Trinity Vibes Set of 3 Lubricant Launchers
The Trinity Vibes Set of 3 Lubricant Launchers is a discreet and practical solution for individuals and couples seeking a mess-free and ...
View full detailsChoose from a wide range of Clean Stream Anal and Vaginal Douches at Peaches and Screams UK Sex Shop. Do you enjoy anal sex? Buy your anal cleaning products from Clean Stream that offers a collection of enema accessories that range from affordable disposable applicators to high-end drip bag systems for both men and women.
With all the crazy ideas surrounding the sex industry, everyone is pushed with the urge to try every new sex style they watch on TV and read in adult magazines. Anal sex monsters are not exceptional. But in case you didn't know or forgotten, everyone poops. And while you think to insert anything, whether penis or sex toy down there, remember there are high chances you will come out with stool. This happens when you don't clean your rectum before anal sex. So, how do you avoid such embarrassments when you are ready to give your man or sex partner a good time in bed. Clean Stream has a solution for you. Visit Peaches and Screams UK sex shop and buy your anal douche today.
An anal douche is a tool used to remove any fecal remnant from the rectum in preparation for receptive anal sex by rinsing the rectum. It works by gently forcing liquid in the lower rectum, softening the fecal remnants, and loosening the anal sphincter, which stimulates bowel movement. As water or any cleaning liquid is forced out of the rectum, it cleanses the lower rectum and anus, leaving it hygienic for anal sex. Anal and vaginal douching is a personal sanitary measure that helps you understand your body, know how your anus feels, and give you peace of mind during an intense anal play. If you and your partner wish to play with a clean and fresh butt for comfortable fingering, plugging, or penetration, think about anal douching. The process will leave you relaxed both mentally and physically, which guarantees an enjoyable intimate moment since a flexible body is more open to sexual fantasies.
Before getting down to clean your rectum for tonight’s sex, you should have little information about anal and vaginal douches. Let us start with the types of anal douches you are likely to get at Peaches and Screams UK sex shop.
Bulb douche is a small manually-controlled douche that you can regulate the amount of water entering your rectum. This type of douche creates an optimum and safe pressure that does not damage your intestines or delicate skin. Bulb douche holds about 400ml of water and comes with a convenient form of enema bulb water penetration, ensuring excellent results. As a beginner, you can try Clean Stream Blue Enema Douching Bulb for Vaginal and Anal Use.
This type of douche is easy to use and quite convenient because everything is at hand. It has a suitable pressure which is safe even at high levels. However, shower douche has lower penetration, and you cannot control the amount of water entering your rectum. They include Deluxe Shower Douche Enema Set for Vaginal and Anal Douching.
Water bag douching focuses on the purification of the rectum with enough liquid and deeper penetration. They help t achieve the most hidden parts and have unique adjustable valves that control water flowing in your rectum. With their deeper penetration, water bag douches give splendid results by reaching deeper sections. They include Open Flow Top Bag for Anal and Vaginal Douching and Enemas.
Do you think it is time to try anal douching? First, remember that anal douching is not for everyone, which is completely fine because no one is going to pin you on the cross for failing to clean your rectum before allowing them down there. However, for your personal and partner’s health purpose, it is wise o douche your parts before getting laid. Therefore, if it is your first time to clean your anus, and you feel you should take things a bit higher, consider the following factors;
Anal douching has a lot to do with your health, and you should consider buying user-friendly douches. However, douche functionality depends on how and where you want to use it. For instance, if you intend to use the douche while on the travel, where you can stop and stimulate yourself or have anal sex with your partner, go for a small and portable douche like bulb douche. In this case, Black Anal Douche Enema for Anal and Vaginal Douching will work better. Shower douches are suitable for indoor sex and can be used with your standard shower system.
Anal douche nozzles have different spray patterns, which significantly determine how well you clean your rectum. While straight sprays only shot water in one direction, wide-round spray shot water in all directions, ensuring thorough cleaning by reaching different sections of the anus. Additionally, the spray patterns determine the spread and type of anal douche.
Anal douching is also a form of anal stimulation, offering a fabulous way to explore your anal pleasure points. When choosing your anal douche, you should also consider your anal desires and how to be stimulated in the process. This simplifies why anal douches are either grooved, beaded, or plain. Beaded and grooved douches provide a sensual pleasure while cleaning, while plain douches are only used for cleaning. Clean Stream recommends you buy thicker, smooth, and more extended nozzles for quick cleaning. They also give deeper penetration, which is extremely pleasurable.
Once you have bought your suitable anal douche, it is now time to get down to business. This is a crucial step, especially for beginners, because it determines how enjoyable your sex will be. However, to effectively clean your anus, follow these simple steps.
Anal douching is not necessary since the rectum can keep poop up high until it is the right time to remove it. However, if you plan to indulge in intense anal play, then douching can come in as a crucial step.
Anal douching safety depends on how often you do it and the douche you choose. Some douching liquids also contain harmful ingredients that can cause rectal tissue damage. Therefore, before opting for anal douching, always check all the aspects involved to limit side effects.
There is no hard rule on how often you should douche since it depends on your overall hygiene and anal sex frequency. However, most experts recommend douching at most three times per week to avoid over-loosening your rectal muscles.
Various anal douching products are now available, although they all do the same job; cleaning your rectum before anal sex. Hence, when looking for the right tool, always consider your safety and comfortability. That means you should pick the right material, nozzle design, and liquid volume. You should also include a compatible anal lubricant on your shopping list for smooth nozzle penetration. Once you have these factors at your fingertips, you can visit Peaches and Screams online adult shop and get your first anal douche and enema from Clean Stream.