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How To Record Your Own Erotic Video

How To Record Your Own Erotic Video

How To Record Your Own Erotic Video

By Ekaterina Mironova

If you're lucky enough to have a partner who enjoys watching porn with you, why not suggest the two of you make an erotic video together? I know it seems like a huge step from your secret night time tumbles in the dark to a brightly lit room and a camera sitting on a tripod, but it's actually a really simple process. Here's how to do it.

First of all you need to discuss the idea with your significant other to see if he or she is up for it. If one partner is unsure then reassure them that there's no pressure to do anything intense of camera and that the results can always be deleted! If they say no initially then don't give up hope. It's amazing what thinking it through and having a couple of glasses of wine can do to turn someone on to an idea! You also need to make sure that your other half knows that you won't show the video to any of your friends.

Now you need to make sure that you have the correct equipment to hand - so a camera, a tripod and decent lighting. Unless you are a professional camera man/woman it's unlikely that you will have professional equipment, so just make sure that you have some lamps for mood lighting. Also, check the battery life on your camera.

Try to get the camera into an angle which shows both of you in your best light, and don't be afraid to grab the camera off the tripod for some close up shots. Perhaps have a 'dry run' to see if the angles are right before you start for real.

Try to make each other comfortable. It can be nerve wracking even if you know the video is only going to be seen by the two of you. Dressing up and having a few cheeky drinks are both great ways of upping the self-confidence a bit!

Remember to have fun! I know it sounds obvious, but don't take this too seriously. If you make a mistake or totally forget that the camera is there then great, the resulting footage will look more authentic.

If you're not quite in the position to request that your partner star in a porno with you then read my previous post; How to Ease your Partner into Porn. It's important to remember that not all women (or men!) are into porn, so don't push the issue. If you attempt the techniques in my previous post and you don't get positive results, then drop it. The more you try to force it the more likely you are to start a huge argument and get accused of being a perv. If it's a no go then move onto something else. There's more to life than porn after all!