Exploring Fetishes With Furries And Fursuits
By Elena Ognivtseva
Unlike Ms Ruth Smyther, there are few of us whose imagination doesn't extend past the missionary position. With the brain being the primary sex organ, fantasy plays an enormous role in arousal and enjoyment of the act itself. Fetish springs from desire, desire is borne of fantasy and fantasy is limited only by what the amorous mind can cook up. That being said, our minds can turn to some truly weird and wonderful ideas and find sexual delight in what many might consider taboo. Hello, Furries.
You may not have heard of fursuits or Furries as they're commonly called, but the popularity of what they do is on the rise, and more widespread than you might imagine. What are Furries, you ask? Well, they take the fairly commonplace appeal of bunnygirls and leopard-print lingerie quite a few steps further. No, we're not talking about puppy and pony play BDSM here. Furries are more interested in their complete absorption into a fantasy than they are necessarily into bondage and power play. In what many might consider exotic, outlandish or even offensive, Furries, as their moniker suggests, dress up as animals, donning full body fursuits which render them into anthropomorophic wolves, cats, foxes, horses, you name it.
Not all of them are interested in the erotic side of this dressing up, but for many, the fursuit facilitates some very frisky sex indeed. One might think that considering the abundance of strange and deviant fetishes out there, many of which now enjoy mainstream popularity, this kind of advanced dress up play would be no great shakes. Interestingly though, Furries have been the centre of much controversy, met with widespread derision in net forums and bizzarely, classed as too deviant as they raise more than a few eyebrows.
That being said, as odd as wearing a fursuit may seem, it does allow the wearing a level of anonymity. The "fursona" as it is commonly called, facilitates role-play that wouldn't be possible otherwise and roleplaying has come to be widely accepted and embraced when it comes to spicing up one's sex life. Why should Furries be treated any differently? After all, whether it's cat, dog, horse or what have you, we all have a little animal in us.