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Do you have questions about oxytocin – what it feels like, its function in the body, and what it is – you are in the right place. Herein, we talk about oxytocin and all there is to know about this hormone dubbed “the love hormone”

The hormone oxytocin is popular because it plays cupid; trying to bring two souls together to fall in love. However, there is more to what meets the eye. The masses know the hormone oxytocin is responsible for our happy moods, partner bonding, and also child and mother bonding. Oxytocin is the most mentioned hormone especially when it comes to social-related behaviors and attachment patterns.

Defining Oxytocin

Oxytocin is a peptide hormone as well as a neurotransmitter in the brain. The hormone oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the bloodstream. Assad et al. (2016) noted that when your brain is excited, it activates the neurons in the hypothalamus which then activates the posterior pituitary gland to release the hormone oxytocin. The main function of oxytocin in the body is to help with the contraction of the uterine muscles and to increase the production of prostaglandins. Often, women are injected with a manufactured version of oxytocin to induce contractions during childbirth and also to hasten the release of the placenta after childbirth.

When a mother is breastfeeding her child, the hormone oxytocin boosts milk production by making sure that the milk reaches the ducts. In men, the hormone oxytocin is responsible for romantic attachments, boosting trust levels, sexual arousal, and mother-child bonding, this is the reason why oxytocin is nicknamed the “love” or the “cuddle” hormone. There have been ongoing studies on the effects of oxytocin medication but there is not enough information on its effectiveness. Recent studies have also shown that oxytocin medication might make depressed patients worsen. With that, connecting with other people on a soul-to-soul level is the best way to boost your oxytocin levels in the body.

Functions Of Oxytocin In The Body

Lowers Stress Levels

When you are going through stress; physical or emotional stress, your body releases excess amounts of oxytocin to help combat the stress levels. This release of oxytocin prevents your body from going into shock which may lead to a total shut down of the nervous system.

Lowers Anxiety Levels

According to Knobloch et al. (2012), when oxytocin is released in the body, it directly affects the amygdala; a cluster of cells responsible for activating the brain in response to threatening stimuli. Hormone oxytocin calms down your mind and body in the event of increased stress levels in the body.

Builds Trust

Oxytocin is the hormone behind the feelings of trust between two people. Through oxytocin, our minds can group people's faces as either harmful or harmless which will then help you to build feelings of connection and trust.

Impacts Moods

Oxytocin greatly impacts our moods; emotional and social responses which include empathy and trust. When oxytocin levels in your body are low, you may experience depression (Stallen et al., 2012).

Promotes Good Connection With People

Kuchinskas (2009) noted that oxytocin is the driving force behind good and healthy relationships; social bonds. When you are in a comfortable social space, your body releases a ton of hormone oxytocin.

Oxytocin And Sex

According to Carter (1992). Orgasm and erotic arousal together with any related acts are dependent on the hormone oxytocin. When your nipple or any other erogenous zone is stimulated, it causes an increase in oxytocin levels in the body. In women, oxytocin is responsible for lubrication of the vagina while in men it boosts sperm count and makes the penis erect. Normally, women have high levels of oxytocin compared to men. However, during sex, especially during orgasm, men possess a higher level of oxytocin. Healthy sex life is dependent on oxytocin even though not largely dependent because the failure of the body to produce enough amounts of oxytocin can lead to boring sex life.

How to Increase Oxytocin In The Body

When your body is going through stressful situations, an increase in oxytocin levels in the body may help you to feel calm. You can increase oxytocin levels in the body through physical touch, sexual activity, or through effective touch like cuddling and kissing. Activities that can help to boost oxytocin levels in the body include;


Exercise ensures that our bodies are fit while also making sure that our bodies are free from diseases. Through exercise, the body releases a ton of growth hormones, insulin, and testosterone. Also, the brain releases happiness-related hormones such as endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine.

Eating A Bar Of Chocolate

Recent studies have shown that consuming moderate amounts of chocolate 1-2 times a week; 50-100 grams could boost heart health. The ingredients in chocolate, especially dark chocolate boosts the function of the coronary arteries. A malfunction of the coronary artery may cause a heart attack.

Eating Foods Rich In Tryptophan

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, which means that the body cannot produce it on its own. Therefore, you need to source it from foods rich in proteins like peanuts, fish, and peanuts. Zamoscik et al. (2021) noted that once your body has enough levels of tryptophan, it can oversee neurological processes like the production of serotonin.

Petting Your Pet

Pets have a calming effect on our minds especially if you are emotionally attached to your pet, be it a dog or a cat. A quiet time with your pet will boost the production of oxytocin and serotonin in your system which will have you feeling emotionally fulfilled.

Spending Time With A Loved One

Receiving or giving acts of love to a loved one is the greatest way to boost oxytocin levels in the body. Acts of love may include spending time together cuddling or watching your favorite film. These activities also boost the production of a ton of other hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins.

The Bottom Line

Oxytocin is one of the primary neurotransmitter hormones in the brain. It is thought to be the reason why people feel attracted to each other, sexually or platonically. Often, the release of oxytocin in the body is associated with breastfeeding, sex, and childbirth. However, studies have shown that any form of physical contact can cause your body to release oxytocin. During sex, men produce tons of oxytocin to boost orgasm levels, ejaculation, and erections. During childbirth, oxytocin is released to cause contractions in the uterine muscles. In essence, and as outlined in the article above, the level of oxytocin in the body increases during certain activities like eating chocolate, meditating, petting your dog, etc.


Assad, N. I., Pandey, A. K., & Sharma, L. M. (2016). Oxytocin, functions, uses and abuses: a brief review. Theriogenology Insight, 6(1), 1.

Carter, C. S. (1992). Oxytocin and sexual behavior. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews16(2), 131-144.

Knobloch, H. S., Charlet, A., Hoffmann, L. C., Eliava, M., Khrulev, S., Cetin, A. H., ... & Grinevich, V. (2012). Evoked axonal oxytocin release in the central amygdala attenuates fear response. Neuron, 73(3), 553-566.

Kuchinskas, S. (2009). The chemistry of connection: How the oxytocin response can help you find trust, intimacy, and love. New Harbinger Publications.

Stallen, M., De Dreu, C. K., Shalvi, S., Smidts, A., & Sanfey, A. G. (2012). The herding hormone: oxytocin stimulates in-group conformity. Psychological science23(11), 1288-1292.

Zamoscik, V., Schmidt, S. N. L., Bravo, R., Ugartemendia, L., Plieger, T., Rodríguez, A. B., ... & Kirsch, P. (2021). Tryptophan-enriched diet or 5-hydroxytryptophan supplementation given in a randomized controlled trial impacts social cognition on a neural and behavioral level. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-11.