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World’s 5 Most Bizarre Sex Practices

World's 5 Most Bizarre Sex Practices

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Barbara Santini
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Psychologist and Sex and Relationships Advisor
Veronika Matutyte
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Katie Lasson
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📝 Article Summary 📝

Here's a quick rundown of the key takeaways from this article:

  • 🔹 Bizarre practices around the world, including some truly outlandish trends!
  • 🔹 A deep dive into history's weirdest and most curious rituals.
  • 🔹 Expert insights on the psychology behind these unusual behaviours.

💡 Key Advice & Tips from Our Experts 💡

For a deeper dive, our experts have some pearls of wisdom for you:

  • 🔸 Always approach unconventional practices with curiosity, but be respectful! 🌍
  • 🔸 Understanding culture is key—don’t judge until you understand the context. 🧐
  • 🔸 Embrace the weirdness, but keep a balance between adventure and safety! ⚖️

Humans are hell-bent on exploring what gets them off, something that sex therapists champion. However, what happens when some people go over and beyond these sexual experiments? Below are the 5 most bizarre sexual practices from around the world.

Sexual practices are often used to keep the spark alive in any relationship. Communities practiced bizarre sexual acts based on customs or traditions; failure to perform these intense sexual acts could mean a curse from their gods or elders. There are a ton of sexual acts that people all over the world practice, from young boys swallowing semen and copulating with older women to build their sexual prowess to brothers having a common wife.

Bizarre Sex Practices

The Bloody Mary

Urban (2001) stated that the bloody mary is a blood ritual carried out by a religious cult known as the bauls. The Bauls are mystic individuals who are part of Vaishnavism and Sufism. Bauls dominate in Bangladesh and the neighboring states of Meghalaya, Assam's Barak valley, west Bengal, and Tripura. The Baul religion combines tantra, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam teachings. People practicing Baulism believe body fluids are an important aspect of worship. Some of the body fluids that the baulicians worship are menstrual blood, urine, feces, and semen.

Men possess urine, feces, and semen but lack menstrual blood, making them spiritually incomplete according to the Baul religion, as Miah (2018) revealed. Therefore, the community celebrates a woman when a girl reaches puberty and experiences her first period. The period blood is caught on a cloth and mixed with palm sugar, cow's milk, camphor, and coconut milk, and then the girl's friends and family are given to ingest. However, for couples, the bloody mary ritual is different. While a married woman is on her period, the man is expected to ingest the blood through the head of the penis, which is done when the woman orgasms.

The Loving Hut

According to Brown (2000), the loving hut is a common phenomenon among the Kreung tribe in the Ratanakiri region of Cambodia. The Kreung people focus on crop farming because the region is marred with electricity and water shortage, making farming the only activity they can partake in. The Kreung tribe is famous for its sexual empowerment procedures which western nations do not agree to. The love hut phenomenon is a practice that the Kreung tribe takes to heart because it allows females to call the shots regarding matters affecting their sexuality.

Puberty and their fathers build them a hut made from bamboo far away from home. The hut is miles away from home, so the girl can have privacy while exploring her sexuality with other boys. This tradition is hyped among the Kreung people because it gives females the right to choose their preferred partners. The community teaches boys who visit the girl's hut that respect is mandatory, and they believe that failure to respect a girl will result in a curse that involves the death of the boy's family livestock.

Fertility Dance

Many documentaries highlight how different communities adore and respect female fertility. One such tribe is the Wayuu from northern Colombia. The Wayuu is a matriarchal society headed by females meaning that women have the highest status and are also responsible for choosing their mates, Jamieson (2007) revealed. Once girls in the Wayuu community hit puberty, they are separated from boys for a while until they are mature for marriage and mating. During this period, they are left under the care of their maternal aunts, who teach them all about maintaining a home and the art of making crafts.

Once mature, they are given new names and allowed to join the Chichimaya. During the fertility dance, the boys will dance around the girls while making gestures to the girls. A girl will walk toward someone she likes and try to trick him to the ground. The boy trips to the ground, and there is a slight chance that the two will tie the knot.

Fraternal Polyandry

Polyandry is when a woman is married to more than one man, while fraternal polyandry is when brothers are married to the same woman. Fraternal polyandry has been in existence for a long time, with several communities still practicing this tradition. One such community is the upper Dolpo region of Nepal. The eldest son of a homestead gets into an arranged marriage; his parents hand picks a wife for their son. The newlyweds will live with the husband's younger brothers, and once they come of age, she marries all of them, and they engage in a sexual relationship. Fraternal polyandry is rampant in the upper Dolpo region because the area lacks enough resources to use communally. Therefore, families can share the little resources at their disposal by living together.

Drinking Semen

Some communities partake in this unconventional sex act, as bizarre as it sounds. An example of a community participating in this tradition is the Sambia tribe that habitats the eastern highlands of Papua new guinea. The Sambian people believe that for a boy to become a man, he must drink semen. The transition from childhood to adulthood takes fifteen years and begins when the boy is 6 or 7 years old. The boys are taken away from their homes to a remote area where they are trained to be unmatched worriers – jurungdu. One may ask, what is the purpose of semen in jurungdu? The Sambian people believe that for a boy to develop jurungdu, they must swallow semen, but since young boys do not have semen, they are required to perform oral sex on older boys and then ingest their semen.

The Bottom Line

There is no limit to sex practices because people are encouraged to explore and ascertain what works for them. No one has the right to bash you based on your sexual preference, regardless of whether it conforms to societal rules or not. Often, indigenous communities find themselves at the center of controversy because of their bizarre sex acts like the ones highlighted in the article above. There is no fault in any sex act, as long as the people who participate in it treat each other with the utmost respect. Also, a number of these bizarre acts are done to show respect to women, and matters concerning women's sexuality should be left for them to decide.


Brown, I. (2000). Cambodia (Vol. 22). Oxfam.

Jamieson, S. (2007). Urbanization And The Symbolic Revaluations Of The Girls' Puberty Rite Among Urban Wayuu In Maracaibo, Venezuela. Anthropologica, 107-108.

Miah, H. (2018). Status Of Women In Baul Sadhana: A Social Aspect. Bangabidya: International Journal Of Bengal Studies, 10, 349-357.

Urban, H. B. (2001). The Marketplace And The Temple: Economic Metaphors And Religious Meanings In The Folk Songs Of Colonial Bengal. The Journal Of Asian Studies, 60(4), 1085-1114.

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