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Are you considering exploring sensational and satisfying threesome pleasures but do not know how? Here are amazing tips for having a successful and pleasurable threesome sex with your partner, including focusing on pleasing everyone, controlling your jealousy, and staying sober.

Have you ever thought of inviting a third party into your sexual relations? According to Silverberg & Kaufman (2016), exploring different sexual pleasures is great since it allows you to enjoy sex to maximum satisfaction. However, most people think that engaging in threesome pleasures is hard. However, numerous ways can be employed to ensure the parties involved enjoy orgasms and the pleasures throughout the session. Generally, figuring out different ways to engage in a romantic, sexy, and drama-free threesome might be challenging once you decide to explore it. However, this article helps beginners navigate this challenging experience and have mind-blowing and sensational threesomes. This article also gives you access to tips that will enable you to enjoy the threesome of your dreams.

Tips for Having a Successful Threesome

Here are the tips to give you the best threesome sexual experience with the other parties.

Make Sure Everyone's Comfortable with Each Other and Excited

Comfort is essential in any sexual activity. Therefore, if you will engage in threesome sexual play, consider connecting well with each other. Generally, comfort allows partners to enjoy and have a pleasurable sexual experience. Also, good chemistry between the parties involved prepares you sexually, physically, and emotionally for the experience.

Set Boundaries and Stick to Them

What do you think a play would feel when you do not have boundaries that guide you? Macintyre, Montero Vega & Sagbakken (2015) stated that a relationship's boundaries and rules allow you and your partner to experience pleasurable sexual sessions. Setting boundaries before the session will help prevent you from having any regrets during or after the session. Moreover, it is also a great idea to set easy-to-remember safe words to ensure everyone in the game is safe. Also, the safe words allow you to opt out when things get tougher.

Ensure All Parties are Communicating before and during the Sex Session

Besides safe words and boundaries, communication is an essential aspect to consider when exploring new sexual fantasies. Communication should always be done before, during, and after sex to keep a good understanding between the three partners. Everyone in the session should express themselves freely and be listened to without cutting them off. Through communication, you can easily understand your other partner's desires.

Stay Sober

Engaging in a threesome session for the first time can be pleasurable and satisfying when you do it while sober. Staying sober is one of the safest things to maintain whenever you go for a threesome experience. According to Grover et al. (2014), excessive drinking can lead to erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness. Moreover, consider shying away from hard drugs that might spoil the mood or reduce your sexual drive. When you opt to drink, consider taking it in small portions or consuming soft drinks to prevent you from losing your sexual drive.

Control Your Jealousy

Jealousy can end in pleasure and satisfaction, especially when engaging in a threesome. A study by Winchester explained how experiencing sexual jealousy will affect your relationship. Moreover, jealousy might not be bad, but it can greatly affect your sexual relationship when it is too much. However, you can easily prevent jealousy from affecting your threesome in a solid relationship. Also, communication is the best aspect to help prevent jealousy from affecting your threesome. Consider conversing with the other partners before and during the play to keep things together.

Do Not Expect a Perfectly Smooth Ride

Not all sexual experiences are smooth. Therefore, consider preparing yourself for both to prevent disappointments. Everyone loves fun, especially when engaging in sexual intercourse. However, you can always communicate with your partner before the session to prevent you from any discomfort. Consider telling your partner if you are not used to hard sexual play. This ensures you enjoy the pleasures without any challenges. There are numerous sexual fantasies you can engage in without risk. Also, deciding what you want before the session will help prevent you from danger.

Get off While Watching Your Partner's Pleasure

Have you ever thought of watching your partner having sexual intercourse with another person? This is one of the most pleasurable and compelling things you should consider doing. Exploring this makes your sexual session pleasurable and sensational. It is also something that will increase your sexual drive. Even though threesome sex requires all the parties to engage in the session, you can also consider tapping and watching your partner with the other partner having sex.

Focus on Pleasing Everyone

Threesome sex is a common act in relationships in modern days. It is one of the many sexual fantasies that assures you of sexual satisfaction and mind-blowing orgasms. However, threesome sex can only be pleasurable and satisfying when all the parties involved engage in it deeply. Moreover, getting into the session with an open-mind will allows you to enjoy a pleasurable experience. In threesome sex, all partners must be satisfied fully, especially when dealing with two women. Sexually satisfying them is what makes everyone pleased about the session.

Get Out in Public Together After the Session

What is the best thing to do after having a satisfying and pleasurable sexual experience? Do you mind taking a walk as three partners in public without being intimidated? Whether the third partner decides to go or stay, it is up to you three to decide what to do after sex. Generally, this helps lighten the moment you shared. Ensure you make the third party believe that you are not taking them to be playthings. Consider getting out in public with your third-party partner for some pizza, breakfast, or drinks. You can also keep your relationship alive to prevent any challenges.


Grover, S., Mattoo, S. K., Pendharkar, S., & Kandappan, V. (2014). Sexual dysfunction in patients with alcohol and opioid dependence. Indian journal of psychological medicine36(4), 355-365.

Macintyre, A. K., Montero Vega, A. R., & Sagbakken, M. (2015). From disease to desire, pleasure to the pill: A qualitative study of adolescent learning about sexual health and sexuality in Chile. BMC public health15(1), 1-14.

Silverberg, C., & Kaufman, M. (2016). The ultimate guide to sex and disability: For all of us who live with disabilities, chronic pain, and illness. Cleis Press

Winchester, U. 'My partner was just all over her': Jealousy, Communication and Rules in Mixed-Sex Threesomes..