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When Does Group Sex Become An Orgy: An Investigation

When Does Group Sex Become An Orgy: An Investigation

By Tatyana Dyachenko

If you are curious about group sex and orgies, you are not alone. For many people, it is quite hard to differentiate between the two and know when you are participating in either. According to Peaches and Screams experts, group sex is anything that comprises about four people. Two is definitely a couple and three is considered a three-some.  On the other hand, orgies comprise at least a minimum of five people although there is no limitation for the maximum number of people that can get involved. It is a sex party of multiple participants who are completely open and in synch with their sexual activities in both body and mind.

While you might enjoy some group sex during a dinner party with your friend and their partner, the moment there is a five body; then the whole experience becomes an orgy. Orgies are simply group sex, only that there are in most cases planed and themes. All the participants involved are also ready and willing to have sex with different people and engage in different types of sex activities all at the same time. Play can involve role-plays, oral sex, intercourse, sex toys, team bondage and more.

When Does Group Sex Become An Orgy: An Investigation

What makes orgies so special is that all participants engage in different sexual activities all at the same time, will everyone is either penetrated in one way or another. For example, one party may be having intercourse with another while they are giving a fingering or being inserted a dildo.  It is designed in such a way that one experiences the most pleasure by both watching others having sex while experiencing the actual sex stimulation themselves. For those looking for wild fantasies, orgies present you a live porn experience where you are an active participant.  And this is what makes it so interesting and fun for many couples. If you enjoy watching while your partner is getting off with someone else and then give you the ultimate climax while at it, then orgies will definitely be your thing.

A classic orgy is one that has mood setter and organiser. This is the guy who controls the pace and consents of the party. Orgies that are a free-for-all without any special control don’t always end so well. And considering that orgies have no or little limitations, it is important that you set-your boundaries if any beforehand to avoid misunderstanding during play. For example, you can explicitly explain to the participants that they can have oral sex with your partner but you are not comfortable with intercourse.

When Does Group Sex Become An Orgy: An Investigation

But despite the need for an organizer and pacesetter, orgies work best when they flow naturally. Many tend to start from group sex after a few treats in homes. Therefore, there needs to be a bit of familiarity and chemistry between the participants, although there are those who fancy random and unfamiliar participants. When it is about to begin, you can already smell the pheromones in the room. Most of the participants are already aroused and throbbing with want. At such a moment, an orgy is imminent. It is a mood of consensual touching and caressing. Then it is a smile, a pull out of orgasm balls, a sneak of a finger under the panties. And then it is a full-blown sexual party with consenting grown-ups pleasuring each other with animalistic instincts of both crave and want. Orgy players know that the experience of the body is strongly stimulated by the mind and have embraced this unison as their greatest point of satisfaction.

Do we recommend orgy? Oooh yes, we do because it is a lot of fun. Orgies give you the opportunity to experience sex at a heightened level. It is aesthetic to see a group of people dazed by the sensuality of their own bodies. Moreover, letting more than one person pleasure you while you give pleasure gives you another level of sexual stimulation. Imagine having your partner penetrating you while another participant runs a vibrator across your tummy or suckle your breast. Then another gives you an oral all at the same time. For men, think of your partner thrusting your asshole while another plugs your penis for numbing prostate stimulation. Then another fucks your deep throat. As you turn and twist with pleasure, there are ten more such scenes, only some are fingering, others are fucking with a double penetration dildo will others are having a medical role play. Your mind wants every single experience, only your body is in another level of arousal you are almost short of breath. It is a sexual dance and music of moans and orgasm screams. Bodies are curving and crawling under the silky sheets with pleasure. The sweat breaking is tasty and tingling, full of sexual satisfaction. It is more than you have ever fantasized, it is a pleasure nirvana beyond your wildest imaginations. This is what an orgy is and much more.

When Does Group Sex Become An Orgy: An Investigation

You will have the craziest sexual fun that exists, but remember to be openminded. Orgies are not always successful. Sometime your subconscious moral campus will arise in the most awkward ways and you will want to stop. Sometimes you will be bored. Sometimes, you might finish too early, and have to watch while others get all the fun. And other times you might never finish at all while everyone seems to have had their feel. This might happen particularly for the first few times, but once you become more seasoned, you will find the experience exceptional.  

However, orgies are not really designed for couples looking for monogamy in relationships. Unless you are comfortable seeing your partner getting banged explicitly by someone else then you should not try it.   Despite how ready you think you are, you will have to watch as your partner experiences intimacy with someone else, maybe even with multiple people. Feelings such as insecurity, jealousy, abandonment, rejections and other negative emotions can come to play especially if you feel your partner is enjoying the experience more than they do when you pleasure them. What was meant to be a good experience might just end up becoming a nightmare.  So if you are thinking of joining an orgy, you might want to start with a threesome and see how it makes you feel to see your partner pleasured by someone else and move up to group sex then "orgy". This will prepare you psychologically and help you understand your boundaries as well as pleasure points that are acceptable for you.

Orgies also involve a lot of body-fluid exchange with multiple participants. Hence it is important to know the people involved well to reduce the chances of sexually transmitted infections including  HIV, herpes, and syphilis among others. Also it is advisable to carry your own sex toys and be keen to ensure that only your toys are used on you. Make sure to insist on condoms use for penetrative sex and use dental dams for oral sex to protect yourself and others from STIs. While these notes may seem boring and unimportant especially while the air is filled with pheromones, being responsible is crucial not only to your health but also for long-term sexual happiness. Enjoy responsibly.

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