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4 Reasons You Should Try Penis Plugs

4 Reasons You Should Try Penis Plugs

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Barbara Santini
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Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor
Veronika Matutyte
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Katie Lasson
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💡 Key Points to Remember

  • 📍 What are Penis Plugs? - Unique and stimulating tools for the daring adventurer. 😉
  • 🔥 Why Try Them? - Sensation play, intense pleasure, and control like no other. 🚀
  • Safe Play: Always use sterile plugs and plenty of lube! 💧
  • 🎯 Explore: Different shapes and sizes let you customise your experience. 💡

🎩 Key Advice and Tips from Our Experts

  • 💡 Go Slow: Ease into it! Start with smaller sizes and work your way up. Patience is key. 🐢
  • 🔧 Use Medical-Grade Materials: Only use high-quality materials like stainless steel or silicone for safety and comfort. 🧑‍⚕️
  • 💦 Lube is Your Best Friend: Generous application of sterile lubricant ensures smooth insertion and prevents irritation. 💧
  • 🧼 Cleanliness is Paramount: Always sterilise your plugs before and after each use. Better safe than sorry! 🧽

Different reasons push individuals to use various urethral plugs and sex toys in general. Many people fear incorporating new styles which need balls and confidence.

The market contains various toys that may be different from the usual ones that might bring fear to some people, thus making them a challenge. For penis plugs, most men shun due to shyness about the idea of getting something infused in their urethra. On hearing about a penis plug, a person's mind immediately clicks to imagine the pain a user can experience. This tool is a wonderful toy, especially its size that might fool someone's thought of its minimal impact. This article will discuss the benefits one gets from the penis plugs experience.

What are Urethral Plugs?

Before looking at the benefits, one needs to understand what a penis plug is. It is a small sex toy created for urethral insertion during use. Some plugs are made for wearing over shorter periods, whereas others are worn for longer hours. They mostly measure between one and four inches in length, working by initial internal arousal in the penis. These tools come in different designs. For instance, a smooth, tapered, thin metallic piece, which is the most basic. Others play numerous roles, including improving your sexual sensations by letting the plug remain inserted for longer hours.

Penis plugs also come in different textures, rings, flexible shafts, and modes. Urethral plugs with rings play multiple functions, such as penis stimulation to increase erection making it more sensitive to touch and keeping the plug in place when in use. Additionally, we've got plugs with a middle hole for allowing bodily fluids such as urine and semen to flow out. You don't have to get the plug out for excretion or ejaculation.

Some have a small ball bearing for screwing the plug’s top part. The bearing can be screwed out during ejaculation or urination and worn again. Most companies design the stainless steel penis plug since it’s the easiest and safest material for sterilizing during most plays. Urethral plugs can be used medically by individuals with conditions that hinder proper urination. However, men mainly use penis plugs for sexual stimulation.

Benefits of Using Penis Plugs

Stable and Powerful Erections

The urethral plug arouses the penis tip at the onset of play by providing the entire body with strong orgasmic pleasures. By doing so, you get stimulated, and the penis reacts by erecting. The tools greatly enable a start with powerful erections without having long foreplay sessions that may fail to get you erect. Men preferring masturbation may sometimes find it difficult to start their sessions because of the erection issue. This penis plug can come in handy in such a situation, turning the tables and making you happier. Get yourself one to begin enjoying great orgasmic sex plays with sure and strong start-offs.

Increased Sensitivity

After inserting the urethral plug, penis nerves found at the tip come closer to the surface, gaining more sensitivity. These nerves get activated by any events occurring on the body, including sucking, licking, touching, and stroking. As a result, every single emotion is on another level, making you go nuts. You can also try out masturbation during this session of heightened sensitivity that will leave you screaming with orgasmic joy when getting to the climax. If it's in a blow job, be certain the tongue's flick will explode the brain due to the pleasurable sensations. That's how powerful the penis plug can be. It helps change the usual daily sex sessions, making them even better. Furthermore, they give numerous reasons and excuses for you to keep engaging in the unrealized yet powerful sex tool.

A Little Bling

Some men choose to pierce as guided by Prince Albert. It can be an incredible method of adorning the penis, however, individuals interested in it have limited courage going for the piercing. It further comes with a painful experience and needs patience to heal. The case is different from penis plugs as one enjoys every moment without undergoing torture during plays. Another advantage is the multiple styles and designs, enabling easier choosing. An example is the stainless steel urethral plug categorized into light and glint. They've got powerful and attractive looks that give the penis an exciting appearance it has never had before. If you wish to know how your cock would look with a piercing, it's easy; simply get a penis plug for a start. It helps save the amount you'd have spent on piercing plus the healing time. You might later have to remove it.

Internal Arousal

It feels heavenly when the penis is sucked or licked. Sensations mainly accumulate on the penis' tip. Its numerous nerves transform the sensations, making them extraordinary, but they may not exceed expectations. Anatomically, we know that the urethra is lined with a network of nerve endings and blood vessels, which increase the internal urethral area sensitivity. That's why this device was thoughtfully meant to get inserted in the urethra to rub against the nerves present on its lining. Therefore, any action or movement on the penis will experience an increased sensation with the encounter. The pleasure offered by this tool is unfamiliar to the body, hence potentially increasing the sensations to drive you crazy.

The Bottom Line

Have you seen how great and useful penis plugs can be? They may be somehow unconventional, but they're effective in performing their function. Nevertheless, ensure that whatever urethral stimulation you perform is practiced with a lot of caution. This is because the urethral linings are extremely sensitive and prone to infections and injuries. That's why it's best to keep safe and never forget to take it slow during any urethral play. Remember, prevention is always better than cure. Suppose a problem arises during your play, get immediate help from a professional.

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