. You could bring home surprise flowers, while the other cooks a romantic dinner for two, complete with heart-shaped candles. Valentine’s Day works best when you surprise your lover with a grand, romantic gesture. Think outside the box and think with your heart, not your head!
If you’re feeling red hot and happen to have the day off, then jump right into the lusty party of Valentine’s Day. Read each other erotic poetry, give each other a sensual massage, or share a hot tub. Have the girl dress up in lace ribbon lingerie and the guy in sexy red undies. Last but not least, why not spice things up with Kinky adult toy or novelty. We don’t have to tell you about those since our whole site is dedicated to them, but you get the point!
Don’t be so obsessed with your lover that you don’t forget the true spirit of Valentine’s Day: Christian martyrs, of course! In other words, wish other people a Happy Valentine’s Day, especially those who are lonely and still looking. A kind word at the right time will make their day and perhaps give them hope that soon they too will be celebrating a romantic occasion for two.
Valentine’s Day games
Valentine's Day partners Games! Start playing. Come and play. Plays and couple toys are perfect presents for Valentine's Day. Peaches and Screams want to make this San Franciscan day a cream. Check your sexual experiences with matches for couples. Being familiar with each other through a sex game takes your love life to a different extreme as you get them closer together. Make it a hot moment. Set the mood to her and keep her heated for you with a variety of toys. Be under her influence. Give her remote control tights. Or remotely controlled silicone egg. She will check when the egg is vibrating, or whether and when she thinks. Have him copy his cock, so that when he is away, you can enjoy.
Men or women will play with our ass and dildos. Get yourself imaginative on Peaches and Screams. If both of you have never experienced pain and pleasure, the place to begin is peaches and screams. Have a tough sex game. Screams and Peaches have quilt sleds to make a soft match or a difficult game. Both could finish in sex, so why not play? We have it all to make your winters hot, hard and rainy. Have you ever tried to ask your lover any questions? Would you like to know your hard limits? Watch a sexy game and dare to experiment with your boyfriend. Dress proudly with sexy lingerie and wild sweets to lighten the scene.
The top quality fabrics of Peaches and Screams are added by Leather, embroidery, Velvet, chiffon, ribbons and sashes. Ask her to move the double dildo even further. This dildo is made from high quality fabrics, where you begin to play a game along. Would you want her to attract? Begin with vain infiltration. More to her, please? Take the other side of a double dildo and launch your lover's friendly anal play. Begin your buying day here on Valentine's Day. Shackles or handcuffs are certain to spice up your bedroom, for knees and wrists. Build a good and poor game together. You get confined. You will be kept in control of leather flakes or plastic and wood paddles.
Pleasure rubber and jerky clamps will scream and shout your lover. Don’t just have intercourse with your partner. Make that a game. Giggle, get wet, crazy. Get wet. And get a great time with our goods. Show them a ferocious and interesting time as they are delighted by the peaches and screams couples' toys and games. Valentine's Day does not have everything to do with flowers, cute handles and sweet crafts. Get children's hearts with active games for mostly fun parties or families.
Playing of Hearts and Dushing.
Made heart of paper and label it with a particularly unique drawing, stamp or sticker. Stack all of them on a sheet or blanket. The players are standing around and holding the sheet in the air. Demonstrate how the sheet (at first slowly) pushes the heart too. Then say plan for the Valentine's bath. With five people each raise the sheet and take a good tug so that the hearts keep flying. Drop off the sheet and let away quickly the heart. As many players as possible pick up. If you like, give the most distinguished player an award or anyone who has a minimum of one.
Catching my heart game.
This game involves 5 to a dozen players and is very lovely when played during the Valentine’s Day. There is a red ball which is a representative of the heart in the ‘catch my heart game’. The heart is given to one player. So, among the remaining players, the name of one of them should be called out while being tossed to the heart. This procedure repeats on and on among all the players participating. The Valentine’s Day is not only for couples but for everyone. Therefore, in the case that game comprising of smaller children, then only one heart should be used for them and many hearts added to the older ones. This increases the sweetness or spices up the game making it enjoyable. Peaches and Screams have attractive bean-bag or red balls as well as other products that are involved in the game.
Heart beat game.
This is another lovely and enjoyable game played during Valentine’s Day involving a number of participants more than two. The players are expected to split into groups. Papers in form of hearts are cut into a batch then labelled different instructions on each. The instructions written on the paper hearts indicate what the participants who picked it will do if they pick it. Some of the common instructions put on paper hearts are, ‘put your hands back-to-back with your group mate, skip, jump and crap-walk’ among many others. The paper hearts with instructions are put in a bucket, box, tin or bowl at a far end in a room or an open place. The divided teams separate and each player from each team is expected to run faster to the bowl at a time. They pick the paper hearts and return to their respective teams. Afterwards, they will read the instructions and each team will be doing exactly what is written on the paper heart that their team member picks. The game continues until all the instructions are over. Peaches and Screams Company provides these game, space as well as the products used to play them to their shoppers.
Heart-healthy beanbag toss.
Peaches and screams copied this game from Marie LeBaron during the Make and Take event. In most cases, this game is for children during the Valentine’s Day. It is the simplest and most enjoyable. A list of children games such as jumping, hoping, frog-jumping, circle-making among others is prepared. All the activities that the children will participate in is displayed on the poster created early. Thereafter, the kids will be tossing to each activity on the poster. They form enough space around each of them to do exactly what is portrayed on the poster. This game with products for playing are availed at Peaches and Screams.