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Sex is a primary factor in almost all relationships. People in relationships engage in sex for different reasons and regardless of the reasons, it is vital that both parties feel sexually satisfied after the session. however, some factors may hinder sexual satisfaction. For example, economic disparities. Read below as we delve into the levels of sexual satisfaction in the middle class as well as the 1 percent in society.

The middle class in the society are those who fall between the middle- and upper-class levels. The middle-class level consists of individuals who work in the professional and technical fields of the profession. The 1% in the society are those who earn a gross income of nearly a quarter of a state’s income. In essence, the 1% consists of the top earners globally. For a while now, there has been a growing debate on what factors affect sexual satisfaction. Due to this, various research studies have come up to measure levels of sexual satisfaction among people of different economic levels.

Defining The Middle Class

Banerjee & Duflo (2008) noted that the middle class is a term given to individuals whose economic class falls between the working and the upper class. In Western nations, the middle-class society record high numbers of college degrees compared to those in the working class. Middle-class individuals often find employment as civil servants, managers, and professionals. The term middle class may be a bit misleading because it suggests that individuals who fall under this category bag income that falls within the middle of a state's income distribution, which is not always the case. Many folks who are in the middle-class economic level have mortgages, a car that they acquired on loan or lease, and kids who attend school through scholarships or student loans.

Defining The 1 Percent

Saez & Recession (2012) noted that in the United States, only 1% have earnings that surpass all the incomes of the middle class combined. This concentration of wealth in the hands of a few is why some countries have unending political battles. Often, the 1% do not know about the daily struggles of the common citizen because they are always on the go trying to increase their wealth. This class of people has the best-educated individuals who end up spearheading top global positions.

Who Is More Sexually Satisfied, The Middle Class Or The 1 Percent?

A survey carried out in Spain found that women who are in control of their financial status are more sexually satisfied compared to the less privileged. Financial stability will allow you to have more control over your life because finances will give you the freedom to self-actualize through sex. However, in terms of sexual satisfaction, 1 percent have been reported to lead highly unsatisfying sex lives. Recent studies have shown that women in middle-class society lead more sexually satisfying lives compared to the 1% for several reasons that we shall list below.

More Money Equals To More Problems?

Money is the root cause of many problems but it is also the band-aid that heals most if not all of our financial wounds. Often, the drive to amass wealth has been the main reason why most people are leading sexually dissatisfied lives because they are busy trying to amass large amounts of wealth as well as trying to maintain and increase their sources of income. Also, most wealthy people have the overachiever mindset that may hinder them from allocating enough time to their sexual needs. They may set aside some time for sexual relationships but they may easily get bored because they want something more thrilling.

The Impulsive Buying Behavior

According to Sari & Pidada (2020), impulsive buying behavior is when someone purchases goods and services without a thought to it. Usually, impulsive buying is triggered by feelings and emotions that the said person has no control over; irrational thinking. Impulsive buying can be in the form of costly items such as cars, jewelry, clothes, and shoes. Also, impulsive buying can be in the form of sex toys. Folks with a high income may feel the need to purchase a lumpsum amount of sex toys without taking the time to know how each works. They may purchase dildos, rabbit vibrators, etc. all at once not because they need them, but because they feel the need to have a variety to choose from. In most cases, they may end up not using the dildos which leads to basic sex life. On the other hand, middle-class individuals are less impulsive about purchasing sex toys mostly due to financial reasons and also due to the fact they are sexually aware of what works for them and what does not.

The Secret To Sexual Satisfaction

Tune Out The Noise In Your Head

Often, individuals who earn high incomes are constantly out of touch with their surroundings. Their brains are wired to think about their next high-income project or shipment which makes them focus less on their sexual satisfaction. This high level of distraction makes it hard to focus on romance which in turn prevents you from experiencing an orgasm. Before engaging in sex, make sure that your mind is in the right place.

Allocate Time For Your Sexual Endeavors

Setting aside some time to engage in sex may seem boring. However, it is a good option for people who are always on the go trying to secure themselves a future. Although most people are not for the idea that sex sessions should be scheduled, it is a beneficial move because you will prepare your mind for an exquisite night full of passion. Making schedules for sex allows you to keep intimacy and sex alive for healthy sex life.

The Bottom Line

Sexual satisfaction is important for any budding relationship. Folks who lead a highly satisfying sex life tend to experience healthy levels of stability and love in the relationship. However, what happens when an individual leads a highly unsatisfying life; the repercussions and the reasons. Often, people end up leading sexually dissatisfied lives because their lives revolve around work and how to bag the fattest cheques. 


Banerjee, A. V., & Duflo, E. (2008). What is middle class about the middle classes around the world?. Journal of economic perspectives, 22(2), 3-28.

Saez, E., & Recession, G. (2012). Striking it richer: The evolution of top incomes in the United States (updated with 2009 and 2010 estimates). March, 2, 2012.

Sari, D. M. F. P., & Pidada, I. A. I. (2020). Hedonic shopping motivation, shopping lifestyle, price reduction toward impulse buying behavior in shopping center. International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 3(1), 48-54.