Free Erotic Short Story - Dana and the Delight
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📌 Key Takeaways in a Nutshell
- 🔥 Passion is the secret ingredient—never hold back!
- 💋 Sensory play adds that extra spice—soft, rough, or a tantalising mix?
- 🎭 Roleplay isn't just for the stage—step into your fantasy!
- 🔗 Trust is the ultimate aphrodisiac—communication is 🔑
- 🎶 Set the mood with music—silence is golden, but a sultry tune? Divine!
💡 Expert Pearls of Wisdom
- ✨ Explore at your own pace—pleasure is a journey, not a race!
- 🌶️ Keep an open mind—some of the best experiences are unexpected!
- 🕯️ Atmosphere matters—candles, scents, and lingerie work magic!
- 🧘 Breathe, relax, and be present—pleasure thrives in the moment.
By Elena Ognivtseva
She walked in, just as I had told her to, and walked around the rooms. She was, of course, a little amazed at the size of my home. I shrugged although she didn't see me. I didn't care only because my eyes were perched only on those"her wide and succulent and undulating hips. I've told her, more or less, and probably more then I should, how much I'd love to perch her on my lap" Then dig into her.
Ohhhhhh crap and here she was. In my home, her body"herself"her"and me together because" Because why? Oh god, I have to be crazy. I have to be utterly nuts to be doing this. I"have"to"be fucking"nuts! There she is. In those"corduroys...and they wrap around her like they do and her sexy large ass and her sexy wide and arching, bending hips along with her personality, and of course her body in general make me want to" Jump her bones, but only if she wants them jumped.
"So what do you think? Of course it could use a little sprucing up but seeing as she and" Well let's forget about, you know, the she part. I'd much rather prefer the"you and me portion." She giggled, said something. I didn't care what it was. All I wanted was to put my arms around this pretty younger 39 year old woman who was single with no kids and who liked me, a lot, but I got the idea she didn't like me that much however. "You look nice" I told her.
She always looks nice though. Not that she wears dresses. She's a casual if not semi-casual top and jeans type of girl who wears work boot type shoes. I love that about her. I looked at that racetrack size ass of hers" Curving, bending, arcing in spots look of an ass and oh man"oh man"oh man" Let me sink my teeth into her it, and of course her whole sweet body! God, to be able to bite down on her and especially her lovely ass and then lick it and lick it some more and then bite into it again, and finally I'd kiss her ass and tell her, my glorious beauty, I wish I could lay down with her and be naked, forever. I wish I could lie down with her and fiddle with her flab. I wish she'd do it with me too. I wish for a lot of things at that time. I wish I could get her top off. I'd start there.
Suddenly Dana untucked her top as if she had invited me into her bodily dwelling and openly said "Well" Aren't you going to do something"anything? I'm waiting honey."
She'd been looking out through my window. She and I had been talking. Her ass looked back at me. Her body did too. It was as if she was waiting on me to do my thing. What was my thing I suddenly asked myself, but she waited and I did step closer but not close enough"yet. But something happened and it was huge. No even though it was huge, it was not her ass I'm referring to. I'm referring to a feeling, an emotion or set of emotions I felt and I surged with"with something I don't think I've felt in years. It was then that it did happen.
I found my body plowing forward, against hers, pressing and pressing and pressing myself harder against it. She did nothing notable but let me press firmly against her body. Wow, oh wow, did I get hard, and I got hard fast. I wanted her to feel what was coursing beneath my jeans. I felt power I don't ever feel surging beneath them. So I plowed it against her body. Her back felt it, finally.
Her body felt the coursing arousal within my mid-section. My cock, as horny as I was, pressed against her back and I didn't think twice about it at all as I wrapped my arms around her and more to the point, her belly. Yes that belly I wish I could live in too. That belly, like mine, was tubby. It never ever bothered me as I held her against me. Her hands came off the counter. Her hands settled against my arms. Her upper body settled against me as her head took position against my lower shoulder.
"Do you know how much I've thought about days like this?" I said in a whisper. She giggled, again but quietly. We didn't move. I held her and she held my arms as she lay back against me. "I want you in bed with me you know." She shook her head as her hands seem to grab arms tighter. "I want to see you naked, Dana." I felt her become tense. I smiled as my eyes closed and I pulled her tighter against me. "You smell nice" I told her. She said thank you and said she put some on as she drove over here to my place. Finally I did it. I swung her around and looked her in the eyes and I told her again everything I wished I could have, beginning with her and her body. "Please?" I told her.
I saw her as she looked into my eyes and almost believed I saw her nod her head yes. I lowered my hand and took hers. "Upstairs, really?" she said. I told her yes. As we walked upstairs and I turned her to the left she said something. I didn't hear her. I told her to take a left at the end of the hallway. "Wow" she said as she turned at my bedroom. "Wow, nice" she told me again as she spun on her heels to plant a kiss on me.
"Wow ohhhhhhh wow is right" I came back. "Now"" as my eyes opened and closed "that is a kiss." She planted another one on me. Do that again I should have said. I mouthed the words "Do that again." So she did but that time they didn't drop off. Her luscious incredibly awesome lips swerved left and right across mine as she pulled me to my bed. She pulled me hard towards it. I reached around this wonderful dark beauty and grabbed her overt curving wide ass as her body pressed hard against me. I wanted those pants off. I wanted her top off. I wanted her lovely bulging curves all over me, even if there was no sex. All I wanted was her body against mine. I would do any "work" there was to be done that day. "I want you with me, forever Dana."
"I know" she said. "I know babydoll and I want your body too."
She pushed me down on the bed. She was almost on top of me as she undid button after button after button and before I knew it, her lips, those tyrannical lips of hers had taken over. They were sexing my body up as they kissed and they kissed and they kissed my chest, the front of my body- my soft chest, my belly, and my".yes"my love handles too and she told me she liked me very, very much as she did what she was doing.
"I like you too Dana" I told her.
"Then, would you like to well you know"do this, I assume?" she asked. "Is that what you want?"
I couldn't believe my ears for some reason, but wasn't that the reason I invited her over? Did she just say that I kept asking myself, as my cock became and grew more riotous? Yes, that's right, I did. I invited her over but I knew, somewhere deep down inside we weren't going to do it. Still to have this woman, the woman I dearly liked and adored as women go, over at my place and in my bed and on top of me as her hands played all over the upper part of my body here asking me that question" I didn't know how to reply.
I did. I wanted to get naked with her. I wanted her down to her bra and underwear, or whatever it was she wore underneath. Yes, I wanted to see her big brown wound up boobs hanging down over my face as we looked into the others eyes. I wanted her belly to show. I wanted her ass to unfold before me. I wanted her thighs and legs wrapped across my folds as well. I wanted so many things to occur at that moment, I didn't know where to begin. All I knew I wanted was to be undress and pocketed against her as we held one another and I could kiss her endlessly while I felt those luscious lips, but I wanted more then that. I wanted so much more then that. I wanted so"so"much more.
"Let's at least get a little naked, okay?" she told me.
"Oh, okay" Uh I"I guess"so" I responded.
"You don't want to?" she asked.
"Uh no" It isn't that, Dana. It's"it's just that all of this is so, so weird to me," I said.
She sat up. Her shirt was untucked. She needed a second to think. She looked around the room and saw the bathroom. I saw her look back at me slowly as a devious devilish look formed in her eyes. She smiled. She winked. And she said, "Let's do something wild. Let's go take a shower. Why not? You and me"in your shower, okay?"
She watched me and then I thought about it. Shit, why not? It is a perfect way to see this gorgeous woman naked, and have a little fun too. I nodded and we quickly jumped up and off my bed and I headed to the shower and turned around and she had her shirt undone. My heart jumped. It beat twice as fast as I expected. Wow, look at her"look at you, Dana"to be able to be against you every day, every morning, and every night and my eyes closed as I had those thoughts running"no coursing through my mind. I became harder and harder and it was good because then she wouldn't see how small I could get when I am not horny"and I was horny as hell for her.
It warmed up and I stepped inside and left my hand out to escort her inside with me. We quickly huddled together. Our bodies close as dirt and grass were against each other and I wanted to kiss those breasts. I wanted to kiss her belly, her naked wet belly, and I wanted her ass too. I pulled her close and I pulled her tightly against me. We laughed and we kissed and we laughed some more as we stood feeling the warmth of the shower's spray hit us. She was gorgeous and she loved being with me and I loved her body, and her, against me too. We never had a chance to talk about anything because as we huddled closely, we kissed and felt each other"everywhere.
I got to feel the slit of her large rounded ass. Feeling it was ostentatious. Feeling her ass especially that slit of hers was without words to be honest, but she let me and I loved doing it a million times"well not really, but I could have. I scooted down and kissed each of her tits. I held them. I took each in my hands and I kissed it. And I kissed it for a very long time, especially, of course, the nipples, and she has quite a large nipple I might add. Each one was like a grape- Big and ripe and full of richness. I loved them both as I suppose I love her. And I told her that, again. She giggled as I did the things or said things to her I usually don't say. But she took it all in and we had fun. I told her she has to have one of the greatest bodies in the world, or so I believe she does. And she giggled.
"So do you actually" she said.
I told her I didn't. She giggled and said she liked it and that was all that mattered that she liked it and that she told me too. She said she felt she "Had to tell me that" That she wanted to" and that doing this, taking a shower with me was a great idea. "It's romantic, there isn't any sex involved, but we get to be together with our clothes off and she'd love to do it again some time." That's what she said. I remember her words"word for word.
"Then let's do it again soon?" I said.
That's when I felt it. I felt her hand on my hardened cock. My heart jumped. I thought I felt myself cum too, but I didn't. She had to do something, she said, and by doing that, by slipping her hand around my cock, my elongated erection she allowed herself a chance she never gets and we kissed, then kissed more. And she let go of it and we embraced in a long, never forgotten kiss which had to have sent rockets flying forever in every direction because I felt, as I kissed this dark gorgeous woman, I felt myself pushing my hard cock into her upper belly. Man, was that fun, or what I asked as we got out and wrapped ourselves up in towels before falling back on my bed.
Then she went at it. She reached over and jacked me off. I came quickly, but I came with steam, and it was one of the greatest nights of my entire life. I got her address and told her, before kissing her one last time that weekend, I'd see my beautiful coworker on Monday morning, sharp. We both giggled. Man oh man do I love her body. Oh yes I do.