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10 Tips For Healthy Sperm- How To Make Your Swimmers Stronger

10 Tips For Healthy Sperm- How To Make Your Swimmers Stronger

Are you and your partner experiencing fertility issues? This happens to many couples worldwide. Scientific study shows that in every six couples, one has this problem. Scientists and medical experts say that infertility cannot be treated, but fertility can increase one's chances of conceiving. They advise people to take a healthy and balanced diet and live a decent lifestyle to boost healthy sperm count and increase fertility.

What is Male Infertility?

Fertility is a condition where one can naturally reproduce without any medical assistance. When a man experiences a challenge in impregnating his partner, he is considered infertile or to have a condition known as erectile dysfunction.

Infertility has often been linked to poor quality semen and sexual function. Here are more factors linked to infertility in men;

Low Libido

This is the desire for sex or sex drive. Supplements and foodstuffs taken to boost the desire for sex are called aphrodisiacs. Low libido can cause infertility.

Erectile Dysfunction

This is the condition that is most referred to as impotence. Here, the man cannot maintain an erection.

Low Sperm Count

 A healthy sperm has the strength to swim. The movement of the sperm is measured from the percentage of the moving ones in a semen sample.

Low Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is the male sex hormone. When their level is low, a man is likely to develop infertility.

These are not the only causes of infertility. There are other factors, such as the general health fitness of an individual, diseases, dietary contaminants, and genetic factors. Lifestyle also plays a role in determining male infertility symptoms in a person.

Scientific Ways of Boosting Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count

Take D-aspartic Supplements

This is an amino acid in the form of aspartic acid mostly used as a supplement by individuals with dietary issues. For use, mix it with L-aspartic acid. Aspartic acid contributes to the protein structures in D-AA, which is mainly found in glands. The D-AA is commonly found in the testicles, sperm cells, and semen.

Scientists believe that D-AA is associated with fertility in males. Infertile men's levels of D-AA are significantly lower compared to fertile individuals. Boost your fertility level by taking D-AA supplements. They will help increase testosterone levels, which is essential in enhancing fertility.

Exercise Regularly

Besides focusing on general health, pay some attention to exercise. It will boost healthy sperm and improve your fertility by increasing the level of testosterone. In recent studies, researchers have realized that men who engage in regular exercises have higher testosterone hormone levels. They also have quality semen compared to men who do not do exercise.

However, too much exercise is not healthy. It may, in turn, produce the opposite of what you needed by lowering the level of testosterone. To avoid this, take measured amounts of zinc.

Get Enough Vitamin C

Vitamin C is known for boosting our immune systems. Evidence shows that the application of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, also helps in enhancing healthy sperm naturally in men. Stress due to oxidation occurs when the reactive species of oxygen levels rise to harmful levels. This happens when the antioxidant defense in the body is suppressed by diseases, unhealthy lifestyles, old age, or pollutants in the environment.

The body continues with the constant production of the reactive oxygen species; however, a person's health keeps it in check. When the levels of reactive oxygen species rise, tissue injury increases, and inflammation also occurs. This poses a high risk for chronic diseases.

Relax and Minimize Stress

When you are too stressed, you won't be satisfied with sex, making you sexually impaired. High levels of stress partly contribute to the rise in cortisol levels. When the level of cortisol increases, it impacts the body such that the level of testosterone reduces. Severe anxiety is treatable, while low levels of stress can be reduced or treated by just relaxing the mind.

Get Enough Vitamin D

This vitamin increases the levels of testosterone. When the level of vitamin D is high in the body, it helps, though not often, in boosting the mobility of the sperm.

Try Tribulus Terretris

Another name for Tribulus Terrestris is puncture vine. It is a medicine used to boost male fertility and increase sperm count while promoting the effects of libido in testosterone.

Take Fenugreek Supplements

A seed from fenugreek also helps in boosting the levels of testosterone, thus enhancing fertility in men.

Get Enough Zinc

Zinc can be found in foodstuffs, such as meat, eggs, shellfish, and fish. Zinc supplements play an important role in improving sperm count and boosting testosterone hormone levels.

Consider Ashwagandha

This is just a medical herb used in India in ancient times. Observational evidence showed that this herb helped improve sperm counts, antioxidant status, sperm motility, and testosterone levels.

Eat Maca Root

Maca roots will boost your libido, your sexual performance, and fertility.

Bottom Line

Many things can help in boosting healthy sperm count and increasing fertility. However, you should base your medication on the cause of your condition. First, you should ensure that your general health is okay and you are not overweight. If you take alcohol, reduce the rate at which you consume it. Ensure that you get adequate sleep. Most importantly, consult your doctor before using any medication.