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According to DeRogatis et al. (2008), issues like maintaining an erection and low libido become prevalent as men age. Age makes hormones dive south, dampening your sex life and romantic connections you may have with your sexual partner. However, this does not mean you will have a boring sex life. It is possible to maintain a healthy sex life regardless of age by focusing on healthy habits like keeping fit. Maintaining an erection may become a problem during old age or in your youthful life. You may have Erectile Dysfunction. This article defines Erectile Dysfunction, its causes, the factors, and how to maintain your sexual health after 65.

How To Get An Erection Past 65

Erectile dysfunction issues are common in aged men. The more you age, the more you experience erection issues. Erectile issues are treatable medically, personally, and physiologically. Men can go on a self-care to ascertain the cause of their erectile issues, but this method is only applicable to people experiencing minor erection dysfunction. According to Shamloul et al. (2013), a lifestyle change may be a good start; practice eating whole foods that serve your erection disorder. Try booking appointments with a gym instructor to boost your physical health. Also, make sure that you do all these in moderation. Part of the lifestyle change is cutting back on liquor and cigarettes. Booze and tobacco play a huge role in the quality of an erection. However, it is important to note that not everyone who indulges has issues with erections. The problem comes in when you overindulge; maintaining erections will be an unachievable fairy tale.

Second, practicing mindfulness in all you do is important in maintaining healthy penile activity. Doing yoga will help you to be more in tune with your senses. Block any form of stress that you feel may impact your erections. Before engaging in sex, it is advisable to free your mind and body from any negative emotions by filtering out any distractions you may be experiencing. It is paramount to talk to your partner about what you are going through. Have an honest conversation about how your erections are deteriorating and what you plan to do to get back in shape. Failing to communicate may escalate the issue to a disagreement, leaving you with fractured self-esteem. Engaging your partner will allow you to brainstorm the possible solutions to your erection issue. Instead of jumping straight to sex, you can practice activities that build arousal. Incorporate cock rings and cock sleeves or other sex toys that help with erection issues. Sex does not have to be based on penetration. Explore different ways of having in the bedroom on those days when the penis misbehaves.

If the self-help method does not work, it is advisable to seek medical help. There are a ton of pills available on the market that may boost your erectile function. A good example is a sildenafil, commonly known as Viagra. However, before purchasing any pills, it is best to talk to a health practitioner who will walk you through the best pills that do not have adverse side effects. Some drugs are administered through injection. It may be a preferred mode of getting erections for some people. Still, it carries a great risk of priapism, an instantaneous erection immediately after the pill is injected into the body.

Defining Erectile Dysfunction

According to Lue et al. (2000), Erectile Dysfunction or erectile disorder is the inability to get or maintain an erection after arousal. ED is a  reproductive problem affecting men suffering from stress, health issues, and bad lifestyle habits like frequent drug abuse. Erectile Dysfunction is treatable. However, some men prefer to suffer silence due to the fear of judgment by the world, which may result in self-confidence issues and relationship issues. Erection issues vary in men. Some may have the ability to maintain an erection that won't last, while others may experience a complete inability to erect. 

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?

ED is caused by a ton of reasons. According to Rew et al. (2016), the causes of ED can be psychological, biological, or issues in the relationship (emotional stress). However, erectile Dysfunction can occur at a young age, and when it does, the causes may be psychological. For example, stress or performance anxiety, or relationship conflict. Older people, especially past 65, have their erections affected due to physical factors. Men who suffer from chronic conditions like cardiovascular activity or blood flow issues caused by diabetes or heart disease are more pre-disposed to Erectile Dysfunction. ED can also be caused by obesity, prostate issues, hormonal imbalance, e.g., low testosterone, and long-term drug use.

How To Identify The Cause Of ED

The most crucial step in tackling ED is determining the cause. Book an appointment with a urologist to determine the right medication for whatever you are suffering from. Seeing a urologist is vital in resolving your ED issues and preventing complications like heart disease. You can also conduct a self-test to see if your erectile issues are psychological or physical. Men get approximately 4-5 erections at night that last till the morning. A physical indication of ED is a lack of erections at night. You may get erections when you masturbate but may lose them during sex if you experience night-time erections. It is an indication of a physiological cause.

The Bottom Line

Erectile issues are common among men, but they worsen with age and are more prevalent in men under the 65+ age bracket. However, this does not mean that it is the end of the road for your sexual fantasies. There are solutions to try, medical and personal. Talk to a urologist if you have Erectile Dysfunction. It is possible to reverse the effects through the remedies outlined in the article. 


Derogatis, L. R., & Burnett, A. L. (2008). The Epidemiology Of Sexual Dysfunctions. The Journal Of Sexual Medicine5(2), 289-300. 

Lue, T. F. (2000). Erectile Dysfunction. New England Journal Of Medicine342(24), 1802-1813.

Rew, K. T., & Heidelbaugh, J. J. (2016). Erectile Dysfunction. American Family Physician94(10), 820-827.

Shamloul, R., & Ghanem, H. (2013). Erectile Dysfunction. The Lancet381(9861), 153-165.