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Tips for Watching Porn With Your Partner

Tips for Watching Porn With Your Partner

Tips for Watching Porn With Your Partner

By Elena Ognivtseva

This article is about porn in the bedroom, well, any room really. It will discuss whether watching porn during sex is a good idea or if it is something you should avoid. Now this question is very opinionated so if you disagree well, tell us at the end.

So, lets take the stance that it makes it better to begin with. How would it do that? Well, sometimes your mind is horny but your body isn’t, porn can act as the catalyst to help get things moving. On the other stance one of you is fully horny but the other isn’t. It can help get the other person in the mood. It can also add a little kinkiness to the situation, you are having sex to the sounds of other people doing the same thing. It may even give you ideas.

So, the bad side of it. Well, porn may not turn you on, like myself, which ultimately makes it pointless. If I stopped there it would be very short article so I will continue. It can also be something to live up to, there is a person on the TV making the other person very happy and usually very loud, you realise you are not making the other person make such sounds, you become nervous, disaster ensues. Also there are two people in porn, if your other half gets fixated on a person of the same sex, and isn’t that way inclined, then it may cause problems. Lastly, you really shouldn’t need porn to turn you on or get you in the mood, you should be able to do it yourselves.

There is only one exception to this rule, if it is yourselves. I have to say it can be quite fun to have yourselves having sex playing on the TV while you have sex. In one bizarre incident, a film, of us having sex with a film of us having sex playing, with a film of us having sex playing. Trust me, too much noise and can get quite confusing, it was a good laugh though.

Anyway, back on track. Is watching porn while having sex a good idea or not? Personally I say no, unless it is a film of yourself. I find it a bit strange that my other half would need other people to turn her on instead of myself, especially as neither of us find it that enjoyable. It is however a personal opinion. I am sure you have your own views on this so comment and tell us.