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What Is a Male G Spot - How to Find His G-Spot

What Is a Male G Spot - How to Find His G-Spot

What Is a Male G Spot - How to Find His G-Spot

By Tatyana Dyachenko

Is there a male G-spot or is it just another urban myth? Couples who practiced tantric sex knew about the female G spot over a thousand years ago but it wasn’t until the 1940’s that Dr. Grafenberg made the discovery of the female G spot an official medical fact. His discovery of the female G-spot went down in history as the famous Grafenberg spot, shortened to the G spot. I’m sure his mother was proud.

Still the elusive male G spot remained shrouded in myth and disbelief. Was it real or just another elusive legend like Big Foot and Elvis working at 7-11? Of course like all good myths, this one was talked about- a lot- and the truth that was out there, shrouded in secrecy of back room bars and darkened bedrooms, was finally discovered and made public knowledge. So now we can proudly state that- yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus and yes Mrs. Claus, there is a G-spot and it is the male prostate gland.

The male prostate gland which is located through the rear entrance of the male anatomy approximately two to three inches in and below the bladder is the size of a pea in its normal state but when a male is aroused, this useful little organ becomes the size of a firm walnut. So how does this little walnut sized organ tucked away in no man’s land become the thing that legends are made of? Its only function seems to be to store and secrete male semen which is essential for ejaculation. Yet the gentle come hither stroking of a sexual partner’s well lubricated finger results in the legendary, eye rolling, intense orgasm, worth the trip to no man’s land to experience. At least that is what legend holds to be true.

This prostate massaging method is also called prostate milking and for a short time in the 1990’s some doctors believed it would be a useful medical procedure to clear up infections of the prostate gland in conjunction with antibiotics. Studies however failed to back up theory and the practice of milking the prostate was discontinued by doctors, who felt it could cause life threatening hemorrhaging among other medical issues and held no proven medical benefits that would make it worth the risk to continue to perform.

Couples however are free to continue prostate milking with good hygiene that includes clean fingers, well trimmed nails to avoid snags and plenty of lubricant to make the experience something Dr. Grafenberg, the founding father of the G-spot, would be proud to have his name attached to.