How to Look Good Naked
We all want to look hot in the bedroom, and diet and exercise are the most fundamental physical aspects of creating a look that Gok Wan would approve of. When searching for body confidence, working on the mind in terms of our attitude to ourselves in crucial, but so is taking a strong look at how much effort we put into taking care of our bodies.
Here we will look at exercise, and which techniques can offer you great results so that you feel more confident when taking part in the horizontal Olympics!
If you have fat to burn as almost all of us do, cardio exercise is your friend. During the summer months, a good run outside in the sunshine can be very uplifting as well as calorie burning. If you are not a practiced runner, you can simply walk for part of the distance so that your body has time to recover and build stamina. A good run or run/walk distance is 5-6 kilometres or approximately 30-45 minutes if you do not have a distance measuring device. It will take a surprisingly short amount of time to build up stamina so that you can complete a full 5K run if you practice two to four times a week. Some people prefer to swim, cross-train or walk, as running can be hard on the joints. Whatever you choose, cardio is a must for everyone in day-to-day healthfulness.
Toning is crucial for naked body-confidence and there are lots of ways to achieve it. The greater your muscle mass, the larger number of calories you will burn whether exercising or not, so improving muscle not only adds shape and definition but also aids weight loss. The ‘Power Plate’ machine (found in most gyms) is the fastest way to achieve fantastic muscle tone and is also easy to use. Working with weights in the gym and doing core-strength exercises is another way to improve toning. Again, practicing several times a week for half an hour or so will be necessary to get really great results.
Stretching and suppleness are also very important factors in maintaining a good appearance and enjoying being in your own body. Yoga or Pilates can offer great help in this area, also providing mental calm and relaxation. Bikram yoga is ‘hot yoga’ and will provide a strenuous work out. The great advantage of Bikram yoga is that it offers cardio exercise, toning and stretching all in one hour-and-a-half session, but prepare to be challenged by the heat and humidity as well as the tough programme!
In conclusion, no matter what your age, shape, size or ability, building on or starting exercising aids body confidence and also calms us down mentally! Getting in touch with yourself physically can support your relationships as well as your health and lifestyle, and is always a good move. Plus, many fit people are hanging out in gyms and health clubs so if you are looking for some excitement, you may find some tasty treats!