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How To Give Your Girl A Hard Climax TONIGHT During Intercourse – 5 Tips All Men Need To Know!

How To Give Your Girl A Hard Climax TONIGHT During Intercourse – 5 Tips All Men Need To Know!

How To Give Your Girl A Hard Climax TONIGHT During Intercourse – 5 Tips All Men Need To Know!

By Elena Ognivtseva

Do you want to learn how to give your girl a hard climax?

A lot of men make the same mistakes when they don’t take charge or communicate during sex. Instead men become takers where they either get off with a jackhammer motion or they force the woman to do all the work during foreplay and intercourse.

If you want to give your girl a hard climax tonight, then you want to become more of a giver. And by a giver I do not mean that you just make your intercourse rougher or harder. I mean that you take charge and make it last in the way that she wants to make it last.

Here are some tips to improving your sex life.

To begin with, you want to add an element of sensuality to sex. Many men treat sex as a series of angles that they insert their dick into her holes. Instead think of her body as a landscape that you want to explore.

I recommend adding elements of foreplay to your intercourse such as kissing or putting your hands all over her body. This adds layers to her experience. I especially recommend doing this during sex so that you can offer her variety.

Another layer is to do this affectionate type of touching while also doing dirty talk. It has an oddly enticing effect on many women because it builds anticipation in her mind of you taking charge.

Secondly, take charge instead of asking for permission. Women will generally indicate if they are uncomfortable with something. So make a move and ask only if she indicates resistance. This show confidence and dominance that turns many women on.

While communication is very important, you want to be vocal about what you want. Many men are often surprise to see that women often have way fewer issues about sex than they do. As the expression goes, its better to ask forgiveness than permission.

If you go for what you want, you will find that you will get it more. That said, be comfortable being vocal during sex. Many men are afraid not just of trying different moves, but of making any noise.

Women do not want to have intercourse with a ninja. Let them know you appreciate it.

Follow these tips and you will find your woman will have a hard climax more often.