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Barbara Santini
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Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor
Veronika Matutyte
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Katie Lasson
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📝 Key Points at a Glance

  • 💡 Surgery might offer solutions, but it's not a guaranteed cure.
  • 👩‍⚕️ Always consult a medical professional before considering surgical options.
  • 💬 Non-surgical alternatives such as therapy and medications may be effective.
  • 📖 Knowledge is power—stay informed and explore all options.

🌟 Key Advice and Tips from Our Experts

✨ Timing is everything! Experiment with delay techniques before exploring medical interventions.

🧠 Mind over matter! Cognitive-behavioural therapy can work wonders.

💖 Open conversations. Communication with your partner can make all the difference.

⚖️ Weigh the risks. Every procedure comes with pros and cons—choose wisely.

Premature ejaculation is among the most common form of sexual dysfunction. Premature ejaculation makes men uncomfortable and distressed during sex, and they would want a treatment that cures premature ejaculation permanently. Premature ejaculation means that a man cannot control his ejaculation as he would have wanted to. A man will ejaculate before having sex or within two minutes into sex. Sometimes men ejaculate when they have sex with a particular person only, known as situational premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation causes uncertainty during sex. It can also cause low self-esteem. Below is a guide on premature ejaculation and how to cure it.

What is Premature Ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates before, during, or shortly after penetration. The man ejaculation sooner than his partner would like him to ejaculate. According to Ogawa et al. (1999), the average time when a man ejaculates is between 7-and 13 minutes. Anything less than is considered premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is not a quickie since a quickie is deliberate.  Premature ejaculation means that the man would want to go on having sex for longer, but the ejaculation is beyond his control and will happen earlier than he wants it. People are different, and the time to ejaculate differs.

Cause Of Premature Ejaculation

No one knows what causes premature ejaculation. According to Strassberg et al. (1997), various biological or psychological factors, such as stress, sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, and abnormal hormonal levels can cause premature ejaculation.

Surgery For Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is not the same for every man. The treatment for premature ejaculation will depend on the probable cause of premature ejaculation. For instance, if the person is depressed, the doctor may treat the depression, and if the person has low self-esteem, the treatment will focus on building his self-esteem. Therapy and drugs may not be effective in treating premature ejaculation, and in those instances, surgery will be the most effective option. The surgery involved in the treatment of premature ejaculation aims to reduce the hypersensitivity of the penis, as Liu et al. (2019) noted. Sometimes a man has premature ejaculation because the penis is hypersensitive and overexcited. The surgery will be important in making the penis less sensitive.

Below are four types of surgical options for treating premature ejaculation;

Selective Dorsal Neurectomy (Sdn)

Within the penis are several nerves that help a man feel and communicate sensations. The nerve responsible for sending sensations from the penis and the head of the penis is known as the dorsal nerve. The dorsal nerve is also responsible for ejaculation. People who have experienced long-term premature ejaculation seem to have extra dorsal nerves than normal men as Weiner (1996) showed. the penis becomes hypersensitive, causing premature ejaculation when there are excess dorsal nerves in the penis. The main purpose of the Selective Dorsal Neurectomy is to make the penis less sensitive. The  Selective Dorsal Neurectomy involves cutting off the extra dorsal nerves to desensitize the penis. The surgery helps control premature ejaculation when a man is uncircumcised. The Selective Dorsal Neurectomy procedure is the most preferred because it is permanent.

Inner Condom Technique

Surgical treatments of premature ejaculation focus on reducing sensitivity, and the inner condom technique are no exception. During the surgery, the doctor uses an inner condom that contains an acellular dermal matrix in the penis. The intention is to reduce the sensitivity of the penis. Acellular dermal matrix is made from the same material as the skin, and it blends with the skin without causing a reaction. This procedure is effective in helping the patients have a longer duration of sex.

Cryoablation And Radio frequency

According to Clarke et al. (2007), cryoablation kills urinary tumors during cancer treatment by freezing them first and then destroying them. The same procedure is used in the dorsal nerves to make the penis less sensitive. Radio frequency is used to reduce pain. In the procedure, it is important to regulate the dorsal nerves' activities and their sensitivity by sending electromagnetic waves to the dorsal nerves.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Hyaluronic acid is used in anti-aging treatments. Hyaluronic acid exists naturally in the eyes, skin, and connective tissues, making it perfect for use as a filler in the penis. A penis increases the volume and circumference of the perimeter When the Hyaluronic acid is in it. It reduces penis sensitivity, and the patient can control his ejaculations.

Risks Of Surgical Alternatives For The Treating  Premature Ejaculation

The surgical options are still not practiced in most countries.  Spitz (2018) discovered that the use of selective dorsal, penis augmentation, and hyaluronic acid to treat premature ejaculation is shunned. Surgical procedures are usually not recommended because they have not been tried and tested, and they may result in permanent sexual dysfunction. Sometimes surgical solutions have caused poor blood flow. Despite the risks, surgical procedures are still popular in China and Korea.

Other Methods That We Can Use To Correct Premature Ejaculation

There are several things that a man can try doing before sex. Pelvic floor exercises are useful because they train the muscles involved in ejaculation. A 12-week schedule of pelvic floor exercises helped men with premature ejaculation. A man can also practice masturbation and find ways to stop the ejaculation while alone. Masturbation is important because there is no pressure from a partner expecting him not to have premature ejaculation.


No one wants to finish early. Being a 'one-minute' man is not a good reputation. It can make a man feel less masculine, so most men yearn for a permanent solution. Many methods are being considered to treat premature ejaculation, and surgery has been considered the best solution for premature ejaculation. The surgical procedures are still being tried to be safe solutions, and the patient should first consider other non-invasive conventional medical treatments such as Viagra and lidocaine spray. Lidocaine solutions are good for premature ejaculation because they reduce sensitivity.


Clarke, D. M., Robilotto, A. T., Rhee, E., Vanbuskirk, R. G., Baust, J. G., Gage, A. A., & Baust, J. M. (2007). Cryoablation Of Renal Cancer: Variables Involved In Freezing-Induced Cell Death. Technology In Cancer Research & Treatment, 6(2), 69-79.

Liu, Q., Li, S., Zhang, Y., Cheng, Y., Fan, J., Jiang, L., ... & Zhu, Z. (2019). Anatomic Basis And Clinical Effect Of Selective Dorsal Neurectomy For Patients With Lifelong Premature Ejaculation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Journal Of Sexual Medicine, 16(4), 522-530.

Ogawa, S., Chan, J., Chester, A. E., Gustafsson, J. Å., Korach, K. S., & Pfaff, D. W. (1999). Survival Of Reproductive Behaviors In Estrogen Receptor Β Gene-Deficient (Βerko) Male And Female Mice. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 96(22), 12887-12892.

Spitz, A. (2018). The Penis Book: A Doctor's Complete Guide To The Penis—From Size To Function And Everything In Between. Rodale.

Weiner, D. N. (1996). Premature Ejaculation: An Evaluation Of Sensitivity To Erotica. The State University Of New York At Albany.

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