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A threesome is an awesome sexual activity people engage in. You can have it with two friends to make it fun. This article highlights the things to note when having a threesome, like searching for the right person, hiring a professional, and evaluating their bodies.

Having a threesome with your friends could be fun and kinky but might be quite awkward when your partner is involved. You may want to have a threesome with a friend and fail to bring it out. This is thse moment for you to learn how easy it is. Here are some ideas for bringing up the subject without hurting the other party's feelings, causing awkward moments, or ruining relationships.

Do You Want To Have A Threesome?

It is most important to know where your urge is coming from. Go past the oblivious reasons a saying It is you fantasize. Know how you feel when you get these wild thoughts. The following questions might help;

  • What exactly are you expecting to encounter?
  • Is it the power you want to be submissive?
  • Or do you want to know how it feels to break the normalcy?
  • Or are you attracted to your friend?

Search For the Right Person

There are various options for finding a third if you're in a position to inquire about it and decide to proceed. The fun of all kinds of sex is getting the right person; with the right person, one is more comfortable and secure. The process will be more thrilling with the right person, for it is not a forced one. Find someone with whom you have a strong rapport. Maybe you have a friend with whom you can discuss sex. Flirt and introduce the topic in a non-direct manner. For instance, you may talk about porn or sex scenes you watched on tv and then observe how they react. While you've gauged them and everything appears to be in order, you may begin to push things forward. It all comes down to communication, as it does with anything. It's fine to feel uncomfortable. It's fine if it's amusing. Sex is amusing. Before, during, and after use comedy.

Deal With Your Expectations

Someone might decide to try it as a one-time experiment. They may wish to repeat it every several months. They could give it a shot and then realize it isn't for them. They could want to date both of you casually. Everyone should maintain an open line of communication and keep things light.

Hire a Professional

Hiring a professional helps to avoid the possible unpleasantness of asking a friend or the catastrophe of bringing it up to a stranger. While some people may feel uncomfortable with a sex worker, it eliminates many of the greater what-ifs. It might also be beneficial to have someone else in charge.

Use It as an Excuse to Spice Up Your Sex Life.

Whether either of you wants to pursue the thought of a threesome or the idea of a third remains a fun hypothetical, bringing it up may be a great way to get your sex life started. Karaian (2022) noted that although the answer might be negative, threesomes are a fairly popular and accessible dream that can lead to wider discussions about your other fetishes or wants. While you're with the person for a  long term, those are the kinds of talks you would like to have. It is not difficult to get started. Tequila might be beneficial.

Discuss Boundaries and Expectations

Setting limits in all relationships, especially sexual connections, is critical. These aren't the most thrilling or stimulating talks, but they're necessary for your friendship to last. Participants must consider everything they are or are not satisfied with and then compare notes. One restriction may be that everyone is checked for STIs beforehand. Another possibility is that there is no kissing involved. Everyone must follow the rules, regardless of the boundaries or expectations.


Dennermalm et al. (2022) noted that communication includes discussing safer sex and your bodies before sexual participation and checking in to ensure the encounter is going well—consistent communication before and throughout the threesome guarantees that permission is gained and maintained. After the threesome, some may require further attention. It's a good idea to ask inquiries like How are you doing? Does this make you happy? Is it okay if I continue? "Ascertain that everyone has given their approval and believes they have control. If someone feels compelled, relationships are likely to dissolve. Restricting alcohol use is also important in terms of the agreement.

Consider Even the Worst Outcome after the Threesome.

According to Marshall (2022), dishonest communication, hidden emotions of vulnerability, and partner pressure are some potential relationship troubles that might emerge after a threesome. Some report feeling more connected, fun, and intimate afterward. Threesomes can be intimidating and awkward. Friends are mostly encouraged to avoid threesome unless they are ready to risk their friendship. Do not try it with a friend you would not like to lose.

Evaluate Their Body Language

When telling a friend about the trio, pay attention to how they respond immediately. Paying attention to both nonverbal and spoken cues is essential for great sex. You'll detect if they stiffen up, squirm, or become enthusiastic, indicating how they feel about the possibility despite how they will respond verbally.

Make Special Considerations

Watch out for couples' privilege. Most 'unicorns' do not wish to be used as props in a couple's dream. Scoat & Anderson (2019) noted that you should Participate in talks with all parties involved and consider their wants and feelings when having a threesome. Decide what you want to do before or after. Will you spend time together afterward? Or would it be straight to the sex, and everyone leaves immediately?


Be cautious. Bringing someone else into the bedroom always comes with its hazards. Although you won't be able to eliminate them, you can consider the possible benefits and drawbacks to see if it's a good idea. Start small and work your way up if you're interested in trying a threesome with a pal. Evaluate the body language of partners you are having a threesome with. Consider hiring a professional partner to avoid issues after sex. Avoid having a threesome with a close friend if you don't want to break up with them. Let your partners understand what you desire during a threesome. Having a threesome is amazing but can be catastrophic if matters arising are not addressed.


Dennermalm, N., Persson, K. I., Thomsen, S., Forsberg, B. C., & Alvesson, H. M. (2022). Conceptualizing Safer Sex In A New Era: Risk Perception And Decision-Making Process Among Highly Sexually Active Men Who Have Sex With Men. PLOS Global Public Health, 2(5), E0000159.

Karaian, L. (2022). Plastic Fantastic: Sex Robots And Sexual Fantasy. Sexualities, 13634607221106667.

Marshall, J. (2022). Clash: Presidents And The Press In Times Of Crisis. U Of Nebraska Press.

Scoats, R., & Anderson, E. (2019). 'My Partner Was All Over Her': Jealousy, Communication, And Rules In Mixed-Sex Threesomes. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 21(2), 134-146.