How to Find a Man's G-spot
By Elena Ognivtseva
It's an age old joke that men find it difficult to locate a woman's clitoris or to find a way to bring her to orgasm without the aid of sex toys. However, just because a man can ejaculate without his G-spot being stimulated doesn't mean he can't enjoy explosive orgasms once this elusive trigger point is found.
Cosmopolitan magazine tried to educate their readers about this over ten years ago, but it was considered to be too risque and suddenly their article was removed from the public's eyes. Now it's considered normal amongst most couples as the growing range of sex toys incorporate this into their design.
Where is it?
The man's G-spot is located about two inches up his back passage. You can find it by using your finger and pushing forwards gently or by gently stroking the area. You will feel something akin to a walnut, this is his prostate gland that encourages the production of sperm and makes him climax in minutes. Be prepared for an earth shattering time and if you really like to please your man, you will be a happy bunny too!
Start Foreplay with a Shower
You may be worried about going near that part of your partners body, after all you've entered the bathroom just as they've left on many occasions, and the smell wasn't lavender and roses. However if you start by having a shower together you can offer to clean him all over so you are confident he will only taste of soap. Trying this for the first time is ideal if you're into role play. Check out my other post on being a nurse, give him a bed bath before announcing that you must check if everything is in working order.
Start Slowly
If your lover has never has anyone explore his G-spot before he may be quite nervous, a little dubious and a little embarrassed. He may also think that enjoying this penetration of his anus makes him gay, however nothing could be further from the truth. It just so happens that his G-spot is located here and gay men have known for a long time what couples should have learned first.
Make sure you have lots of lube on hand, as you will know yourself, this makes penetration easier. You must also encourage him to relax as this will increase the intensity.
Some men are so averse to their anus being explored due to the stigma they think comes with it that they refuse to believe they will actually enjoy this sensation. You can prove him wrong by rimming. When giving oral sex, lick around the entrance to his anus, gently probing a little. You will have washed this area thoroughly in the shower, so don't worry about this at all. After all although it may be on your mind, he doesn't think of the icky side of things when requesting to have anal sex with you does he?
Gentle Probing
You can then move onto dipping you finger in, as long as it's well lubricated. Some sex toy shops actually sell finger condoms that are perfect for this as it protects the delicate area from long nails. You can also wear latex gloves as part of your nursey role play. Once you've found it press firmly whilst giving oral sex and see your partner have the most explosive orgasm of their life.
A Little Help
If you are finding it difficult to locate the G-spot, try investing in some sex toys for him. Most butt plugs or anal penetrators take the g spot into account with a curve that hits the spot every time!