People view marathon sex sessions as the most erotic technique in the sexual world. It could be due to what they watch on porn sites and movies. While quickies and shower sex require a few minutes, slowing things may be better. A man can learn to delay ejaculation if he wants to last longer in bed, whether for a new kinky sex expedition or a romantic one. This also helps to satisfy your woman. Sex experts note that lasting longer during sex differs from one individual because people have different opinions about sex, pleasure, and time. Below are tips on how to last longer during sex.
How to Last Longer In Bed
Understand Your Body
Perhaps you want sex for several hours but don't have the best trick for doing it. Hogarth & Ingham (2009) stated that masturbation is the best sexual activity to know what your body wants. Masturbation is the sure way to learn your body more. It helps you realize your pleasure zones, likes, and preferences in sex, and you'll enjoy connecting with your body better. It raises your sexual gratification, improves sex with a partner, similar to how it boosts self-confidence, and heightens your arousal reaction. Understanding how to pleasure yourself for sex through regular masturbation helps discover what to demand from your partner without anxiety.
It's Not Always About Penetration
Penetration is not the final destination of sex. It should not simply suggest getting something in another person's body. For example, a sex therapist, Jenni Skyler, calls sexual encounters Cheesecake of pleasure. It’s used to help patients mix up their bedroom regime. You can begin with a graham cracker crust bite, blueberry compote, and then cheese filling. You can go back to graham cracker crust.
Focus More on Foreplay
The difference between an average man's response cycle and a woman is that the former's arousal patterns can fall, rise, or plateau before an orgasm. Sex professionals advise people to take advantage of such variations to achieve pleasure. According to Graham (2004), a woman can lay around their partner's arousal by raising it to level seven or eight out of ten, then concentrating on less erotic areas to lower the arousal to four or five. Imagine this stimulation type as one thing without the penetration act. It's a more realistic type that can take you up to a full night.
Delayed Orgasm
Perelman (2006) noted that delayed orgasm is among the best methods of lasting longer in bed. It involves continued stimulation to release only to grab your manhood and repress your orgasm. The male partner can hold his shaft for a few seconds and squeeze. The pressure exerted on the urethra and blood flow constriction help take back a man's orgasm. The practice is similar to edging, which entails stopping an ejaculation before climaxing. It comes with various advantages, including getting more intensifying orgasms and extending your sex session. The pro strategy is in the build-up of nearing the endpoint but letting it go, which spices up your orgasms and sex. It doesn't have to be practiced once but several times during your sex session.
Think About The Journey Rather Than The Outcome
You may all agree that an orgasm is superb in a sex session. However, wonderful sex relies more on the things performed to achieve orgasm. People with pressure anxiety can release theirs and that of their partners, especially if they think sexual adventure is pleasure-based and not orgasms based. That's why they need control over nervousness to get more control during sex moments. This way, it's easier to take longer.
Use Different Sex Positions
Avoid using the same sex position, supposing you begin with penetration. Try to explore varied sex styles to get continual sensitization. This brings more arousal and reaches the crescendo. It'll be advantageous if your male partner takes shorter to achieve an orgasm than you. He'll continue pumping the breaks as you enjoy the slow build-up. Changing sex positions alone may not encourage long-lasting sex but taking styles that entail low-impact sex can make a significant difference. For instance, the doggy style is a high-spectrum sex position that causes premature ejaculation and a faster climax for someone with a penis. Eliminate such sex styles from your equation for a lasting sexual encounter.
Treat Your Body Well
The treatment you give your body can offer a big difference in the sheets. For instance, exercising enhances the blood circulation needed for sexual vibes. Both partners should do it to feel better and gain more endorphins released for happiness. According to Kalmijn et al. (2002), reducing or quitting alcohol consumption and smoking also increases your sexual stamina. Men need a healthy vascular system for better and stronger erections that prolong during sex. Smoking and drinking are limitations as they slow down both partners. Alcohol can cause depression and affect your sexual desire.
Prioritize Sex
While we may have busy schedules, it's best to create time for sex. Have a sexcapade or prioritize sex if you want to prolong in bed. Maybe planning for a sex night doesn't sound sexy, but it can reframe the building up to the event, making it worth and more fun. Scheduling it ahead of time for you and your significant other to enjoy a great and blissful evening will set your mind up for it. It may help eliminate exhaustion. You may find yourself turned on an entire day and still looking forward to something more related. Lack of planning and prioritizing sex may fail after a long working day.
The Bottom Line
Finishing quickly in bed worries a man, but be sure you're not alone. Research shows that some men have problems associated with premature ejaculation. More research is needed to find out the source, but most scientists think it's biological and psychological factors. But there are numerous strategies to help last longer during sex. Ensure you shower before going to bed or engaging in sexual activities. Grooming helps to keep your woman in the sex mood. Couples should explore other sex positions to avoid boredom during sex intercourse.
Graham, C. A., Sanders, S. A., Milhausen, R. R., & Mcbride, K. R. (2004). Turning On And Turning Off: A Focus Group Study Of The Factors That Affect Women's Sexual Arousal. Archives Of Sexual Behavior, 33(6), 527-538.
Hogarth, H., & Ingham, R. (2009). Masturbation Among Young Women And Associations With Sexual Health: An Exploratory Study. Journal Of Sex Research, 46(6), 558-567.
Kalmijn, S., Van Boxtel, M. P., Verschuren, M. W., Jolles, J., & Launer, L. J. (2002). Cigarette Smoking And Alcohol Consumption In Relation To Cognitive Performance In Middle Age. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 156(10), 936-944.
Perelman, M. A. (2006). Psychology: A New Combination Treatment For Premature Ejaculation: A Sex Therapist’s Perspective. The Journal Of Sexual Medicine, 3(6), 1004-1012.