How to Ease your Partner into Porn
This post is written for all the guys out there who would love to have their girlfriend/fiancé/wife watch porn with them, but who just don’t know how to go about it in a sensitive ‘no pressure’ kind of way. Many women profess to despise porn for how it portrays women and this fact must be born in mind when considering how to bring watching porn up in conversation. You need to understand that some (perhaps the majority of) women will not be into watching porn no matter what you do. Don’t go into this thinking that you can simply follow my guidance and she will get hooked on porn…this is just a fantasy and you’re likely to feel disappointed! Aside from the morals involved regarding watching people having sex on film, there is also the fact that many women see you watching porn as a betrayal. I’m not saying I agree with this (as I most certainly do not!), but you need to bare this in mind. If your other half has already shown a distinct lack of interest in or a total revulsion towards porn it is highly unlikely that she will ever come around to your way of thinking. You will either have to deal with this or find someone more open minded.
Anyway, for those of you who are lucky enough to be dating or married to an open minded woman the best way to get your partner to watch porn with you is to ease her into it…slowly. Read my steps below…
Rather than having an awkward conversation over dinner one evening where you wave a copy of Debbie Does Dallas around and demand she watch it with you, you need to build up to the proper pornographic movies. Start by buying a copy of the first season of a sexually charged, though not pornographic TV series such as Game of Thrones. Programs such as this contain moderate sexual content, but do not devote too much time to it. Gauge her reaction to the sex scenes without making it to obvious what you are doing and if she isn’t utterly repulsed take it as a result!
Kick it up a notch:
Once you have watched mild to moderate pornographic scenes together it’s time to take things to the next level. I would suggest introducing another TV series or a movie with slightly more explicitly sexual scenes. Do not go for a hard-core stuff just yet! A great second step would be the True Blood or Spartacus series which have a greater number of sex scenes which are a little more explicit. You may be shocked at her reaction to these, especially with regards to Spartacus! I’m yet to meet a woman who isn’t turned on by that show! If she reacts positively then you’re onto a winner! I would also suggest taking the laptop to bed with you as if you’re in the location where you often make love it’s a little easier for the transition between watching sex and having sex to happen!
Go for it!
If you have successfully introduced her to the likes of True Blood and Spartacus it’s time to suggest you watch a proper porn movie together, especially if watching sexy scenes translated to some real life loving! Great choices for your first porn movie include Pirates (aka. Pirates XXX) which is a slightly higher budget porn movie with a decent story line, and quite a lot of comedy. This movie doesn’t take itself too seriously which is extremely helpful in creating a more relaxed atmosphere! If you manage to get this far give yourself a huge pat on the back; you’ve succeeded in watching porn with your significant other! Easy right!